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The Greenhouse is dead silent. Both of us are trying to let everything to sink in. Severus has his mouth slightly open out of shock what he just saw. While keeping my head low, couple tears are rolling down my face. I feel so powerless, weak, ashamed... "I-I didn't... I mean, I..." I shudder. Still not able to look at him in the eyes. Then, he closes the mouth and hardens the gaze. Why isn't he saying anything? There is darkness in Severus's eyes:"I just realized, I have a meeting with the Professor of History of Magic.". Huh? Just when I lift my head up to see him, he's already on the move. "Wait..!" I run after him. What is he going to do?! As he walks out of the classroom, he whips his wand and the door gets closed behind him, leaving me alone to the class. "No, Severus!!" I try to open the door. Seems like he has locked me in here!

Panic hits. I don't want him to get into trouble! Quickly, I draw out my wand to open the door:"Alohomora!". No use. Damn it! He must've shield with some another spell. Having no time to think other lock opening spell, I point the wand at the door again and take couple steps back:"Bombarda!". BOOM! The door breaks and I rush out. Severus keeps heading the History of Magic classroom with long steps, determined look on his face. The cape behind him barely touches the floors as he's walking. No idea what's on his mind right now. I'm actually scared. "What do you think you are doing?! Don't be a fool, Severus! He's not worth it!" my voice echoes thru the castle when I finally get to the hallways. He's way too fast. Every possible door he walks thru, he closes them with the spell, which slowers me down. Merlin!

Lockhart happens to be sitting behind the desk in peace, writing some autographs on his moving black and white pictures. While I'm struggling with the damn doors far behind, Severus enters the History of Magic classroom - by blasting the door open with his wand. It won't break the door, but sure swung it open and it hits hard against the wall. As soon as the door blasts open, Lockhart shoots up stunned what's going on:"What in the name of Mer..-", "Expelliarmus." Severus uses the spell without stopping his walk towards the scum. Lockhart gets slammed back on the chair. He has no time to react when the Potions Master has already come stand so close, sticking the wand right up against his neck.

Severus has pure rage in his eyes as he stares at the man down. "Not only did you not listen my advice to stay away from her... You actually acted on your disturbing thoughts." he hisses thru his teeth, holding himself back from actually using physical violence. Lockhart is terrified and doesn't really wanna believe Severus has found out what he did, so he desides to play dumb. "...Wh-who are we talking about again?" he chuckles weakly. The audacity that this man has makes Severus see red. "Stealing the cape under my nose and pretending to be me, is already unforgivable - but taking advantage of (Y/N) and her pure heart... You have no idea who you are dealing with." Severus hisses with very threatening tone. Lockhart starts panicking even more now:"N-now, calm down now, Severus... I'm sure there is some misunderstanding here. (Y/N) wanted it..-", "If she wanted it so much, why did you had to poison her drink in Hog's Head Inn?" Severus snaps back and holds onto Lockhart by the collar with the other hand. Lockhart's weak smile falls down slowly.

Just then, me and Minerva rush in and stop right at the doorway. "Severus!!" I gasp. I happened to run into Minerva in her nightgown after she rushed to see what's going on, since she heard me blasting the doors open around the castle. Didn't have the time to explain her what was really going on, only told her Severus might end Lockhart's life soon. Severus doesn't pay any attention to us and continues to stare at the man in the chair:"Malevolent Mixture. With the right amount, used as a tool to make innocent victim to feel sick and loose control of themselves. Easy target for someone who has impure thoughts on their mind.". Malevolent Mixture?! My eyes widens as I began to realize, it was Lockhart who poisoned me!

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