Chapter 56: A Test.

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Y/n's POV:
The weeks were turning into months, I only left the flat to go to auror training lessons and Lee only left to go to St.Mungo's. Fred and George are now mainly running their shop through mail-in orders as families are scared to go to diagon ally. Death Eaters had once again attacked the once bright and busy ally. It is now deserted and abandoned, the only source of light was now from the bright oranges of the shop.

Things are getting dark.

Over the weeks I've grown increasingly worried about everyone, to the point where I force the twins to make me produce my patronus as soon as enter the shop. I haven't seen the rest of the Weasley's since Christmas and haven't spoken to anyone at Hogwarts for a while. And the worst part of all, I haven't spoken to my parents since Voldemort returned, scared that my mail would be intercepted and something happened to them.

I woke up that morning with a nervous feeling in my stomach, it was now the start of June and Hogwarts students will return home soon. But today me and the boys were going to the Burrow, to catch up with Molly and get some time away from the apartment. Fred was still asleep next to me, his arms firmly around my waist and his head resting on my neck. Light snores was escaping his lips, which were slightly parted. His bright red hair illuminated the room and his freckles perfected his already perfect face.

"You know it's rude to stare love." Fred's raspy morning voice said.

"I know, but how can I not stare at your face." I replied.

"I will accept that love." Fred said, still raspy.

"Good. Now come on, Molly will be waiting for us." I whispered, I crawled out of bed and stood up. But suddenly a sickening feeling came to my stomach, a feeling as though I was about to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and bent down next to the toilet.

I started to throw up, hair was falling on my face but I felt a hand push my hair back and hold it in place. After a round of throwing up, I turned around to see Fred with a worried expression on his face.

"Lovey are you okay?!" He asked, worry clearly present in his voice.

"I don't know I-" I said but got cut off my another round of throwing up. I don't know what's wrong with me, I hardly throw up and here I am doubled over the toilet with Fred holding my hair back. "It's weird."

Fred gulped. "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" He asked. We both wanted children, but not in the middle of a war.

"I don't know I-" I started but stopped when I realised, "I haven't had my period in a couple of weeks."

"Oh Merlin" Fred said under his breath. "Do we have any tests here?"

"Actually I think I do." I said opening a cabinet to grab a box of pregnancy tests. "I got a box when we first moved in because it was half price."

"Okay. Do you want me there?" Fred asked, getting slightly excited.

"If you want to stay. I don't mind." I said.

I stood up and sat on the toilet. Fred stood just outside the bathroom whilst I peed on the stick. Nerves and excitement filled me, it was a childhood dream to become a mother, but I was nervous to have a baby in the middle of the war.

"You can come in Freddie." I said. Fred walked in with a smile on his face.

"How long have you got to wait." Fred asked with both nerves and excitement in his voice.

"Three minutes." I said. "We might as well brush our teeth whilst we wait."

And that's what we did. Me and Fred cleaned our teeth together whilst we wait for the result of the pregnancy test. We were both nervous but excited at the idea of having a baby. Three minutes have passed and now it's finally time to look.

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