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The next morning, I slowly wake up, only to see the love of my life is still sleeping peacefully right next to me. Can't help, but smile how adorable he looks while laying there. Everything that happened yesterday floods into my mind, which brings light blush on my cheeks and I do small giddy leg wiggles like little school girl who's thinking about their crush. I can't believe we actually did it!! There are these tiny butterflies flying around my stomach just looking at him. With very gentle touch, I remove some hair out of Severus's face, but it actually wakes him up and his eyes flutters open in sleepy way. "Good morning, sleepyhead." I smile softly. Without a word, Severus scoops me in his arms and hugs tight under the covers. This all makes me giggle:"Hey..!!". Feeling the warmth of his body thru these thin clothes brings bigger smile and blush on my face. "I'll take that you slept as good as I did?" I chuckle. Severus mutters something under his breath as he nuzzles more against me. He's so cute! Seems that he hasn't slept this good for a long time.

Still partly in asleep, he is in disbelieve all of this is real, that I am right here. That we are here. Just like before. Like this is a dream he doesn't wanna wake up from. Seeing him rubbing his eyes from the sand makes me chuckle. To think this is the soft side of him that he has been afraid to show. The thought of going to see Neville to the Hospital Wing and the other members of the Dumbledore's Army crosses my mind. I need to tell them how we happen to see Harry and the others at the Ministry. That's when I gently shove Severus away to get out of the embrace, but he only tightens the hold around me. "No." he mumbles with deep, inaudible voice. Now I'm trapped in his arms so my back is against his torso. So needy. I chuckle amused:"I'm sorry, Sevy. But there are places I need to be..-", "Mm, I know couple places you can start with." he murmurs with low voice as he inhales my scent and starts tracing the tip of his nose against my neck, his big hands slowly wandering around my body.

Before I can say anything to that, he slides his hand under my nightshirt and starts placing soft kisses against the neck. My whole face turns red:"Who..- who's being shameless now?!". "Thought it was already told; once I'll get the taste of your gorgeous body... I won't be able to restrain myself any longer. Or did that managed to escape from that silly brain of yours?" he whispers into my ear. "Ey!!" I exclaim, acting annoyed. We then start this light hearted banter which makes us both let out soft chuckles here and there whenever the other one makes a good point why we should or shouldn't stay in bed while caressing each other ever so lovingly. Eventually, Severus agrees to get up from the bed. I keep watching him while sitting on the bed with big grin on my face, hair little bit messed up as he's collecting all the clothes. A long yawn comes out of me and I start stretching my arms and legs a bit. Can feel slight soreness around my thighs. And what's between them...

While watching him getting dressed, I get a small peek from the wound on his left side, right below the ribs. That's the one he got when he protected me back when I was in Harry's form. It's very fade, but I can still see the light pink-ish shade pattern on the pale skin. Knowing Dark Magic spells won't heal easily... So that might stay there the rest of his life, actually. The guilt it's all my fault and how I wasn't able to heal his wound visits in my heart, but I quickly try to push it away. I bet Narcissa did what she could at the moment. While Severus fixes the long sleeves of his fully dark clothing, he began to speak about how it'll be for the best we continue things like they were before last night. If the Dark Lord finds out I mean more than 'fun time' to him, only Merlin would know what might happen to me or him - to us. To be honest, I'm not happy about this.

Somehow the thought I need to be acting as his toy makes me feel dirty. It poisons the mind quite easily if I'll start thinking about it too much. Like I don't really matter..- "-/N)." Severus's deep voice brings me back from my thoughts. "Y-yes?" my head snaps up to him, only to realize he had already brought his face very close to mine while leaning against the bed with his hands. "I beg you not to doubt your real position in my life, nor how I feel about you." he sounds serious and pecks a soft kiss on my forehead. How did he know that's where my head went?! He sees the baffled look on my face and he leans away to fix his tie:"I don't need to read your mind to be able to guess what's going on that brain of yours.". Oh... Don't know what to say to that, so I just purse my lips, gaze slowly lowering down from him to the floor. The grip around the blanket on my lap tightens a bit. We have come so far. So I can't get these negative thoughts and feelings consume me. I need to be stronger. I need to... Do better.

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now