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The world is grey. The only thing that could bring me back from the darkness would be him. His smile. His scent. His words. His embrace. Him. "You are not going to see that Muggle. Ever again." my mother stated. There is an awful twist in my stomach. I frown and make a shy eye contact:"Why?". Her head snaps right at me, looking angry:"How stupid you can be?! He is a MUGGLE.". Slight panic hits:"But- but I haven't told him anything abou..-", "It does not matter if he knows that you are a Witch or not." she hisses. Fidgeting my fingers nervously on my lap:"Aunt-Ruby. She married..-", "A Muggle. Yes. No need to remind me about how she just ruined our family's bloodline and left the Magic World behind. Talk about disappointment when you got sorted in the wrong House." she rolls her eyes annoyed. Her words keeps cutting into me like a sharp knife. I lower my head:"It wasn't my to deci..-", she slams her hands onto the table in front of me and I flinch. "We do NOT meddle with none other than the Pure Bloods. Understood?!" she yells. "Yes, mother." my voice shakes.

I tried. I really, really tried to stay away from him. But... No matter how careful I was. No matter how I made sure not to leave any evidences around... They ended up founding out by using the Veritaserum on me. "Think that's enough, Harold dear." my mother says as she's watching me in pain on the floor. Tears keeps running down my face as the pain stops and I keep gasping some air like I've just came under the water. My father combs his hair back with his fingers:"How many times do we haveto do this, so you will learn? Huh?!". Something snaps inside of me. "...-er." I whimper on the floor. "Speak clearly." mother demand. "I. Don't. Care." I answer. "Huh?" they both frowns. I honestly didn't care anymore. Lift myself up to sit slowly and glare at them:"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want with me! You can torture me all you want. Make me go mad. Make me go insane. Make me loose my mind! But as long as Edward and I have each other... It won't matter.". Father turns to mother, asking for help:"Eloise...".

For a moment she stares at me with baffled look on her face. Guess she never thought I would stand up for myself. But then, an evil smirk creeps on her lips:"Very well then.". Both - me and my father turn to look at her. There is pure evil in her eyes. "Then we will give him the same treatment." her voice is poison to my ears. What?! There is terror all over my face:"...No. No, you can't do that!!". She shrugs carelessly while holding the wand in her hands:"It's only fair.". Father starts smirking as well:"I agree with your mother.". My heart sinks and tears starts running down on my face:"No..! NO! You can't do that!". "You haveto make a choice, pumpkin. Either you stop seeing him for good. Or we will pay him a visit." my mother says. There is no way I'm going to let them go anywhere near Edward. So...

Hesitatingly, I pick up the phone at my aunt's place to call Edward after aunt went shopping for us some tea and biscuits that her sister insisted her to go get right at this moment. Having no idea she was asked to do so, so 'she won't be bothering us', and gladly went out to get the items from the nearest shop. Won't take long before Edward picks up. He sounded surprised I called. "Is everything alright, (Y/N)?" he asks. My heart sinks and tears about to come up:"Yes. Wh-why you ask?"."...I don't know. You sound little bit upset, maybe?" he wonders. Shooking my head eyes closed. I don't wanna do this. "I'm fine. Guess, I just need to see you." I answer. I then asked if we could meet in our favorite place, which is at the lake not too far from the downtown. "Alright! See you there. Love you." he sounded so cheerful. Corner of my eye, I see my parents standing right beside me, not liking what they are hearing. "See you." my voice goes small. Love you. Evening came. I can see him standing there, having his back facing us. He is waiting on me to arrive, under the big tree we shared our first kiss. "Do it." my father whispers behind me. I don't want to. Tears in my eyes, I lift the wand with shaky hand towards my love and whisper:"Obliviate.".

My eyes shoots open when I hear the little cage making noise on the floor. Slowly realizing I'm in aunt's guestroom. It's Christmas Day. Sniffy keeps moving in his cage, letting me know he has woken up. "Mmh... C'mon, you little rascal." with tired moves I let him out, pick him in my arms and come back to bed to cuddle. Normally I don't put Sniffy in the cage, but for the peace of my aunt's mind I put him in there for the night. This way he won't run around in middle of the night and make a mess. One time Sniffy managed to tip over Ruby's precious crockery cabinet. After that, she has been quite stiffy towards Sniffy. Back then it didn't make any of us laugh, but now since it has been few years, can't help but smile about it.

After snuggling and feeding the niffler, I put on some clothes and wrap the leash around him. Ruby notices us coming down the stairs while having some breakfast:"Merry Christmas, sweetheart!". "Merry Christmas to you too!" I smile back. Then her eyes lowers down to Sniffy and her smile drops. "Hope you have behaved well this year. You do know Santa is looking out for the magical creatures too?" she raise her eyebrow to the niffler. Giggling to her reaction:"We'll go outside to the backyard for a minute.". "Alright. I'll make you some breakfast." Ruby puts down her tea and heads to the fridge. With years of experience, you don't say 'no' to aunt-Ruby. So I just nod with a smile:"Thank you.". William walks in to the room yawning:"Good morning..!". "Morning! And Merry Christmas!" I shout near the door that leads to the backyard. William turns to see me and gets baffled for a second how I'm holding a leash with nothing on the other end of it.

The Christmas Day goes smoothly. Everything is so cozy and nice. After the huge dinner, we roll ourselves and bellies full to the livingroom to open the presents. Ruby and William are sitting on their armchairs, drinking their desert sherries while looking down at me, who is sitting on the floor, unwrapping some of the presents like a little child. The only light in the room in here is coming from the beautifully decorated Christmas tree's lights. I gasp after opening the present they have given me:"Woah! It's beautiful! Thank you so much!". They both give heart warming smiles. You can just tell William didn't know what was in the wrappings, but he keeps on smiling like he had been part of making the present. It's a handmade sweater in my favorite color. "Thought that would fit, since there are always so cold in the castle." Ruby turns to William. He nods:"Why yes, yes of course.".

Getting all giddy, I go and grab the small present under the tree and hand it to them:"Here ya go!". "My, oh, my! You shouldn't have sweetie..." Ruby says while ripping the papers off. She lets out a gasp when she sees what I got them. William leans in to see better:"What is it?". Her eyes keep going from the present to me:"No, you..-! How did you know we were planning to go Italy?!". I laugh:"Guess, Santa looks out for the Muggle World too.". Me and William share a wink when Ruby doesn't see. Tears starts to come up on her eyes and she stands up to give me a hug:"Ouhw! These tickets must've cost you a fortune!". "I have some savings." I reassure. Then she turns to her husband:"Look! We are going in Italy!!". There is that loving look on William's eyes as he's watching his wife being all happy:"We sure are.".

As they start planning the trip all excited, I glance down and see the present Hagrid had given me before I hopped on the train. Wonder what it is? My face brightens when I see it: a new leash for Sniffy! The one I have been using so far is pretty worn out, the truth to be told. Can't even remember when I brought it. To think Hagrid has noticed something like that warms my heart. Even he told me bringing back Buckbeak was the best present he could get, I still feel like I need to get him something. Perhaps something what he can't get from the Wizarding World? A whiskey of somekind, perhaps? Just when I thought all of the presents were unwrapped, I see there is one more present under the tree. Huh? There is no tag on it.

Ruby sees me staring at the small package:"Who is it from?". "I'm not sure..." I stare at it. "Well, come now. Open it!" she gets excited. Pretty much guessed what it is as I start opening it. "Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans! Who on earth has send you those?" Ruby chuckles amused. William leans forward to see what they are and I hand it to him for him to investigate. "I believe they are from my boss." I turn to look at my aunt. Her eyebrows raise:"From Dumbledore? Why he send you candies?". I shrug:"Life is full of surprises, I guess.". "EW!!" William spits out a bean. Me and Ruby quickly turn our heads to see what happened. "You better tell him to return these, wherever he bought these candies... Tastes like rotten eggs!". Ruby and I share a look and burst into huge laughter. He frowns at us confused:"What? Why are you two laughing?!".

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