Chapter 64: Miracles

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Fred's POV:
I felt a hand squeeze around mine.

My heart beat fast within my chest, relief rushed through my veins and a smile formed on my face as I slightly squeezed Y/n's blood crusted hand.

Another small squeeze. And a long squeeze.

"Y/n, my love." I whispered sweetly, kissing the back of her hand.

There was silence for a few hours, but there was still a strong and constant pulse. A few had thought that she wouldn't make it, looking at the severity of her injuries and the amount of blood she had lost, but I had hope, Y/n is a strong woman and I know she would get though it. Although it was like waiting for a miracle. The night was long and scary, the rickety house and the silence didn't help much. I couldn't sleep, if I did I would wake up scared that something had happened to Y/n. Lee was able to fall asleep holding George's hand, it was pretty cute. But my night was spent watching the clock tick around and around, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am. It was approaching 6am when another sign of Y/n waking up showed once again.

A small groan filled my ears, the groan sounded like a painful once, fuelled with hurt but also tiredness. This was followed by a louder groan, sounding more painful. But with every groan, a squeeze followed.

Y/n opened her beautiful y/e/c eyes and looked at me with a small smile, I matched the smile and gently kissed her cheek before rubbing my thumb along her cheek.

"Hey Freddie." Y/n said, sounding casual but I know she was hiding the pain.

"My love, you had me so worried." I whispered to her, careful to not wake up George and Lee who had fallen asleep with their hands nearly touching.

"I'm sorry love, was we the last back?" She asked with slight guilt in her voice.

"You were, everyone was really anxious when you didn't come back on time." I said sympathetically with a small smile.

"Oh my Merlin! What happened to George?!" She said slightly louder as she stared at my brother, who was still wearing his bloodied clothes and a scarlet bandage which was formerly white.

"His ear got cut off by death eater's, it was Snape." I replied, trying to hide the anger in my voice.

"Snape! I thought he was in the order?!" She said angrily. "He's a traitor."

"I know, but George will be okay." I said with a sigh. "What happened to you and Lee?"

"Obviously we were attacked by death eaters, someone shot Lee the killing curse and he fell into the clouds. As I was trying to find him, someone gave me a gash down my leg, anyway I managed to lose most of them and found Lee. We arrived at our safe house and we were 30 minutes late to the portkey, Lee apparated us and I passed out." She spilled quickly, a tear forming in her eye.

"At least your both safe, does your leg hurt now?" I asked worried as I gazed at the long bandage down her leg, scarlet starting to show the through the white.

"It hurts so bad Freddie." Y/n cried as some tears slipped down her cheeks, I brushed my hand across her face to wipe her tear's away.

"I have a couple of potions for you." I said as I reached to the painkiller and blood-replenishing potions and held one in each hand.

"What potions are they?" She asked weakly, staring at the potions in my hands.

"Ones a painkiller potion, the other is a blood-replenishing potion." I replied, handing her the blood-replenishing potion first.

Y/n drunk the potion like a shot, quickly swallowing it before she could taste anything, knowing it didn't taste too nice. Her face screwed up and her tongue fell out of her mouth in distaste.

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