Chapter 69: A Surprisingly Calm Christmas

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Y/n's POV:

The months soon rolled by and Christmas Eve approached faster than anyone wanted. Harry, Ron and Hermione haven't been heard from since they saved me from the ministry back in August. I've been growing increasingly nervous about them because no one knows where they are, especially in the cold weather.

"Their okay love." Fred whispered to me early on Christmas Eve morning, his arms wrapped around my waist peacefully resting on my bump. Feeling bean and pea kick.

"I can't believe their due next month." I sighed as the twins both done a strong kick, winded me out but a smile was wide across my face.

"I wonder what gender they will be." Fred said to me in his morning raspy voice.

"I don't mind, as long as they are both healthy." I smiled down at my large bump, rubbing it softly. "Although I'm convinced they'll have red hair like their daddy."

"Then they'll be proper Weasley's." Fred cockily remarked which me to sigh and roll my eyes at my boyfriend.

"Who said they'll be Weasley's, I could name them both Y/l/n." I replied with the same cocky tone.

"You wouldn't do that, especially when you'll be a Weasley at some point."

"What makes you think that I'd want to marry you." I quipped jokingly at him, as we now slowly climbed out of bed.

"Because I'm amazing."

"Don't flatter yourself Freddie." I smirked, slowly waddling into the bathroom to get myself ready for the day.

Doing the basic things like showering and brushing my teeth are becoming more of a struggle as I can't stand longer than three minutes without having to sit down because my bump is too big to carry two babies who like to squirm and move around.

But I managed to get myself dressed in maternity leggings and a jumper that should have been a jumper dress, but perfectly fit me as a regular jumper.

"You look beautiful my love." Fred smiled as he saw me walk out from the bathroom. He was wearing jeans and a casual jumper, placing the rest of our things into a bag as we were staying at the Burrow for Christmas this year.

"You don't look too bad either." I smiled back as I waddled over to my boyfriend, attempting to kiss his cheek but a bump sort of got in my way.

"Let me do it love, the babies are probably in the way." Fred smiled, leaning down to kiss my forehead before grabbing the bag and taking my hand in his.

We left our room and Fred had to wait whilst I slowly waddled down the corridor towards the living room which took longer than I expected.

"Morning George, Morning Lee." I said to the couple who were already cooking breakfast tomorrow. The room seemed to be more magical than usual, the Christmas tree and Christmas lights twinkled throughout the room. Presents piled high up the tree although nearly all of them were for the babies as all our presents were already at the Burrow.

"Morning Y/n and Fred." Lee replied, flipping a pancake which was cooking in the pan, leaving a wafting smell of cooked pancake around the flat.

"Morning you two lovebirds." George added, looking over at me and Fred. We were holding hands and Fred was planting light kisses on my hand.

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