Chapter 30: Back To Hogwarts

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Y/n's POV:
The weeks at Grimmauld Place passed by quickly, I've only been in the dining room for meals and the rest of the time we were pushed out by Molly Weasley.

It means I got to spend all day with Freddie, we've became so much closer over the summer. And I mean that literally. We can't keep our hands off each other. His hands either rested on my waist or shoulders.

But it's the night before school. It means we can't be all over each other now. We spent the whole afternoon in our room packing our bags. I put a undetectable extension charm and a light weight charm on our trunks. We were looking at old photos from first year as we carefully placed them in the trunk.

We had finally finished packing, we're exhausted. Fred's face looked as though he had a craving for a kiss. I gave him a smirk before I leaned into his chest. Every look I fall more in love with him.

"I love you Freddie" I whispered into his ear.

"I love you more lovey" he replied flirtatiously.

"Impossible" I muttered.

We were about to kiss but was interrupted by the usual screaming that echoed the house three times a day.

"Dinners ready" Molly yelled. Me and Fred sighed but walked downstairs hand in hand. We entered the dining room and took my usual seat between the twins. I felt a large hand touch my thigh. I slipped my hand over Fred's and interlocked it with our hands resting on my thigh.

Molly handed out dinner, we had sausage and mash for dinner, always a classic in the Weasley family.

"Exited for school?" Sirius asked to me, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Not really" I said. "N.E.W.Ts this year" I let out a large groan. The twins gave a quick smile to each other before reluctantly agreeing with me.

"I'm pretty excited" Hermione said cheerfully.

"What. Because your a prefect" Harry snapped. He hasn't really been okay with us since he arrived. Even though he was cleared of all charges, he mopes around all day like Sirius does.

"Harry calm down" I said. "You should be happy that your best friends are prefects"

"Like you have any experience with that. You would have made a great prefect" Harry said sarcastically.

"I would but I hang around with these two for too long" I said pointing at the twins and getting angrier at Harry

Fred could sense that my nerves are growing angrier. He placed a comforting hand on my thigh before squeezing it slightly and drawing shapes on it with his finger

"At least I'm not a goody two shoes who hangs around with pranksters." Harry nearly yelled.

My blood once again boiled, if I wasn't at the opposite end of the table I would be running to him right now.

"At least I enjoy being with my friends, unlike you. You'd rather be alone in your dorm" I shouted. Hermione smiled at me with a slight giggle. As did Ginny.

"Right you two calm down" Remus said but Harry completely disregarded what he just said.

"At least I have friends that actually care about me and not just caring about the pranks and at least I care about my friends." Harry yelled. He had gone too far. Both Fred and George's face grew red with anger.

"I've had enough of this" I yelled. I got up from my seat and stormed out of the room. I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes as I made the decent towards my bedroom.

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