Chapter 6: The Ageing Potion

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Y/n's POV:

The day went by very fast after what happened in defence against the dark arts. Charms was a perfect lesson. I helped the twins master jelly legs jinx which they were very happy about. They realised they can use it in pranks.

We all piled our way into the great hall. The atmosphere was positive, tonight we find out how to enter the triwizard tournament. I looked over to the Hufflepuff table to see Cedric Diggory looking very stressed and scared. He looked over to me, I smiled and mouthed "it will be fine"

"What are you mouthing lovey?" Fred asked, looking very red and stiff.

"I was telling Diggory that he will be fine darling" I replied acting like me and Fred were a couple

"Fine" he said stiffly before placing his hand on my thigh. I admit I loved it.

I smiled at him and he gave me a wink until Professor Dumbledore waddled to his podium before dinner begun

"Good evening everyone" he boomed "many of you have been wondering how of age students can enter the triwizard tournament."

The hall began to chatter. Everyone was speculating how to enter. The hall soon became silent with full focus on Dumbledore.

"The ministry of magic has brought a impartial judge who will randomly select the students who enter the tournament. There will be three champions, one from each school" he continued "But I do warn you, once selected, your are contracting yourself to compete. There is no going back"

"Wicked" both the twins say. I kicked them both in the shins and rolled my eyes.

"The impartial judge will be the goblet of fire, it will not be revealed until the other schools arrive at the end of October" he said. There was a massive sigh because everyone (including me) wanted to see the goblet.

"To ensure that no under age students enter this deadly tournament I will add a defence spell. I advise no student below the under the age of seventeen should try to enter" he said looking over at Fred and George who now had a evil grin on their faces.

Dumbledore finished his speech and we all ate dinner. The twins were smiling and whispering to each other.

"What's up with you two" I asked knowing they were planning something.

"Oh nothing. We'll tell you later" replied George who smirked at Fred.

"Don't worry about it for now" Fred continued. "It will be fine lovey"

Me and Lee spoke for the rest of dinner about what the twins could be planning. We speculated they wanted to fly their names into the goblet. That was the best we got because the twins are known to be unexpected and spontaneous.

We ate dinner and made our way back up to the common room, Lee and I still discussing what Fred and George could be talking about. We walked into the firewood scented room. The twins sat down onto our usual sofa.

"I'm going to change really quick I'll be right back" I said to the boys before going to my dorm. Hermione Granger, my roommate, sat on her bed doing homework in silence.

"You alright Hermione" I asked whilst grabbing jogging bottoms and a Weasley jumper out of my drawers

"Yeah. I'm alright. Are you trying to stop the twins entering the tournament" she replied.

"Yeah I'm trying to. But we both know the twins. It's going to take some effort"

"Don't fall for what they say y/n. Your stronger than that"

"I will try Hermione. But they are my best friends"

I walked into the bathroom to change before washing goodbye to Hermione and making my way down to the common room and jumped onto the sofa next to Fred. His arm wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"Oh y/n your our best friend" said all three boys at once

"What!?" I asked confused "what do you want. You never say that unless you need me"

"Well..." started George.

"No. What ever your about to ask me, no." I cut him off

"Oh come on y/n" pleaded Fred "It's only a simple ageing potion, we really want to enter" all three look at me with big puppy eyes who looked like they could start pleading.

I was about to agree to do it but then remembered what Hermione said to me. I had to resist it
"No. I'm not doing in"

"Please y/n. We won't prank you for a month" pleaded George.

"Two" I said. I was not going to bargain any lower

"Deal" they all said in unison

"Fine, but if it fails, don't blame me" I said firmly "and the deal starts once I brewed the potion"

"We won't lovey" said Fred reassuring me then kissing my forehead

"You boys get the ingredients, then I'll brew it once you need me to" I said

"How are we going to get the ingredients" Lee asked surprised "we don't take potions"

"I don't know, you need to work that out. I'll write you a ingredients list then give it to you tomorrow" I demanded "no ingredients, no potion"

All the boys sigh then agree with the deal. We spend the night talking about our classes or when we leave school for Christmas.

It got to about 11pm, I said goodbye to the boys before going up to my dorm. I walked in and Hermione was asleep. I'm silently grabbed my pyjamas of shorts and a t-shirt and tip toed my way into the bathroom to change and brushed my teeth.

I climbed into bed and used my wand to create light to copy the ingredients list for the ageing potions word for word and placed on my bedside table and put my head down and goes to sleep.

I can't believe I'm actually brewing them a ageing potion for them. I just hope I don't seen them (especially Fred) get hurt

Authors note: Hey guys sorry for the boring part today. I hope you enjoyed it. Trust me it gets better soon! :)

Edited: Thank you for 100 reads! I know is not much but I really appreciate it :)

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