Chapter 23: Back To The Burrow

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Y/n's POV:
It's been a week since the third task, the fact that Cedric is gone still hasn't fully passed through me. Luckily Fred, George and Lee have been really supportive about it. Tomorrow we leave Hogwarts for summer holidays.

Like every year, I get invited to the Burrow, I look forward to spend time with my second family. Even though I can't be with Fred, I usually share a room with Ginny and Hermione when she comes.

After a long day of classes I finally get to my dorm and start packing my things. I toss all my clothes out of my drawers and wardrobe and leave them in a heap on the floor. I use my wand to fold all my clothes and put them in my trunk, I made sure they were folded nicely.

I then collected all my valuables like my makeup, hair products, jewellery and random other things and leave them neatly on my bed. Me and Hermione always chat whilst we pack.

"What are you doing this summer" I asked. She normally comes to the burrow at the end of summer.

"I'm going to France with my family" she said "how about you"

"You know. The usual, going to the burrow" I replied as I packed my makeup and hairbrush.

"That sounds lovely" she said.

We continued packing when I realised I left some of my things in Fred's dorm. I needed to collect them before I seal my trunk.

"I'll be right back Hermione. I need to get my things from Fred's dorm" I said.

Hermione nodded and I walked out the door and the short walk back to the boys dorm. I knocked on their door, a few seconds later my boyfriend Fred Weasley opened the door.

"Well what can I help you with lovey" he asked as he pulled me into the room.

Fred, George and Lee are also packing. To my surprise. The last couple of years I had to help them right before we needed to leave.

"I need to get my things from in here" I said

"Ahh yes. Here you go" Fred turned around to collect a pile of clothes, a spare toothbrush I got in Hogsmeade for here, and my jumpers all neatly stacked on top of each other.

"Well thank you Freddie. I should finish packing"

"Can you help us" begged Lee.

"I've nearly finished my packing. Once I'm done I'll come back and help you" all the boys nodded and I made my way back to my dorm.

I placed all the things in my trunk before checking the room one last time to make sure I didn't forget anything. Once it was clear I closed my trunk and helped Hermione close hers.

I then made my way back to the boys dorms. I walk in to find the room the same mess as when I left 5 minutes ago.

"Finally. We need your help" George said.

"Right. All of you get your clothes in a pile on the floor. Doesn't have to be folded and place anything else on your bed. Do I make myself clear" I said to them. They all nodded and made their things into piles

Fred was done first so I used a smell that folded his clothes and put them in the trunk. He looked in awe as to how they were folding themselves.

"So did you do that?" Fred asked. The other two looking just as bewildered.

"Maybe some people should pay more attention in charms" I said as the clothes continued to pack themselves.

"Fred yours is done now. Place your valuable things by hand. Here's some bubble wrap" I put bubble wrap on his bed down done the same two spells for George's and Lee's things. About 25 minutes later the boys were finished. They closed their trunks and made our way to the great hall for dinner.

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