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I'm so freaking sad right now. I just can't believe the fics are finally over, and how much support I've received on the way. All of you who have been here since day one, and even those who joined along the way or barely got here. All of you are equally important to me, and this will certainly be a time in my life I will always look back on.

I think it's been an exact year since I've started and finished all three fics, which I'm still amazed by because I didn't think I would even be doing three books.

Originally I was only supposed to be doing one, an Inui Seishu x Reader fic. But because there was a lot of background, and many things I wanted to add about [name]'s life, I decided to start from the very beginning. I kinda regret it though because I was so focused on the Inui x Reader that I felt like there were scenes between them that happened too soon. Sorry about that, lol.

I really want you guys to know just how much this all truly means to me. I know I say that alot, but I'm being deadass. Being a writer has always been something I've wanted to do, still is. I was insecure at first, telling myself multiple times not to publish the first fic "Refuge".

I remember getting my first comments and people liking the first few chapters, which lifted a weight off my shoulders. So I continued to write, motivated by readers actually liking the storyline and Y/n. I honestly didn't expect people to like her, especially towards the end.

And I definitely didn't expect people to enjoy Sasha and Julian as much, given they aren't even characters belonging to the real Tokyo Revengers series. I know people don't really like OC's added to reader-insert stories, so I was also stressing about that. I'm just really glad you guys liked them, and actually took time to understand their role in the story.

It never crossed my mind that I'd receive some trolls, but when those accounts started commenting stupid shit and harassing other readers, I was honestly pissed off. I tried blocking and muting them multiple times, but they kept making accounts. I'm sorry about that.

You guys have encouraged, helped, and guided me in so many ways I don't think you even know about. You've helped me become more confident in my writing, motivating me to keep going and start brainstorming for an original work. By reading, liking, and commenting, it has done so much for me. Sorry for repeating myself, but I'm not good at expressing my feelings about this.

I don't want to promise anything, but I have been working on a couple of other fics. A JJK and another Tokyo Revengers fic. The Jujutsu Kaisen I plan is various, but I plan for the main to be Kamo Noritoshi, the Kyoto student. And the Tokyo Revengers one, another Inui fic. Now I know it probably sounds ridiculous, but I want to finish my first idea and write a fic only surrounding them.

There will be many similarities with these past three books and the one I plan for the Inui Seishu, but I won't go into as much detail. What I will share is that it will be set in final timeline where everyone is alive, Toman is already disbanded, but there will be a few characters who never joined, same sensitive topics, but this time it isn't about the reader, etc. Again, I don't want to promise anything, and it might take a while to even start writing.

I honestly want to start on my own books, but I also like writing "x Reader" cause I seem to get it done faster than anything else. Anyways, enough about that.

If there is anything you guys want me to write about this series, such as scenes with certain characters, questions needing to be answered, etc. Just let me know and I'll write or answer. However, side chapters I will only be publishing on AO3. Unless the majority of you feel more comfortable reading it on wattpad, then again let me know and I'll do just that.

Ugh, I'm just so upset cause I never wanted this to end 😭. I have to get over it though, so I'll end it here, on a good note.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and supporting me in all the ways that you did. Again, I will never forget about these books, the first things I've ever published. I love and appreciate every single one of you. If any of you need to talk, don't be afraid to reach out and message me.

If you decide to read any other of my fics, then I'll see you there. If not, be good to yourselves and stay healthy!

Byeeeee!!!! <333

Byeeeee!!!! <333

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