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I wake up around seven am after a bad night sleep. These beds aren't the comfiest ones... Waiting the cure potion to affect takes time, so I spend the night at the Hospital Wing. Madam Poppy Pomfrey kindly arranged me a bed back of the room and put on some space divider curtains to give me some privacy. There is a gauze going over my chest where the scar Remus - or the werewolf, gave me. To avoid constant taking a shirt off and putting it back on anytime the Matron wants to check up on the wound, I'm only wearing this light grey robe with some loose pants. Everything that happened yesterday is still kinda hard to comprehend. Madam Pomfrey told me I got lucky that it was only a scar and not a bite. Otherwise, I would have turned into a werewolf as well. Wonder where Remus is and if he's alright... Knowing werewolves won't remember anything at the moment they turn into the beast, but after they turn back to themselves... They are going to remember everything what they did. Wish I could see him and tell him everything's alright. That I'm not upset with him or anything that sort.

Later that day, I hear someone approaching the bed I'm in. My eyes widens out of surprise when familiar head peeks around the curtains:"...Headmaster!". Dumbledore smiles gently:"Hope I didn't disturb your sleep, (Y/N).". Quickly as I can, I raise myself to sit:"N-no, not at all, sir.". Can feel how the scar aches as I move. He walks up beside the bed:"Please go easy. We don't want your wounds to reopen.". Then, he sits on the bed next to my feet:"Heard you had a little... Adventure in the Forbidden Forest last night.". My heart drops and I get nervous. How..-?! "Curious to know how did that happen." he raise those blue eyes on my (e/c) eyes. I lied to him once. Think I can't do it twice. So I ended up telling him everything about Buckbeak being in the forest, how I asked help from Remus and how he turned into werewolf.

Dumbledore gives compassion look at the end of my confession:"It must have been scary when you found out. Remus had always kept it as a secret.". My head snaps right back up to meet eyes with his:"So... You knew he's a werewolf?". "Yes. Me and couple other professors." he admits. "Snape being one of them?" I ask. He nods:"Severus is the one who's been making Wolfsbane potion for Remus every fortnight.". Oh... Now those little comments about 'walking in the moonlight' and the 'dog whistle' Snape liked to say, makes sense. I shook my head a bit:"But... Why didn't Remus just told me? Thought we're friends.". It actually makes me feel sad he hasn't been able to feel comfortable enough to share a thing like that with me. Dumbledore sees the pensive look on my face and puts his hand on my shoulder:"It took him years to even tell his long time friends about it. No need to feel bad about it. I bet he wanted to tell you about it, but wasn't just able to.".

Nodding to his words with a shy smile:"Yeah, I guess...". He keeps looking into my eyes:"Sometimes, people are afraid they will be viewed differently if they tell the truth to someone. Specially if it's someone they care about.". His words oozes warmth and care. It makes me think my own past. "Thank you, Dumbledore." my voice sounds like a whisper. We share this gentle smile. Then, a dark figure appears behind the curtain. My heart skips a beat when I realize who it is. Dumbledore sees my stare going over his shoulder and he turns to look:"Severus. What brings you here?". Snape stands there head high, looking down on us:"Lupin wishes to speak with you, Headmaster.". Hearing Remus's name and that he's alright makes me happy and a wave of relief going thru my whole body. "Oh, why of course. I shall leave then..." Headmaster takes some support from his knees to get up from the bed and walks away. For my surprise, Snape won't follow him. Instead, he stays still.

We stay quiet for a moment after our boss leaves the Hospital Wing. "You told him about last night?" I break the silence. "Naturally." he answers with the monotonic tone. "Didn't know you two were best buddies." I tease. He raises his eyebrow, but soon lowers it down:"We have a common agreement to tell each other everything according what happens in the castle and outside of it.". "So best friend, is what you are saying..." I mutter to myself. Then I shook my head:"But how did you even knew we were in the Forbidden Forest?". He gives bored look:"Wasn't that difficult. After you visited Hagrid's Hut, soon you carried a book about hippogriffs, and in the classroom of Defence Against the Dark Arts you thought about saving the hippogriff by yourself, if need to. Knowing there are occasionally an auction in the Forbidden Forest, didn't take much of a genius to find you.".

Looking at this man in disbelieve mixed with amazed. How in the world..?! "But I must say, I was surprised you didn't have any knowledge about Lupin's little secret. You two always seem... Close." he add. Frowning confused about his comment and start swinging my finger between him and I:"Wait... You thought, that he and I are..?". Snape stays quiet, almost like he's holding his breath. I burst into a laughter after it all hits me:"Hahahahaha!!". The Potions Master keeps staring at me with no emotion what so ever on his face. Tears comes up to my eyes while laughing:"Wonder what Remus's fiancé would say about this.". Snape rolls his eyes, looking annoyed. The laughing starts to hurt the scar, so I force myself to calm down and lay back down:"Ooh, that was a good one.". I wipe the tears away by pressing my middle fingers against the tear ducts:"And here I thought you can read minds...". No answer. Just more staring.

Fixing the pillow to make myself more comfortable in the bed and raise my eyes back to him:"Speaking of reading minds and friendships... I'd like to make a deal with you, Severus.". He raise his eyebrow:"Such as?". I let out a deep breath before opening speaking:"I want you to stop invading my privacy.". "I'm afraid I don't follow, Miss (Y/L)." he reply and takes two steps closer. "Well, I think we should be able to trust each other. Without using any tricks or spells like that. As co-workers, we need to have that mutual trust. Right?" I explain. He doesn't look impressed:"Is this your way of saying you are too lazy to learn Occlumency, Miss (Y/L)?". "What? Noo..!" I giggle playfully. Maybe, partly... Snape sighs:"Very well. I promise not to use my Legilimens skills on you anymore, if you promise not to steal from me ever again.". Can't lie, thought he'd needed more persuasion than that.

Smirk raises on corner of my mouth:"You have yourself a deal.". For a quick moment, Snape gives me a barely noticeable smile. "But how do I know you keep the promise?" I ask. "I am a man of my word." he reply, once again using that same monotonic tone. Then I raise my hand towards him in jokingly way while still laying down the bed:"Wanna do Unbreakable Vow on that?". "Don't think that's necessary." he slaps my hand away. Can't help, but giggle:"Oh, c'mon!". Without my notice, in that very small moment, as I'm having my eyes closed and giggling... A blush raises up on his cheeks while he's looking down on me. Then all of sudden, a blanket gets tossed over me so my whole face gets covered. "What the..-?!" I get surprised. "You need to rest now, Professor (Y/L)." Snape says. Huh?! Quickly, I pull the blanket out of my face to see him, but... He was already gone.

The next day, it snowed and I get to leave the Hospital Wing. The scar has faded, but there is a light mark on my skin still. Madam Pomfrey said it will be very unlikely it'll ever completely be gone. But I don't know, it does look pretty cool to me. It's making me feel way cooler than I am in reality, I guess. Luckily, this all happened during the weekend, and I am able to continue teaching on Monday like nothing has ever happened. Except... "What?! You are leaving?!" I repeat what Remus just told me. He sighs:"One of the Dark Wizards that escaped had spoken to the Ministry about me turning into a werewolf, and claimed I'd be huge threat to the students.". This can't be happening! We are now walking outside of the school's courtyard. Sniffy is on the leash, walking three meters ahead of us, enjoying the snow that has fallen down with full heart. Minerva took care of him while I was resting at the hospital. Remus and I have talked over everything that happened in the forest. How he became a werewolf such a young age, and how he always wanted to keep it as a secret. Only few people knows about it.

He was so apologetic when we saw each other earlier today, and it took a few tries to calm him down and tell him everything between us is fine, and I'm not as badly as hurt. Remus then continue:"Dumbledore has spoken for me to the Ministry, but... They weren't so convinced anything like that would ever happen again.". There are lot of things I'd like to say about the Ministry, but I keep quiet and just walk beside my friend. "I know Dumbledore tried his best. So there is no need to be resentful. I should have been the one who's careful..." his face goes pensive, regret written all over his face. I stop walking and turn to him:"It wasn't your fault. I just... Wish you would have told me sooner. I wouldn't viewed you any different!". Remembering what Headmaster told me yesterday. Gentle smile raises on his face and he chuckles:"And there's that Hufflepuffness I like about you, (Y/N).". My face goes slightly red. "Don't know if that's something to be happy about..." I mutter to myself and continue walking with him. All my life, all I ever heard was how wrong it is for me to be sorted in Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin. "Wonder who's going to replace you?" I wonder out loud while watching the snowy view ahead of us. He's staring at the same direction:"No idea. Dumbledore didn't tell.". I keep looking ahead:"I'm gonna miss you, Remus.".

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