Chapter 19: The Second Task

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Fred's POV:

I sat in the library for about a hour waiting for y/n to come back, but she never did. I packed away her things before packing mine. I decided that I would go for dinner as I thought she may have gone straight there.

I walked in to see George and Lee sitting in their usual seats but still no sign of y/n. I sat down and placed both mine and her bags on the seat next to mine, where she would normally sit.

"Have you seen y/n" I asked as worry started to fill me up inside.

"No, we thought she was with you" Lee replied.

"No. She left because McGonagall needed her. Along with Hermione and Ron, but I haven't seen them since" I said

I looked over to see Hermione and Ron weren't there too. But Harry was speaking to Neville and Seamus. I hardly ate anything at dinner. I was worried sick for her. I haven't seen her. What is something happened? What if I did something?

"Fred" yelled George

I shook myself out of my thoughts. The worry clearly visible on my face.

"Maybe she's in the common room doing homework, maybe Dumbledore had given them food." George states.

"You could be right" I said. I immediately stood up, grabbed our bags and ran out of the great hall. I sprinted up to Gryffindor tower. I ran in the common room to find it empty. Everyone was out for dinner.

"Y/n" I called out. "Lovey"

The common room remained silent. Not a trace of anyone being up here. I thought she could be in her dorm. I made my way up to hers and Hermione's dorm. I knocked on her door.


I opened the door to find the room completely empty, her pyjamas in a heap on her bed. I placed her bag and left to go to my dorm.

I changed into a jumper, it had a faint smell of y/n on it. A few tears left my eyes. My girlfriend is missing. And I couldn't do anything.

I hardly slept at all. It was 6:00am and I was the only one awake, I slid on my slippers and dressing down before silently sneaking out and making my way down to the common room.

I sat down by the fire just staring at the flames as they roar and crack peacefully. I heard a small noise coming from the girls dorms. I immediately looked up optimistic that it was y/n coming to comfort me.
Instead my sister Ginny came down she too looked pretty worried about something.

"Are you okay Gin" I asked

"Have you seen Hermione. She was supposed to help me with homework last night and she never came" she said as she sat down next to me.

"No, I haven't. Y/n is gone too" I said guiltily "I feel guilty, something may have happened to my girlfriend and I won't know" a few tears slipped down my cheek.

"It's not your fault Fred" she said as she wiped my tears. "It's not your fault at all."

"Have you checked their dorm?" I asked. It was my final idea.

"Yeah, I have checked. Their not there" she said sadly.

I pulled Ginny into a hug. We sat there for about a hour just staring into the fire together.

I eventually got myself up to get ready. I dressed warm because the second task was today and it would be cold. We'd be by the lake.

I grabbed a spare jumper of mine, just in case y/n is found. I made my way down to breakfast, again I hardly ate anything only barely managing half a slice of toast.

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