Chapter 45: First Quiddich Match

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Y/n/ POV:
Weeks passed and the quidditch team have been training harder than ever, Sloper and Kirke haven't been great, Ron is great during practices and I've become a really good chaser. But today is my first match. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw.

I sat in the great hall during breakfast, I was too nervous to eat. My stomach felt sick with nerves and I could tell my hand was slightly shaking. Fred looked at me with worried yet hopeful eyes.

"Lovey you need to eat"

"I'm not that hungry" I said twirling my bacon with my fork.

"Please. You need to eat something" he begged. I knew he wasn't going to give up that easily so I ate a slice of buttered toast.

"Is that better?" I asked, swallowing the last bite of the toast.

"Much better" He smiled at me. "Feeling nervous?"

"Very. It's my first match Fred. What if I mess up and I lose us the match." I panicked. My hand shook sightly but Fred placed his hand on top of mine and instantly calmed me down.

"Y/n your going to do great. I'll be in the front cheering you on." Fred said with a smile.

But before I could reply, I heard a voice behind me.

"Come on y/n. We need to get ready" I heard Angelina's voice say.

"Okay. I'm coming" I gulped. I stood up and began to walk out of the hall alone. But I then felt a familiar hand touch mine. Fred's.

"What are you doing? I thought you were still eating breakfast?" I asked. Not at all angry, but sort of relieved that he was next to me.

"Well you would always walk me and George down there. So we thought we would walk you down" Fred said.

"You didn't think we would let you go down alone did you?" George's voice said. Then his hand touched my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Merlin George. You scared me. And thank you both for coming with me" I smiled.

We walked down the the Quidditch pitch in conversation, slightly following everyone else who was a tiny but ahead of us. The twins helped to get rid of some nerves and stress until we got to the changing tent.

"Good luck y/n." George said patting my shoulder.

"You'll do great" Fred continued. My reply was pulling the two into a large hug. They hugged back and I could mutter a "thank you" into Fred's chest.

"Y/n come on" Angelina yelled from inside.

"Coming" I replied. "Bye boys" I said before walking into the tent.

"Bye y/n" they said in unison and walked off. Assuming that they were getting seats.

I walked into the tent, seven lockers lined too walls. I was shown my locker. I opened it to reveal my scarlet and gold Quidditch uniform. The back had my last name and the number 4, I slipped on the uniform and grabbed my broomstick from the back of the locker. I sat down on a bench, clutching my broom hard in my hand. Nerves and anxiety were growing inside me What if I mess up? What if I lose us the match? What if I get hurt? Questions were flying through my head, to the point that I missed most of Angelina's speech. I knew what the chasers had to do and that was it. We all rose from our seats and headed towards the entrance to the pitch. Screams and yells of the houses could be heard which made me oddly excited for the match. The doors opened and were immediately met by Lee's commentary.

"Welcome to today's match. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw" he called, causing all the houses to uproar with yells and screams.

"Let us welcome Captain Johnson, Spinnet, Y/l/n, Weasley, Weasley, Kirke and Sloper" This caused a uproar from the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff end. But the twins screaming could be heard over everyone's. I kicked up from the floor and flew around the pitch like the rest of the team.

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