Chapter 53: Ministry Interview

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Y/n's POV:
"Lovey wake up." A voice said. He was shaking my body awake. "You have your interview today."

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head and sighed. I was excited for my interview but I hate waking up in the mornings. A sudden wave of cold hit me. I opened my eyes to reveal my boyfriend, Fred Weasley holding my blanket.

"I hate you." I muttered as I slowly sat up in bed.

"I love you too." Fred said smiling. "Your interview is in two hours. I thought I should wake you up."

"Thank you Freddie. I'm going to quickly get dressed then I'll do breakfast." I said as I climbed out of bed.

"I'll do breakfast. You get yourself ready for the interview." Fred replied

"Are you sure?" I asked confused because he never cooks. I always do it.

"Of course I am. Now get ready." Fred demanded as he turned on his heels and walked out of the door.

I stretched my arms up high before I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a tight, high ponytail but leaving a few bits out at the front of my head. Nerves were running though my body, I'm never normally too nervous but it's my dream job so I was feeling really anxious. I applied smart but not too heavy makeup along with a necklace that Fred got me and twiddling my promise ring around for the jewel to face the front. I changed into a smart blue dress along with black flats and a smart black bag. I made my way out of mine and Fred's bedroom and along the corridor to where the boys are.

"Breakfast!" Fred said as he pulled out his wand and hurried over to the kitchen.

"M-m-morning, Y/n" yawned George. "Sleep all right?"

"Yeah" I said. "Could have had a better sleep."

"I've b-b-been up all night." George said, with another shuddering yawn. "I've had to catch up with paperwork. Come and sit down"

He drew out a chair, knocking over the one beside it in the process.

"What do you want, lovey?" Fred called from the kitchen. "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

"Just — just toast, thanks, I don't want to have our kitchen burnt down" I replied with a smile.

Fred surprisingly didn't burn down the kitchen, but he placed a couple of pieces of toast and marmalade in front of me; I tried to eat, but it was like chewing carpet. The boys sat down. Fred sat other side and started fussing with his T-shirt, tucking in the label and smoothing out the creases across his shoulders.

"How are you feeling?" Lee asked me, I looked down at my half eaten toast. But I just shrugged.

"It'll all be over soon." Fred said bracingly. "In a few hours' time you'll be done"

I said nothing.

"The hearing's on dads floor, in Amelia Bones's office. She's Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and she's the one who'll be questioning you." Fred said.

"How do you know that?" I asked as I looked up.

"Dad told me. Because I'm going with you!" He said proudly.

"What! Why? You have work?" I questioned. "I don't want you to miss work for me."

"Actually we allowed Fred to have the day off to go with you." George said and Lee nodded. "We'll be fine without Fred and you for one day. We have Paige as well."

"Okay. Fine. Thank you Freddie." I said as I hugged him.

I ate the rest of my toast before I grabbed my bag and my wand before I bid goodbye to George and Lee. Me and Fred made our way outside of the shop and we apparated to a random telephone box in a small alleyway in muggle London.

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