Chapter 10: The Triwizard Chamions

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Y/n's POV:
We finally sat down in defence against the dark arts. Me and Fred sat together with George and Lee behind us. Before Mad-eye Moody entered the room, I saw a note fly over my head and onto my desk.

I opened it up and it read:

To y/n.
I'm so sorry I hurt your arm this morning. I didn't mean to. It was only meant to wake you up. Your scream earlier really made me regret my decision more than I did earlier.
I hope your able to forgive me
From George

I turned around to see that George had sad looking eyes staring at his parchment, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. I turned back around and wrote to him back.

Dear Georgie
I know you didn't mean it to hurt me. But you don't realise how heavy you are. There could have been other ways to wake me up rather than jumping on it. But I know you didn't want me to be in a sling. That's why, I'll forgive you. Only if next time, you don't jump on me.

I folded the parchment in half before quickly turning around and throwing it on his desk. I saw he immediately grabbed the note and started reading. I saw his eyes light up with happiness.

"Thank you" he said happily

"Anytime" I replied.

I turned back around and saw Fred gave me a cute smile like he accepted what I wrote to George.

"How's your arm lovey" he asked

"It feels better in a sling but it is still quite sore" I replied. Fred's face smiled a little bit

Mad eye Moody trenched in, his wooden leg clunking as he walked.

"Miss y/l/n, Madame Pomfrey told me what happened to your arm" he started. I noticed everyone had started staring at my arm and I heard whispers among everyone. "Silence, if you need to take a break from your work, I will allow it this once." He shot a death stare at George then he glanced at me before turning around and starting the lesson.

The lesson was finally finished, I walked out and said goodbye to the twins and Lee. They had a free period and I had herbology with Cedric.

"Y/n" I heard him call

"Oh. Hey Cedric" I replied.

"How are you" he asked even though he probably knew the answer.

"Umm. Not bad. My arm is hurting. How about you"

"I'm nervous about the champion selection tonight. What happened to your arm" he asked curiously.

I completely forgot that the triwizard champions are chosen tonight. "You'll definitely become the Hogwarts champion. No doubt"

"Thank you" he said. "What happened to your arm?"

"Well. Don't tell anyone" I started "I slept in Fred, George's and Lee's room last night" I whispered.

"I won't tell anyone" he made a zipping motion with his fingers.

"Thank you. Well this morning, the boys were talking about me. That's when George jumped on me to wake me up. But he landed on my left arm with all his weight and bruised it severely" I said.

Cedric's mouth flew open

"Well. Are you okay now" he gulped.

"Sort of" I replied "I wonder what Snape will be like in potions later"

Me and Cedric laughed at that. We made our way down to herbology. Luckily we didn't do any practical work so I spent the lesson writing notes for the subject.

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