Chapter 17: Christmas

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Y/n's POV:
The next morning I felt a hand over my waist. Surely I was in my bed and I must be feeling things. I opened my eyes reluctantly. I had a amazing sleep. I saw that I wasn't in my dorm.

I was still in the common room, the fire roaring bright reds and oranges. The common room was empty still it was peaceful and quiet. I glanced at the clock and it was 6:45am. It also said December 25th. It's Christmas.

I heard a soft groan from behind me. I raised my head to see Fred Weasley still fast asleep. His arm wrapped around my waist and had me pulled in. I must have used his chest as a pillow. I tried to get up but Fred's grip was tight so I decided to wake him.

"Freddie, Merry Christmas" I whispered in his ear. He once again let out a soft but loader groan

"Merry Christmas Freddie" I said once more, I pushed his hair back and kissed his cheek.

"Five more minutes" Fred groaned

"Nope. Get up Fred. It's Christmas" I said louder.

"If I can't sleep then you can't leave" Fred smiled. His other hand wrapped around me, interlocking with his other hand before pulling me onto his chest. He tightened his grip around me and I couldn't leave.

"Merry Christmas y/n" said a sleepy Fred

"Merry Christmas Fred" I replied. He pushed his head up close to mine about to kiss.

"Good morning you two" Lee said. Fred immediately let go of me and I scrambled off of him. We both looked at him like nothing happened.

"What happened to you two" George asked

"Well it's obvious isn't it." I said sarcastically "me and Fred slept down here. Accidentally"

"Accidentally" hummed Lee before whispering something into George's ear.

"Anyways. Merry Christmas" I whisper yelled.

"Merry Christmas y/n" Lee and George said together.

"What are we doing today" Fred asked.

"Well how about we all go into your dorm to open presents, then we do whatever we want" I suggested

"Good idea y/n" they all said.

"But I'm staying in my pyjamas for now" I said. They all nodded and me and Fred got off the sofa.

We got up and went up the stairs towards the dormitories. I split off from the boys and went to my dorm.

I opened the door to see my dorm mate Hermione Granger brushing her hair and fully dressed.

"Merry Christmas Hermione" I said.

"Merry Christmas y/n" she replied "thank you for my books I love them"

"Your welcome. I'm going to the boys dorm to open presents together" I said. "What are you doing today"

"I'm spending the day with Harry and Ron" she replied "Where were you last night"

"Well I couldn't sleep so I went into the common room to look at the fire. Fred came down and we sat there for a while, then we both fell asleep" I said as my cheeks grew red.

"That's very cute. Anyway, have a great day y/n" she whispered before walking out the door.

I grabbed my pile of presents and the bag with my gifts for Fred, George and Lee and made my way out of my dorm and walked along to the boys dorm. I kicked the door as a knock because my hands were full.

Fred opened the door with a warm welcoming smile

"Can I take something for you" he asked when he saw me struggling. He grabbed my presents and placed them on his bed.

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