Chapter 61: Another Scan

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Y/n's POV:
A couple of days passed since the battle, a gut wrenching feeling hasn't left my stomach. But today was another scan, I'm 12 weeks pregnant today and it was reassuring that both bean and pea are fine after the battle. Following the battle, Fred and George have become more protective over me and Lee.

The first of July hit and today was my second scan. My bump has slightly grew which I would always love to rub or have a protective hand over it.

Fred's arms were around my waist with his hands resting on my small bump protectively. One hand placed at the top and the other in the middle. I smile at the sight of his wild ginger hair, flying all over the place with his mouth slightly opened which allowed the light snores to fill the quiet room and his large hands protectively over my small baby bump. I could already tell that Fred will be a great dad when bean and pea make their appearance.

The clock struck 8:00am, Maria the midwitch would be at the Burrow at 10:30am and Molly would want us there at about 9:30, for catch up before Maria arrives. The sound of the alarm filled the room, over Fred's light snores. A deep and long groan escaped Fred's lips as he stretched his long arms and legs out before landing back on my bump.

"Good morning love." I said with a smile, staring into Fred's hazel eyes, still drowsy and barely open.

"Good morning lovey, why is the alarm set. It's a Sunday?" Fred groaned in his raspy morning voice.

"You seriously forgot?" I questioned jokingly with a wide smile as Fred's droopy eyes closed once again.

"What have I forgotten?" Fred hummed into my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

"I have another scan today. If you want to stay in bed you ca-" I tried to say.

I was cut off by Fred's eyes bursting open with a wide and happy smile. He launched himself out of the bed and ran to the wardrobe to get clothes out for me and him. He pulled me out some shorts and a oversized t-shirt during his fit of excitement and pulled out jeans and a polo for himself.

"Come on love! Get up!" Fred yelled happily.

"Well me, bean and pea are quite comfortable here." I said. Fred crouched down to my bump to talk to the babies.

"Good morning bean, good morning pea. Mummy says your comfortable laying in bed. But mummy and daddy have to see you today. So how about you get up and persuade mummy to get up too." Fred said to my stomach and placed his ear to my bump for a reply.

"So, what did bean and pea say?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"They said their not comfortable now, they want food because their hungry." Fred looked in my eyes with a smile.

"I think the twins want scrambled eggs. No, they definitely want scrambled eggs. And so do I." I replied to my boyfriend with a small smile.

"I'll make a deal with you." Fred said, smirking.

"And what may that be, Mr Weasley?" I replied, matching his smirk.

"Well Mrs Weasley, if you get out of bed and get ready then I'll make you, bean and pea scrambled eggs." Fred added.

"Number one, deal." I said. "Number two, I'm not a Weasley."

"Not yet." Fred smirked which caused a blush sneak onto my face.

"Smooth Weasley, very smooth." I quipped. "Would you even want to marry me?" I questioned, swinging my legs off the bed and pulling myself up off the bed.

"Of course I would. How about you." Fred asked, a tinge of hope filled his voice.

"May have thought about it once or twice." I said with a smirk. "Of course I would, I love you Fred Weasley." I added before kissing his cheek then going out to the bathroom, pretending to miss Fred's relieved and happy face. He's planning something and I don't know what.

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