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We are walking towards to my chamber together, not saying a word. I just keep walking behind him while some tears are silently streaming down my face. I didn't meant to yell at Moody. I feel bad about it. Then again, he pushed my buttons and I just snapped. I wipe some of the tears away and sniff a bit. Don't know what to think about at the moment. Severus extends his hand towards me without looking back:"You walk too slow.". "Sorry." I sniff and reach my hand to take his. As soon as our hands connect, he moves his fingers so they get interlocked with mine. Despite the sad feeling, my heart flutters and the touch of his hand brings me comfort. Even he acts annoyed, he is still relieved he got me out of the classroom without any fuss. To fill the silence, I ask:"Weren't you supposed to be at the..-", "I was bored out of my mind and decided to leave." he quickly answer. "Oh..." I let out.

We finally come to the chamber's door, he stops and turns to me, breaking the touch between us:"Now, go get some sleep.". Both of my eyebrows raise:"But, I still haveto write..-", "As much as I admire your commitment to your studies, (Y/N)... I don't believe you are able to make much sense in the current state of mind you are in." he points out. Guess he's right... "Fine." I sigh, looking down defeated. Then, I raise my eyes back to him:"Would you care some tea? I mean, I know it's late, but... I could use some company to calm down the nerves.". My question got him a bit off guard, but he ends up give a slight nod and we go in the chamber. Immediately, Sniffy runs up to me and wants to get into my arms. Bet he senses I have been feeling sad. Lifting the niffler into my arms and walk towards the small kitchen area:"What kind of tea would you like?". "Doesn't matter." he answer bluntly and go sit down to the sofa.

While making the tea, Severus shared what happened in their night out in Hogsmeade. It helps me get the mind else where and I feel way more calm now. As expected, Hagrid was wasted, and he wanted to start signing with all the professors. "That was when I left." Severus tells. Little chuckle comes out of me. "Singing isn't your strongest area, I see?" I tease and hand him a cup of tea. He gives me the side eye again as in 'don't start'. I sit down next to him and we start drinking in comfortable silence. "Care to tell me what were you doing in Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom this late?" he finally ask. Then I told him all about how I needed a break from writing and wandered around the castle. How I happen to hear Moody coughing and rushed in. "...and that's when you came in." I end up the story. The Potions Master sighs and leans back more against the sofa, like he is wondering what on earth is he going to do with me.

Lowering the cup in my hands:"I'm sorry.". "For what?" he asks. I shrug:"I'm not sure.". Neither of us says anything. Sniffy has been sitting on my lap this whole time, enjoying getting petted by me time to time. "Perhaps, because I'm not more careful? Seems like I always get into trouble without trying." I continue, meaning the earlier episode today with the girls and the Love potion candy. "Oh, yes. You do have the tendency to be quite ignorant. In most cases." he takes a sip of the tea. Normally, I would give a smack side of his arm, but now I just nod with fade smile on my lips. Guess he's right. I should do better. Then, something I thought never would happen; Sniffy goes from my lap on Severus's. Immediately when the niffler's tiny hands touches his thigh, Severus looks down surprised. Sniffy stares back at him. Woah!

Big smile forms on my face:"He likes you, Sevy!". "Doubt that. Bet its trying to steal something from me." Severus mutters unimpressed while staring back at the niffler. Sniffy waits to be petted. The interaction between them is one of the funniest sights I have ever seen. I giggle:"C'mon, pet him. He won't bite!". In that small moment, when I laugh and got my eyes closed, Severus reaches his hand towards my face. When all of sudden, I feel soft touch of his palm against my cheek. Huh? Immediately, I shoot my eyes open out of surprise by the sudden touch. But I won't pull away. Severus's black eyes are staring right into my (e/c) eyes. Blush raises on my cheeks and heart skips a beat. His thumb does a small caressing emotion. "Glad to see you smiling again." he says softly. Severus...

The touch of his hand is so soft. So tender. Wish I'd knew what's going on in his mind right now. Trying so hard not to blush more than I am now, so I frown a bit:"Told you to pet the niffler, not me.". There is a small smirk corner of his mouth:"Niffler, badger... Both of them are pretty same creature to me.". The tension is real. The way he's looking deep into my eyes... It's softer than ever before. My heart flutters and I can feel pack of butterflies inside my stomach. Instinctively, my eyes visits on his lips, then back to his eyes. There is a small pause. "I see you are feeling better. So my work here is done. Thank you for the tea." Severus suddenly says, breaks the touch, places the cup onto the table and gets up. Huh?! Sniffy jumps down to the floor as the Potions Master got up. Baffled by the sudden turn of the event, I just stare at him confused as he leaves the room. "Good night, (Y/N)." he says casually before closing the door behind him. The words gets stuck on my throat:"...night.".

The next morning, I go to the Great Hall to have breakfast, as usual. There are some students, eating and chatting what are their plans for to day, since it's Saturday. I walk to the High Table and sit down where I usually sit. There are some professors who had just finished eating and they give a small wave before leaving. I wave back at them, but as soon as they leave, I look down to the plate in front of me and sigh. Merlin... It's like there is a dark cloud above my head. Yesterday's event got me feel so conflicted. I just don't understand. First, he makes me feel like he has feeling towards me, but then he does something like yesterday... Making me question if it's all in my head. The words Remus said back when he was still teaching in Hogwarts keeps replying in my head:'You do know what mostly happens if you force a hug on a cat?' Yes. It'll run away. ...He really is a black cat, isn't he? It's like something's holding him back. But what?

My thoughts gets cut off when I notice someone just came to stand next to me. For my surprise, it's Moody. He stands there, looking right at me. My jaw drops and mind goes blank:"Profes..-", "I came here to a... Apologise." he starts, clearly struggling to say that out loud. Huh? Too stunned by this, I just stare back at him while sitting on my seat. "What I said last night... I crossed a line. I'm sorry." he continued. Well, isn't this is a turn of event. "Oh... Tha-that's alright. Thank you for your apology. I really appreciate it." I offer a gentle smile. Grudgingly, he nods and leaves. Watching him go, I start to wonder what made a man like him come all the way here and apologise. Somehow it feels so unlike him. Even I haven't got to know him well.

Then, I notice familiar dark figure standing other side of the Great Hall. It's Severus. He has been watching us whole this time. When he sees Moody walking away from me, he leaves. Almost like he was there to make sure Moody actually talks to me. I lean against the table with elbows and cover my eyes into my palms. Don't tell me he forced Moody to apologise to me..? "Having a hangover as well, eh?" half-giant's voice asks. Quickly, I raise my gaze up to see him:"Oh, good morning, Hagrid.". He looks tired from yesterday. "May I?" he points at the chair next to me. "Please, by all means." I move the chair I'm sitting in to make more room for him. "Thanks." he sits down and sighs deep. As Hagrid starts telling me last nights events, I keep eating and listen every word he says.

We have couple laughs here and there. Sounds like they really did have a great night. "Mm, wish I could have been there." I chuckle and take another bite of the food. "You would have enjoyed yourself, for sure." he smiles as he takes the Daily Prophet that has been on the table into his hands and starts reading it. Not even a minute goes by until Hagrid gasps under his breath:"Oh, dear...". "What?" I raise an eyebrow while taking a sip of the morning coffee. He glances at me, almost like he doesn't wanna show me what it says. Thinking it's something embarrassing, so I just chuckle:"C'mon, show me!". With that, before Hagrid can say or do anything, I snatch the paper out of his hands. The smile on my face slowly drops down as I read what it says. Hagrid stares at me, looking troubled:"(Y/N)...". "So this is what the Ministry has tried to hide almost for a month..." I whisper. Even I keep the calm manner, my hands starts to shake a bit, making the paper do a small rustling sound. 'Daily Prophet: A massive escape from Azkaban! Dementors been looking for the prisoners for a month. Few of them still missing.'

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