Chapter 26: 12 Grimmauld Place

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Y/n's POV:
I woke up the next morning tightly wrapped in Fred's arms. This was the closest I've been to him since the start of the summer. I stared at his face for ages. He looked so cute when he slept. I couldn't help but notice he had a small smile on his sleeping face.

Soon after I heard loud banging from downstairs, I didn't know what it was from. I wanted to investigate but I was nearly attached to Fred. But he too heard the bang. His brown eyes opened and stared at me for a while. We laid there without talking just looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

Our lips then smashed together, we made it a deal that we wouldn't do it for too long. Fred's tongue slipped into my mouth. So I slipped mine in his. I let out a soft groan before Fred pulled away.

"Good morning beautiful" he whispered to me because George was miraculously still asleep.

"Good morning handsome" I said back. A smile grew across both our faces. "I guess George is a deep sleeper" I joked.

Fred gave a slight giggle before nodding his head in agreement. George has always been hard to wake up, even in first year. His first potions class with Snape landed him in detention because he over slept.

"What was that noise" I asked curiously.

"I don't know. Shall we go look" Fred asked. I nodded my head. We stood up from the bed. Fred pulled on a shirt and I put on my dressing robe. We both slid on our matching slippers before making our way downstairs.

The living room was full of trunks. My trunk was laying on the floor. I opened it up to see everything fully folded and packed. Fred and George's was the same. Along with Ron's and Ginny's. We wandered into the kitchen hand in hand, our promise rings clinking together occasionally.

Molly was in the kitchen frantically making breakfast. Ron and Ginny were already sitting at the table sleepily also having no clue what is going on.

"Good morning Molly" I said. The short red haired woman turned around to me and smiled warmly "why is our stuff in the living room?"

"I'll explain when everyone is awake and when we're eating breakfast." She smiled. Bill and Charlie came down. Bill piled his things in the living room whilst Charlie placed his things by the door. He had to leave today so we thought that was normal.

"Fred do you mind walking your twin" Molly asked "He's the only one still asleep"

"Okay mum" Fred said. "Save me a seat" he then whispered into my ear before trudging up the stairs to wake up his twin.

I sat down at the table, I left two spots empty. One for Fred and the other for George. The duo soon came down the stairs. Fred took a seat on my left and George dumped himself on the chair to my right.

Molly then began serving breakfast. She placed a omelette and toast in front of me. I ate happily and talked to Fred until the trunks were brought up again.

"Mum why is our things in the living room" Ginny asked.

"Ah well. We are spending the rest of the summer somewhere else and we're leaving today" Molly said.

"Where to" George asked lazily.

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place in London" Molly declared. Once we finished breakfast she ushered us upstairs to get ready. She left me some leggings and a top out on my bed. I took a quick shower before changing and brushing my hair.

We all met downstairs by the fireplace. Fred and George's clothes were matching tracksuits but Fred wore grey and George wore black.

"Alright Charlie first, he's apparating back to Romania today" Molly said.

We all said our goodbyes to Charlie. He stood outside with his suitcase in hand before a bang was heard and he disappeared. Bill was first to enter the fire. He was going to Grimmauld place for a while too. He took some floo powder before the green flames engulfed him.

Ron went next and followed by Ginny who was really nervous. I gave her a quick hug before she vanished. George then took a handful of floo powder. He too was vanished by a great green flame. Fred volunteered to go next. He took the power and stepped into the fireplace.

"I'll wait for you" he said before he was engulfed by the fire. I was the only student left. I hated travelling by floo powder.

"It's your turn dear" Molly said to me as she handed me a pot full of a black powder.

I took a handful of it and stepped into the fireplace. I was surrounded by a green flame.

"12 Grimmauld Place" I yelled as I threw the powder into the painless green flame. I felt a stroke of heat surround me, I then felt my body twist and pull itself whilst I was travelling from chimney to chimney. I felt a wave of sickness as I flew out to the fireplace and landed back down on the floor and my head banged against the table leg.

"Ouch" I muttered as I rubbed my head. I look around to see a dimly lit room. It contained a long table with lots of chairs. The kitchen was small and the fireplace had enough space for one person to come out off.

I looked up to see Fred looking down me we worried. I was still rubbing my head from where I hit the table leg.

"Are you okay lovey" he asked me worried as he hauled me up and sat me on a chair. I felt a wave of sickness overcome me and asked to lay down. I ended up laying on the table. When Molly came through the fireplace.

"Oh dear what happened" she asked concerned.

"She came out of the fireplace and smashed her head against the table" said Fred sounding just as concerned.

"Don't worry about me" I tried to say. My speech became slurred, my head pounding and everything going black and silent.

Fred's POV:
I waited anxiously for y/n to come out of the fireplace. It seemed like she was taking forever. That's when the fire turned green. She came flying out the fire laying on her back. I let out a sigh of relief for a second. That's when I heard a loud smashing noise. I looked over to see y/n had flew head first into the table. "Ouch" she muttered

I saw a cut in her head before her hand covered it. I looked over at her worried, her face was slightly green but had a sad little smile on her face.

"Are you okay lovey" I asked as I grabbed her other hand and hauled her up onto the closet chair. Her face went even more green than it was before.

"I need to lay down Freddie" she said. I helped her onto the table where she laid for a bit before mum came out of the fireplace.

"Oh dear what happened" she asked concerned.

"She came out the fireplace and smashed her head against the table" I said just as concerned as mum did. I looked over at y/n. She didn't look well at all.

"Don't worry about me" she tried to say. Her speech was slurred and her face begun to lose colour to very pale. Her eyes slowly closed as I tried to call her name.

Her arm loosened to reveal the gash on her head. It looked worse than I initially thought. Mum ran to get a bandage. She soon ran back with a large bandage in her hand and a small pin. It must have been taller than her. She wrapped the bandage around her head and secured it with the pin.

"Take her to her room" mum said. "First door to the left, you can sleep in that room also" she said before she ran off somewhere.

I picked her up from the table, her arm fell loosely to her side. I feel really bad for some reason. I climbed the stairs to the first room on left.

I pushed the door open with my foot to reveal two twin sized beds with our trunks at the end of one. I laid her down on a bed before tucking her in under a blanket. I took her limp hand and held it in mine. I gently rubbed her soft skin back and forth. Hoping she would wake up soon.

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