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Waiting on Remus near by the bridge that leads to the Forbidden Forest. Can't lie, the forest looks quite creepy from here. It's already dark and pretty cloudy. Talk about how damn cold it is too! C'mon, Remus. Where are you? I have been waiting him for fifteen minutes! Then, I hear some people talking. They are coming this way. No one can see me, so I decide to go deeper into the forest and hide in the bushes. I can't see well, but what I can tell is that there are three people and they are heading to the forest too. "The money isn't the problem here." one of them says smugly. "Why yes, of course." the other one chuckles nervously. "Hope they bring the hippogriff early on display. I am not planing on wasting my time in middle of the forest for long." the first one scoffs. Wait... I recognize that voice from somewhere. The curiosity gets the better of me and I move some leafs out of the way just to take a peek. It's Lucius Malfoy. I should have known!

He's with a woman who must be his wife, if I'm not terribly mistaken. And the short man is with them. The one who went after me couple days ago! Malfoy smirks to himself:"I want its head stuffed above my fireplace.". "Krhm..." the woman who's been quiet so far, clears her throat. "...and some mooncalf's fur for my lovely wife." Malfoy adds. The woman smirks happily and they soon walk further enough I dare to come out of the hide. They are going to kill Buckbeak if they get their dirty hands on him! Being so deep in my own thoughts, I won't notice when someone walks behind me. "(Y/N)?" the voice whispers and puts their hand on my shoulder. Scared half to death, I turn quickly around:"WAH!". But then I realize it's Remus. "For Merlin's sake!" I whisper hiss and try to smack the side of his arm, but he is too fast to dodge it. "My apologies. Did I scare you?" Remus chuckles mischievously. "You are lucky I didn't freaking Flipendo you." I keep hissing. "Where were you anyway? You are late." I add. He looks slightly hesitant before answering:"...I needed to get something.".

"What'd you get from Hagrid's Hut?" I ask. Remus digs his pockets and hands me a sock:"Here.". Looking at this man with the 'Really? A sock?' - look. Remus sees this and huffs:"What else you would have wanted? His undergarments? These are perfectly fine.". "Fine, fine." I roll my eyes, take them and we start heading where Malfoy and his entourage went. For us to get Buckbeak to trust us, we need to have Hagrid's smell with us. Maybe that way he'll understand we are here only to help. After walking sometime, I look up in the sky. Can't really see any stars. Grey clouds are blocking them. Pity. Remus sees my stare and automatically brings his hand onto his chest pocket, almost as if trying to check if he hasn't lost something from there. Then his face goes pensive:"(Y/N), I have needed to tell you..-", "There!" I whisper and hold onto Remus's arm while keeping my eyes what's ahead of us. Both of us hunch down when we see there is a little camping area, filled with Dark Wizards. This must be the auction!

There seems to be thirty of them. Some of them being the sellers, others the buyers. One of them being the Malfoys... Remus and I are hiding behind the bushes that are surrounding the camp. There are couple of tents and three campfires displayed around the area. There are also different kinds of cages. Some of them are small, some of them bigger. Depending on the beast inside of them. My eyes catches the one creature we came here for. Buckbeak! He is inside this big metal cage. Not only that, he also has metal collar around his neck with a muzzle. "I see him." I whisper to my friend. Remus nods:"So it's time.". Pulling out the Invisibility potion and look at it. Last time I've drink this must've been back when we were learning about this potion. "Bottoms up, I guess." I salute Remus and drink it. My body starts to feel tingly and soon enough, I have become invisible. "Be careful." Remus whispers as he watches me go as  few of the bushes rustles as I walk thru them. He stays behind to keep an eye out.

They take Buckbeak to wait behind the tent which is all over other side where we are. The hostess of the auction is already speaking to the people that have arrived. Everyone is listening, eager to start shouting the prices on the poor beasts. Can't go around the camping area, since there are bushes surrounding it, so to avoid the rustle sounds, I need to go thru the place. I'm carefully walking across the camping area without anyone's notice. My heart keeps pounding inside my chest hard. Alright, you are doing great, (Y/N). Just keep going. "Out of the way!" Lucius pushes one the wizards to the side with his walking stick to claim his place in the front row. Got almost hit by the stick, but was able to dodge it right on time. Dear Merlin!

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now