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chirp..chirp, chirp. You groan as you twist in the sheets, throwing an arm over your eyes to block out the sun. The bird outside didn't make things any better, only causing a headache from their high-pitch chirps.

You roll on your side, facing opposite of the window as your arm reaches out. nothing. You open your eyes with a resting frown, softly knitting your brows at the realization the other side of the bed was empty. You hum to yourself and sit up, rubbing your eyes with a yawn.

Lazily, you crawl over the bed as a shortcut before standing from it. You stretch your arms on the short walk to the door, groaning as you feel your joints popping along with the sore parts of your body crying for you to stop. 'Sei hugs really tight...' you think to yourself, placing a hand on your hip where the aching pain surrounds.

You open the door and walk out, nose immediately being overwhelmed with the smell of food as your ears hear its sizzling. Your eyes find the kitchen and there stands Inupi, back turned to you as he works with the stove. His aura was completely different from last night. He seemed content, specifically pleased that when he woke up you were still there with him – opposite of your waking experience.

You don't really remember much of what happened after finally spilling the phrase, 'I love you' to him. Just that you waited to fall asleep until he was done crying and slipped unconscious himself. It was impressive to see how different he was from then, but at the same time it eases you knowing he's okay. Without another thought – due to your exhausted state – you walk over to him at a slow pace, for you were not in a rush.

As you approach him he continues to eye the sizzling pan, fully aware of your presence that inches closer to him. He then feels you tug on his shirt before your other arm wraps around his waist, the first following right after. You rest the side of your face against his back while letting a sigh out through your nose.

Inupi smiles at the contact, using one of his hands to lay on top of yours as the other holds the spatula. "Good morning" he greets, leaning his head back to softly bump it with yours.

"Morning" you yawn, adjusting your arms in a more comfortable hold. Inupi goes back to using both hands to help whatever he was cooking. Occasionally your fingers would fiddle with the cloth to his shirt as a way to keep your body moving so you don't lose consciousness. And for a while you two just stay like that, comfortable with the silence because the others presence makes up for it.

However, you felt as if your thoughts were being too loud. It didn't take much for you to realize how this type of affection you were okay with giving, being the one to wrap your arms around him, or letting him cry on you for comfort, etc. It was the kissing that made you hesitate, needing to take a moment and use up so much of your courage just for a single peck. While Inupi could do it in a heartbeat – he would start it and you'd follow suit.

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