Chapter 49: Saying Goodbye

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Y/n's POV:
"I can't believe it's over Lee!" I exclaimed as I pulled my trunk from under Fred's old bed.

"Me neither, it's weird. We've been here seven years" Lee added.

"And now we're going to live together." I pointed out collecting my clothes from the wardrobe and drawers, leaving them as a pile on the bed.

"We're going to be proper adults!" Lee said.

"Well I will be, you and the twins still act as children at 18!" I laughed

"You can't say anything, your not even 18 yet!" Lee exclaimed.

"I may be the youngest, but I'm the most mature," I said as I fixed my posture and brought my hands together.

"Your not wrong there y/l/n." Lee said laughing

"Well thank you Jordan!" I giggled.

"Okay. Let's get packing, there's still a lot to do before we leave!"

"Your right there, we need to leave our mark!" I giggled as I recalled the plan me and Lee made last week.

I began to fold all my clothes, and some stolen jumpers that once were Fred's, and placed them neatly in my trunk. It didn't feel like we're leaving Hogwarts and never returning, it feels like we're packing our dorm at the end of the year knowing that I'd return that September. But that isn't happening anymore. The last of the clothes were in my trunk, I ran into the bathroom to collect my toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, girl essentials and skin care products. Carefully checking each drawer to ensure nothing was left behind or forgotten. I placed all that in my trunk, then carefully checking for no clothes left behind, and also checking Lee's for him. I began to gather all my personal belongings like jewellery, my camera and film, pictures or any memorabilia I have collected over my seven years at Hogwarts. I glanced upon one photo, it was a picture mad-eye Moody took of me, the twins, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Molly, Remus and Sirius. A single year rolled down my cheek, Sirius had died a few weeks ago and I didn't get to say goodbye. I was pulling a prank with Lee and arrived in the common room to find Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville gone. Turned out they went to the ministry because Harry saw a vision. It ended with Sirius behind killed by his own cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Another warm tear fluttered out of my eye, rolled slowly on my cheek before falling and hitting the hardwood floor.

I wiped the tear and placed the photo in my trunk, then adding everything else. I quickly checked my old dorm, before Fred and George left and I found nothing in there and walked back to Lee to help him close his trunk before closing mine.

"That's the last time I'm packing that trunk!" I sighed as I finally clicked the locks shut.

"I know right. I'm not going to miss it." Lee sighed in return as he done one last check of our room.

"Me neither." I said, now sitting on the floor of the dorm.

"Now come on. We don't have all day, literally!" Lee yelled as he grabbed my hand, pulled me up and ran us out of the door.

Me and Lee ran down the corridors, remembering our first prank we pulled on poor Filch, we planted dungbombs in his office and set them off as soon as he shut the door. He was fuming at us, chasing us down the corridor like he was young again.

"Come on y/n!" Fred called as he ran out of the office, took my hand and hid behind a pillar.

"What did you do?" I asked, looking between Fred, George and Lee.

"We may or may not've planted a few dungbombs in his office" Lee chuckled as he handed Fred the remote to set them off.

"He's coming!" George whispered.

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