Chapter 39: Veritaserum

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Hey guys. Before you read this chapter I will put a tw on this chapter. It will contain harm, passing out and a carving similar to Hermione's in DHpt1. Enjoy!

Y/n's POV:
The next morning I woke up with Fred staring at me with big eyes. His soft hazel and my y/e/c eyes met. I gave a small smile before we leaned in for a kiss. It was the longest and most passionate kiss I had ever had but I will do it all over again. We broke apart and gave each other a cheesy smile.

"Good morning lovey" Fred said to me "May I say you look gorgeous today" I felt butterflies twirl in my stomach, it's like I fell in love with him again.

"Good morning darling, I love you" I replied and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I like it when you call me that"

"Call you what?"

"Darling" he whispered to me.

"Well my darling Freddie it's true" I said. I crawled out of bed and made my way into the shower. I washed my hair and used a spell to dry it instantly. I brushed my teeth before walking out to see Fred in jeans and a black t-shirt and had left me jeans and a black crop top on our bed.

"I thought we would have matching outfits today." Fred said.

"I love that idea" I nearly yelled "your so cute Freddie"

"No you are"

"You are"

We went back and forth whilst I changed into our matching clothes. We made our way downstairs hand in hand before getting a warm greeting from Molly and Sirius who were cooking breakfast.

"Good morning you two lovebirds" Molly said "I love your matching outfits"

"Well thank you mother" Fred said "it was my idea and picked them out myself" he said proudly as he kissed his mum on the cheek.

"How do you want your eggs?" Sirius asked. He was in a more cheery and festive mood.

"Fried" me and Fred said in unison.

We took our seats at the table and waited for about 15 minutes for everyone else to turn up.

We ate breakfast with everyone. Hermione had come home from Hogwarts and joined us for lunch earlier in the day.

The day was spent with Fred and Fred only. Sirius was singing Christmas songs at the top of his lungs, clearly feeling in the Christmas spirit. Me and Fred had spent the day in our room having some time alone.

Once we had eaten dinner me, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny all went up to our room. We sat down and George pulled out a bottle of truth potion.

"How about a game of truth or dare" George said. We all nodded.

"If you say truth you have to take a sip of the potion" George added. "Fred truth or dare?"

"Dare" Fred said without hesitation.

"I dare you to kiss y/n so passionately." George said. A smile grew on both mine and Fred's faces.

"Gladly" he said. Our lips smashed together in the most passionate kiss ever. I gave a small groan before everyone told us to stop.

"Fine. Hermione truth or dare" Fred asked.

"Truth" she said. She took the bottle of Veritaserum and took a small sip.

"Who would you rather share a dorm with out of us all"

"Y/n and Ginny" she said automatically. Harry and Ron looked kind of offended

Everyone except me had a go. Both Harry and Ron chose dare and Ginny and George chose truth.

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