Chapter 78: The Reunion and the Goodbye

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•Y/n's POV•

Following the battle of Hogwarts, the Weasley family have been mourning the loss of Percy, although his family had been back together for a short time the Weasley's all love each other, even if they had made up mere hours before Percy's untimely death.

Fred, George, Lee and I moved back into the flat the day after. Lee and I starting comforting Fred and George as they grieve their older brother. Lee and I ran the shop for three weeks whilst they had some deserved time off, and with the help of Ella and Paige, caring for James and Oliver whilst I worked.

Me and Fred picked up James and Oliver from my grandparents in Spain two days after the battle finished. Fred and I apparated to the terracotta house on the Spanish coastline.

Fred wiped some tears from his eyes, and put a brave smile on his face and banged on the large wooden door.

Both Fred and I were excited to be reunited with our baby boys. I could guess that they would have the best time with their grandparents and great grandparents, although still young. Old enough to interact with their family.

My grandmother opened the door, flailing her arms around my neck, hitting directly on my injured shoulder. I winced slightly but ignored my pain to hug her back.

"Thank the heavens your both still alive!" My grandmother said happily, now pulling Fred into a hug.

"Thank you nana, I came out a little worse off than Fred. But we are okay." I smiled, seeing Fred hugging my grandmother back like he has been in the family for a long time.

"Come in come in, your babies are waiting for you."

Me and Fred followed my grandmother inside of the house, closing the door behind us. The hall was lined with a brick orange tile on the floor as well as traditional Spanish tiles that were intricately designed in the local town. There was a few odd plants scattered in the entrance hall, but it was mainly plain but having a small sofa next to the shoe rack. Fred and I kicked off our shoes and continued to follow my grandmother into the living room.

The living room was more detailed and designed compared to the entrance hall. It had two large cream sofas, with a matching foot rest. A low wooden coffee table on a grey rug which sat above the same brick tile as the entrance hall. The walls were build of old light orange rocks solidified by a layer of cement and rock. There was one large white wall that wrapped around one side of the room, holding a fireplace with a wooden shelf above. The tables and chairs in the room was made of solid oak wood and plants scattered the room.

"Y/n! Fred!" My parents yelled, standing up from one of the sofas and running over to where Fred and I were standing to wrap us in a hug.

"Oh I'm so glad your okay." My mum said, hugging my tightly which caused me to wince. "Oh my baby, are you hurt?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay." I answered.

"Can I see?" She asked. I sighed.

"You can obviously see the side of my head." I pointed to where a small dressing was on the side of my head. "I also have my shoulder and my side." I added, pulling my shirt down to reveal the larger dressing on my shoulder and pulling my shirt up to show the large bandage that wrapped around my waist.

"What happened?" Asked my dad.

"Fred and I was fighting by a room in the castle, along with Lee and P-" I paused. Giving Fred a look in which he nodded. "And Percy, Fred's older brother. The wall exploded and we were all flown back. I went unconscious and a boulder was on top of me." I said, not mentioning what happened next.

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