Chapter 18: The Question

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Y/n's POV:

It has been about two months since Christmas. It's about a week until the second task and I'm nervous for Harry and Cedric, although we only talk in potions now. But he's figured it out but is not telling me so it can be a surprise.

I'm getting ready classes today, I've hardly taken of my necklace that Fred got me. I can hide it under my uniform.

"I've got Defence against the dark arts" I said to Hermione whilst I brush my hair.

"I've got ancient runes" Hermione replied seeming fascinated by the subject.

Once I was ready I made my way down to the common room. Fred was there waiting for me with a large smile on his face. We've gotten much closer and I don't think I can hide my feelings anymore.

"Morning Freddie" I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Good morning darling" he replied "come on. Let's get breakfast, George and Lee are waiting for us there"

Fred and I interlocked hands as we walked down to the great hall. It was really peaceful this morning, I sat down and he sat next to me and placed a hand on my thigh. I placed some eggs and bacon on my plate and poured some pumpkin juice in Fred's and my cups.

"Do we have Defence against the dark arts first" George asked sleepily

"Yes we do" I replied just as sleepily.

Lee moaned a little before we all grabbed our bags and went to class.

Once we arrived, Mad eye Moody wasn't there yet so me and Fred turned around to talk to George and Lee behind us.

"What do you think the second task is" I asked

"Wouldn't you know. Didn't Diggory tell you?" Said Fred stiffly

"No, he hasn't told he. But he has figured out what the egg is" I said as I snuggled myself into the cook of Fred's neck.

"Maybe they duel" suggested Lee

"But they would want to make it more dangerous for them" George replied.

At that moment Alastor Moody walked in and stomped his wooden leg as he walked. Today we learnt about spells to breathe under water. The practiced some simple spells before the class was dismissed.

The rest of the day went by really slowly. I had potions followed by Herbology and charms. I went back into the common room and went to my dorm to do homework. I had a essay for potions and research for herbology. I finished potions before I had to go down to dinner.

I had some sausage and mash for dinner. Fred had spooned me some of his lasagna for me to try. Me and Fred had decided to share some cookie dough with ice cream for dessert. Fred has been acting nervous all day. I began to worry about it but he brushed me off.

I went back up to the common room after dinner to finish some homework. Hermione was up there too. She was doing care of magical creatures homework. I helped her find facts about blast- ended Screwts and she helped me about a plant in herbology.

"Y/n" Hermione said

"Yes" I replied as I turned around.

"Your owl is by the window with a letter" she said as she pointed to my owl.

I walked to the window and opened it. I took the letter out of my owls beak before stroking y/o/n and she flew off back to the owlery.

I walked back over to my desk and opened the letter. I instantly recognised the messy handwriting, it was from Fred. It read.

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