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Benkei wasn't at work that day, leaving Wakasa all the responsibility of opening and closing the gym. Probably wasn't the best day to miss, maybe then when Wakasa had distracted Shinichiro he would've been there to supervise you and Manjiro.

Though, none of the blame can be put on him. It's not like he could've known your guy's childish match was gonna end up turning serious. Plus, you guys weren't even supposed to be in the boxing-ring at the time. And probably would've been better if you had kept your mouth shut.

"Wakasa said I'm someone who's stronger in their arms and hands" Unaware of what that statement would lead to, you continued counting the ceiling tiles from the matted floor which is where you laid.

Manjiro was swirling the sucker he had around in his mouth, trying to determine the mystery flavor he found in a jar of the ones Wakasa kept by the front door. His mind was blank the entire time, for he didn't know what to occupy himself with as his brother and yours wandered off.

Shinichiro said they were gonna go home but within a few more minutes of chatting, Wakasa had convinced him to help him move some boxes — something you could've easily done. There were so many opportunities to avoid the incident, but not once did it ever occur to you that your friend could hurt you as bad as he did.

Manjiro pops the sucker from his mouth, just a few more licks away before it's gone. He turns his head to look at the side of yours, smiling in disbelief. "Really? In your upper body? He said that?" He asked the same question three times, each in a different way that makes it obvious he doesn't believe you.

You were easily offended by his shock, so you turn to meet his eyes with yours filled with a sour look. "Yeah."

Your blond friend chuckles but for the most part it sounded like a scoff. He then bites down on the sucker, leaving only the stick before he tosses it across the room and into the trash-bin. He's quick to get on his feet while chewing on the hard-candy, smiling in amusement by your words.

You sit up and lean back on your arms as your head tilts, "You don't believe me?" You question him, annoyed by his behavior. He was practically mocking you. "Emma knows how to fight, why is it different from me?"

Manjiro rolls his eyes as you stand up to challenge him, and he crosses his arms while keeping up that stupid smile. "Yeah, in her legs" he nods his head, slowing his words as if he was dumbing them down for you, again another mockery. "But you girls are the same, you don't actually know how to fight–"

"Do too!" you scowl, stunned by his opinion. "I bet I can punch you. You're not as invincible as you think. Everyone is defeatable."

"Not me!" He hisses, suddenly matching your emotion and taken aback by your insulting comment. "You can't land a punch even if I let you!" he challenges.

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