Chapter 72: Sleepless Nights

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~.~.~Y/n's POV~.~.~
The sound of the babies cries woke me up once again

I was awoken for the fourth time in the night because of James' and Oliver's feeds of nappy changes. I'm not getting more than a hour of sleep at a time before a new round of cries have woken me up.

"Hey it's okay." I cooed to James, as he woke up. I lifted him out of the bassinet and held in my arms, slowly rocking him in my arms.

I checked his nappy to see if that was what's wrong, it was clear and I know he wasn't hungry because of I fed him last time he woke up a hour earlier.

"Shhhh, go back to sleep. You don't want to wake up daddy and Ollie." I whispered to the older twin, wandering around the bedroom in a attempt to settle the crying baby in my hand.

I eventually rocked him back off to sleep, but I held James in my arms until I knew he was deeply asleep before placing him back into his side of the bassinet.

I watch the twins sleep for a while, to make sure that they are both settled and calm before I attempted to fall back to sleep, because I know it is inevitable I will be woken up another two to three times in the night.

My jaw dropped when I noticed that the clock only ticked to 1:30am, this is going to be a long night.

I laid my head down onto bed and closed my heavy eyes, allowing them to nod off to sleep. And for the time that it lasted, it was the best periods of sleep that I've had in the night.

And at 2:45, two new cries woke me up.

I groaned in bed and sat up to see both twins crying in their bassinet, but this time Fred sat up in bed too, already climbing out of bed to make the babies a bottle each.

Whilst Fred was making the bottles, I rocked their bassinet lightly to comfort the crying twins. Fred handed me a bottle whilst a large yawn escaped my lips. Fred gently picked up James whilst I held Oliver in my hands, brining the bottle slightly to his lips.

"How many times now?" Fred whispered whilst he was feeding James.

"James woke up a hour ago, but I rocked him back to sleep. The time before was a feed. So about 5 now." I replied.

"Hopefully they'll be out of this stage soon." Fred yawned, looking down at his sons.

"I hope so too. I miss sleep already and it's only been a week." I whispered in response, Oliver finally finishing his bottle.

I held him up to my shoulder and lightly patted his back to burp him. But finally a heavy burp escaped his mouth which seemed like a bit of relief.

Fred changed the babies nappies so I could rest and try to get back to sleep whilst Fred rocked them both back off to sleep.

And of what I remember, it was the last time I was awoken but I probably was woken up more.

~.~.~The next morning~.~.~
I was woken at 6:30am by the screaming of one baby

I shot out of bed and saw Oliver crying, I gently grabbed him and left the bedroom because I knew that there was no way or point that I was getting back to sleep. I was the only one in the living room at that time in the morning, perching myself into the armchair and slowly rocking myself back and forth to stop Oliver's crying.

I sighed out of relief when I saw Oliver fall back to sleep in my arms, luckily there was a small cot in the living room for the babies, I took that offer in open arms. My arms felt relieved when he was placed into the cot to let him sleep more.

There was a book on the table, I grabbed it and sat in the seat that was closest to the cot, opening the books and quietly flipping through the pages. It was quite relaxing to be honest, mindlessly scanning the pages of my motherhood book. Although not taking in much information because of my extreme tiredness.

"Good morning." A familiar voice whispered. Swiftly turning to see Lee in the doorway.

"Morning Lee." I yawned to him with a weak smile on my face.

"Coffee?" Asked Lee.

"Please, extra strong."

"Bad night then?"

"Probably the worst I've had."

"What happened then?" Lee asked, handing me my mug.

"Both woke up for a feed twice, multiple nappy changes and a few times that one twin woke up for the sake of crying."

"Merlins beard." Lee muttered.

"That's why I feel so tired."

"Don't mean to be mean Y/n, but you look terrible."

"I know I do Lee, it's called motherhood." I joked, causing a smirk to form on Lee's face.

"Only you could joke about being tired whilst being awake half the night."

"Of course I could, I'm a woman of all areas."

"You need to sleep more Y/n." Lee said sternly, sipping on his coffee.

"But I need to look after my babies." I yawned.

And at that moment, Fred walked into the room holding baby James in his arms who is happily resting in Fred's arms.

"Good morning Freddie." I smiled to him.

"Good morning love." He replied, giving me a kiss on my forehead but noticing the bags under my eyes. "You need to go back to sleep."

"No, I'll be fine. I need to look after the babies."

"They'll be fine. I have Lee and George to help. Now your going to bed."

Fred lifted me off my seat and gave the book to Lee. He carried me back to the bedroom, laying me on my bed and pulling the duvet over me.

My eyes letting me fall into a deep sleep.

A/n: Happy Sunday! I hope you all have had a great week! I've been quite busy because I've had lots of college work and I have three assignments due. But I also had first aid training for something that I volunteer for, that was yesterday. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry that this is so short, I didn't have much time to write and I had writers block but I hope it will get better soon. But sorry that it's boring because I don't like this chapter that much. Have a great day :)


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