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Weeks goes past. The leafs of the trees changed their colors and fell down almost like a blink of an eye. There has been so much to do and worry about lately I haven't been able to pay much of attention to what has been happening around me. All of the classes, students, exams, learning new things regarding the apprenticeship, trying to still remain somekind social life with other people... It's a lot! As soon as I read the news there has been the massive escape from Azkaban, I went straight to Dumbledore. He convinced me everything will be alright and I got nothing to worry about - specially if I stay in Hogwarts and its groundings. Obviously, that is not the way of living, so I have visited Hogsmeade and other places time to time - with some company, of course. Even I try to convince myself I am safe and I got nothing to worry about, I can't shake off this feeling back of my head that my parents are somewhere out there... Possibly looking for me.

It's a cold, snowy day. Me, Minerva and all fourth years to above are all gathered here in the Great Hall for dance practice for up coming Yule Ball that is in two weeks. All of the long tables and benches has been removed out of the way so there are room to move around. "Come on now, Mister Weasley! We have been practicing this dance many times before." Professor McGonagall huffs as she tries to teach how to dance a simple waltz the proper way. There are students spread around the room, trying to get their steps right with their partners. I - on the other hand, am sitting in the corner, watching and smiling this all happening. Minerva has asked me to come and help her with the students. Guess she thought I connect with the young teenagers the best, it would be only natural for me to be here and jump right in when needed.

I love seeing how these boys and girls are trying their best. Even the ones that acts like they don't care. Neville is the one I'm most proud of. He was the first of these boys who stand up when we had the first class couple weeks back. He seems to be doing fine now. And it all seems to be thanks to Miss Luna Lovegood. Happy to see them together like that, even they haven't start dating officially - yet. "Oh, Professor (Y/L)!" Minerva suddenly calls. "Yes?" I ask. "Please continue from here, I'll go check what's wrong with the record player." she says as she's already walking towards it. I'm no near of an expert when it comes to dancing, but I can manage the primary ones. I got up and walk towards the center:"Alright then... Who needs help?". "I do." one of the students raise their hand before anyone else and walks up to me. Mr. McLaggen. Of course...

When it comes the Love potion incident, Mr. McLaggen convinced Professor McGonagall that he has nothing to do with the candies. 'Must be someone trying to pull a prank, so they can frame me and ruin my reputation!' the student had said. None of us knew what to do, so in the end we decided to drop it and move on with our lives. The music starts playing again and I began to dance with the student among the others. To be honest, Mr. McLaggen really doesn't need help. He's a natural dancer, so I don't understand why he feels the need to dance with me. Guess he has been used to do everything perfectly because of his rich parents who are part of the Ministry, I heard. All of sudden, the student holds onto my hand and spins me around. It got me off guard, but in positive way. But then, as soon as he pulls me back in - little bit too close for my liking, he presses part of his nose against side of my head and does a light inhale. What the..-? Did... Did he just smell my hair? I pull away and slower our movement to stop dancing. "You seem to be doing just fine, Mr. McLaggen. You should be proud." I give a polite nod and step away from the student. "Thank you, Professor." he smiles and goes back to his partner. That was odd.

Days goes by and it's finally the day of The Yule Ball! You can only imagine how hyped all of the students are - specially the girls. All of their beautiful dresses and hair do's... Such a pity I never attend to the Ball when I was a student. Didn't have the money to get a dress. Talk about not having a date to go with, nor any friends that matter... But! Today, I can live that little fantasy and join the party. Of course, since it's all about the students and it's their moment, I don't wear a ball gown. But I do wear a dark blue wrap dress with long sleeves. Got also my makeup and hair done nicely, just the way I like it in cases like these. Sniffy watches me as I get ready in front of the mirror. I feel so giddy about all of this. Bet this is going to be great night! "There. All done! See you later, Sniffy." I peck a kiss on top of his head and leave the chamber.

When I enter the Great Hall, immediately I see all of the happy faces of the students and professors all around, ready to start the Ball. The whole place has been decorated with such a beautiful decors. At the end of the room, where normally the High Table is, there is a huge Christmas tree in the middle, two smaller ones on each side of it. Even everything is mainly white and icy themed, it all fits together perfectly, making this all seem more like a Royal Ball rather than a school ball. The magical ceiling shows the beautiful dark starry night sky above us while there are some snowflakes and sparkles slowly falling down on us. They immediately disappears when they get in touch palm of my hand. Woah!

While admiring everything around me, I won't notice when Severus walks in. Immediately when the Potions Master sees me, he stops right in there and stares at me. Like he hasn't seen anything like it before. I just keep on smiling and looking up to the magical ceiling amazed. Just when he decides he'll come up to me and takes the first step, Minerva walks up to me and 'steals me away'. "Oh, you look beautiful, my dear!" Minerva smiles. "So do you!" I admire her dark green long dress. As we approach the other side of the room, where the huge trees are, I see all the other professors. They are all already lined up, so we can soon start the Yule Ball. We all throw compliments to each other left and right. Everyone has put on their best outfits and they all look so good! But... Where's Severus?

Right after Minerva gets in to the line before me, her face lights up:"Ah, there you are Severus! Wonderful. Now that we are all here, we can began the Ball.". Quickly, I turn around to see him as I step into the line among the other professors. Severus is dressed up in his usual up buttoned clothes - no surprise there. All black, head to toe. White collared shirt peeking out from his neck and sleeves. But there is one exception in his outfit compared to his everyday one: he has a black velvet ribbon bow tie. How come such a small detail makes the whole outfit perfect suit for the occasion? Hard to say, but it works. While watching him joining us, a light blush appears on my cheeks. He looks so handsome.

Soon, Dumbledore - who's wearing a silver robe mixed with gold details, takes a step forward and began with his welcoming speech to the students. Can see from all of the students faces how excited they are the party to begin. Some of them are nervous about the up coming dance more than others. After the speech, with Professor Flitwick's lead, the music starts playing and the floor gets filled with a handful of students. Seems that most of them are still nervous to start dancing. But after Dumbledore holds onto Minerva's hand, and they make their way to the dance floor, others joins in. It's such a wholesome moment to watch. Corner of my eyes, I notice how Moody is sitting alone in one corner, drinking away from his flask. No idea what he might have in there... But if he won't cause any trouble or offer any alcohol for the teenagers, I don't mind what he's doing.

My thoughts gets cut off when Severus comes stand next to me. "What a useless way to spend a perfectly good school day where students could actually learn something important, rather than having a ball dance where they most likely end up crying at the end of the night under the staircase." the Potions Master's monotonic tone hums as he keeps eyes on the dance floor. Rolling my eyes a bit:"Aren't you a sunshine...". We watch other people dance for a moment without saying anything. I keep swaying along the music from where I stand. Severus's eyes visits on me and he notices this. Then, he shifts his eyes back to the dance floor:"Aren't you going to dance?". A coy smile comes up to my face:"Mm... Maybe. If anyone came up to me and asked me to.". Then he and I share a look. Severus shifts his eyes back to the crowd:"Sounds reasonable.". This man doesn't get the hint. Does he?

After the first song came to an end and the second one was about to start, I try to raise the courage to just go for it and ask him instead. You can do it (Y/N)! Knowing him, he most likely will say no, but at least I have tried. Right? Merlin, why I feel so nervous all of sudden?! Just do it! But before I could even open my mouth, Hagrid steps in front of me and offers his hand:"Shall we?". My head snaps right up to look at him and I smile:"Of course.". Maybe another time then... With that, me and the half-giant head to the dance floor. We sway along the music and have fun.

At first I thought it might be difficult for us to dance together since the big height difference, but we are doing just fine. By the outside of perspective, we look like a father and young daughter that are dancing together. Which is something I never get to experience with my own dad - not even before the time I became a Hufflepuff. Hagrid and I share a caring smile as we dance. This moment right here warms my heart. I will cherish this moment. When Hagrid holds my hand and spins me around, I get to see how Severus is still standing where he originally was. There is a small, gentle smile on his face as he's watching us.

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