Chapter 74: Home Away From Home

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•Y/n's POV•

Before I knew it. My feet landed in front of the Burrow. We're safe. We're all safe.

"Is everyone okay?" Asked George as he scanned around us to check for any injuries.

"I'm okay, so is Oliver." I announced after checking to see if my son was okay.

"So am I and James." Fred added seconds after me.

"Merlins beard!" Lee said.

"What's wrong Lee?" George asked, rushing to his boyfriends side.

"I- I got splinched." He hastily said, showing us all his arm.

It seemed more like a gash than an loosing a chunk of Lees arm. It was bleeding a considerable amount and the colour of Lee's face began to fade slightly. George wrapped his hand around Lee and we began to walk to the Burrow.

"Molly!" I yelled. "We need your help!"

There was a loud thumping sound that came from the stairs. And stood before us was a short, plump and red haired woman with a face contorted with shock, fear and happiness.

"When- How- Why- What are you six doing here?" She asked through stammers.

"It's a long story Molly." I sighed.

"But Lee got splinched when apparating and we need help!" George screamed, fear rising urgently in his voice.

"Okay, quick lay on the sofa Lee. I'll get the essence of dittany."

George helped Lee to lay down onto the nearest sofa that he could find, his hand grips with Lee's and George's other hand ran though his boyfriends dreadlocks. Seconds later, Molly ran into the room and went straight for Lee's side.

"This is going to hurt okay sweet." Molly said

Lee nodded slightly and I sew him grip tighter on George's hand, turning white. Molly dropped the dittany onto Lee's arm which caused him to hiss.

"Can someone get me some bandages." Molly exclaimed. George shot me and Fred an urgent look.

"Pass me James, Freddie." I said, Fred carefully passed me the baby and he ran off to the kitchen to find the bandages. Both of them started to fuss a little in my arms so I had to bounce them slightly.

A minute later, Fred came running back into the room with a large white roll of bandages clung in his arms like it was about to fly away from him.

"Thank you Fred." Molly replied as she began to wrap the bandages around his arm making sure that it was tight but comfortable for Lee. She placed a safety pin in.

"Lee needs to rest for a few days, so you two." She said pointing at Lee and George. "You can have Fred and George's room. Y/n and Fred can have Bill's room and I'll move the spare cots in there for you both."

"Thank you Molly." I smiled widely at her.

"You are very welcome dear. Now, what happened to get this lovely surprise."

The four of us looked between each other with sorry looks, Fred nodded to show that he would to the talking. He sighed and looked his mother in the eye.

"We were celebrating George's and my birthday at home when we saw death eaters trying to break in. They were successful. Luckily we were able to gather a few essential things before we apparated. That's when Lee got splinched."

At this point, Molly was sobbing. She speedily came to hug all of us individually, holding us tightly as she hugged us.

"I'm glad your all okay, all five of you are welcome to stay for as long as you want." She sobbed to us.

"Thank you mum, we appreciate it." George smiled as he hugged his mother. Followed by Fred.

"I would hug you but I'm holding both babies." I smile to the woman warmly.

"Not to worry dear." Molly replied. "Take your things up to your room, I'll start on tea."

We all smiled at Molly and grabbed our small bags. Fred took Oliver out of my arms and we walked up to Bill's room, we dumped our bags on his large double bed and magically moved the spare cots to the side of the room for the babies. We unpacked the very small bags and put the few clothes away into his wardrobe.

"What do you think will happen now Freddie?" I asked him as he hugged me tightly.

"To be honest, I don't know love. There's a war happening and no one will know where it will lead us."

"But we'll always be together, right?"

"Of course we will my love."

"I love you Freddie."

"I love you more Y/n, don't forget it."

A smile appeared on my face as I squeezed slightly tighter around his waist. I feel safe with Fred. Like nothing will hurt me at all.

"Stay with me through this, okay?"


A/n: IM BACK! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, I haven't updated this story in a month! I am aware this is an absolutely terrible chapter but it's more of a filler chapter to help get ready for better ones! Have a great day :)


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