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It's dark outside, nearly the midnight. Carrow twins has ordered all of the students and professors out of their Common Rooms and chambers by now. Everyone's confused what's going on since no one is telling them anything. It really stresses out the children, and some of the adults who aren't aware what's going on either. Instead of just walking straight to the Great Hall, they have made people walking in groups. Meaning; the Head of the Houses are walking in front, leading their members of their representation House - just like in military. Us other professors are already in the Great Hall that has been lit up with the cold, greenish-blue torches all around, standing on the sides of the big hall and just wait for them to arrive and go stand where they are order to be in. All of the tables and chairs of the room has been removed, so there will be space for everyone to stand in line like they wish us to do. Severus didn't have the time to try to convince - or force me to leave the castle after he went after the twins. So now I'm standing here. Nervously waiting what's about to happen next.

Won't take long before everyone's standing where they should be; Hufflepuffs and Slytherins in front - closest where High Table should be in, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors in the back, closest to the big double doors. Each House are evenly distanced from each others. Everyone is wearing their school robes and capes. There are few students that are looking quite sleepy since they got woken up only an hour or two after they went to sleep. They must be so confused what is this meeting about. I'm standing between the Hufflepuffs and the Gryffindors, near where Minerva is standing. My head keeps turning around time to time, desperately trying to see where Remus is. But I can't see him anywhere. He must be in the back, I reckon. When the twins walks past, heading towards the front of the Great Hall, I notice how Alecto shoots this proud look right at me. Her eyes asking:'Jealous?'. Urgh...

Soon after, we hear how the double doors gets closed and this immediate silence descends into the whole room. Not that anyone was talking begin with, but the sound of the people's nervous shifting balances in their places died right in there. And only one person's calm footsteps can be now heard, echoing around the place. Headmaster Severus Snape's. Feels like everyone in here are holding their breaths as he calmly walks in middle of the hall with determinant look on his face. His long, dark cape trailing after as he approaches the twins that are eagerly waiting for him to come up front. My eyes are glued on him the whole walk. Unlike the others, who are scared to even make any eye contact with the man. Like the saying:'if looks could kill' would actually be a real thing in this case.

Even Minerva herself looks a bit hesitant. She tries to give me the eyes to just stare forward like everyone else as she's standing behind me, but I pretend not to notice her stare and keep my gaze locked on Snape. As he walks right past us, I try to see if he gives me any sort of a wink or anything to let me know he has a plan and everything's going to be alright - just like Dumbledore used to do in times like these. But no. Nothing. Snape's dark eyes won't even take a quick glance in my direction. Sev... Seeing him so intense and focused gives me the chills running down the spine. I clench my hand into a tight fist to calm down the heart that has started to beat faster. Please have a plan to get us all safe and sound of this situation.

When he finally reaches the low steps in front of the Great Hall, he turns to us while having his hands inside the pockets. Small silence follows after that. What's about to happen now? "Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." Headmaster starts the speech with quite soft tone, yet there is a hint of danger to make everyone feel uneasy. He then continues:"It has come to my attention, that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade.". This raises many eyebrows and the Great Hall fills with whispers and wonders. But as soon as Snape continues to speak, they all go quiet and lower their heads. "Now... Should anyone, student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression, furthermore... Any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as... Equally guilty." his smooth, deep voice echoes around.

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now