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The morning comes. I got up before anyone else and went down to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Remus and Tonks had told me I can use their kitchen as freely as I want. They have stored all kinds of foods and beverages for all of us for this whole weekend. They are really hospitable. While putting some coffee grounds into a pot, I start to think everything that happened yesterday. Still feeling little bit vexed by the news I heard last night. Can't believe they bullied Severus like that. Even by Sirius's stories it sounds like Remus wasn't directly bullying Severus back then. But... Watching everything just happening and not doing anything to stop it is also a form of a bullying. I feel so conflicted. After I had threw the wine on Sirius, I went back in the house without anyone's notice. I just had to get out of there in that moment. Didn't wanna make a bigger scene. After all, the party was slowly coming to its end, so there shouldn't be anything weird for me leaving there. I just hope Tonks didn't see any of it.

While I keep making the coffee, I hear how someone steps into the kitchen with me. Automatically, I turn to look over the shoulder to see who it is. Sirius. Of course. "Morning." his voice sounds like a whisper. I just give him a nod and continue to make the coffee. Sirius sits down around the kitchen table and sighs deep. Looks like he's having the biggest hangover of his lifetime. Which actually gives me an idea... I start opening some of the cabinets, looking for a mug so I can drink the coffee from. After finding the right one, I slam the cabinets close which causes him to wince from a pain as he's too sensitive to loud noises. He quickly covers his ears:"Ah..! Please don't.". "Oh, my apologies." I answer with sarcastic smile on my face. Then, I start moving the dishes around the counter that makes more annoying noises to his ears. "(Y/N)..." he keeps the ears covered.

Acting all innocent here:"What?". Sirius gives me the side eye that says 'I know what you are doing.'. I just shrug with slight smirk corner of my mouth:"Ups, guess these noises are little bit too loud for your little doggy ears.". Before he can say anything, I walk back to the cabinets. "Want some?" pointing at the coffee. Immediately he knows I'm about to slam the cabinets again:"N-no..-", "C'mon. One cup of coffee won't hurt ya." I slam the cabinets shut again after taking another mug from there. "Alright! Alright. You have proved your point." Sirius hisses. I stop and turn to look at him, waiting for him to continue. Sirius takes the hands off of his ears and thinks for a moment where to begin. "No one has ever spoken to me like that before. Not to mention how you threw that wine right up on my face..." he mutters. Crossing arms over my chest and lean against the counter behind me:"Maybe it was about time.". My comment makes him let out a soft chuckle. Almost like he just gain a new level of respect towards me.

Then he raise those grey eyes on me:"You two are close.". My heart does a small jump after he said that. Couldn't figure if it was a question or did he just pointed it out. "...Severus and I, we are friends." I nod, trying to act all casual about it. Saying the word 'friends' feels wrong somehow. But then again, what else are we? Co-workers, sure. But I don't think we are just that... Sirius sees how I get zoned out as I start to think the situation between me and the Potions Master. "(Y/N)..?" he tries to call me back on earth after couple minutes. "Hm?" my gaze quickly snaps back to him. We stare each other for a small moment before he chuckles again. Guess he finds my zoning out amusing. Then his face goes more serious:"I am..- I want to apologise. The way I acted. I shouldn't have..-", "I'm not the one you should be apologizing from." I quickly interrupt him. It makes him blink once out of surprise. I can feel more relaxed after saying that.

If anyone here should hear an apology, it would be Severus. Sirius looks back to his hands that are resting on the table:"Right...". I can see how his hands are shaking. Most likely because of the hangover. Do I feel bad for throwing the wine at him? Sure, somewhat. Was it something Sirius needed? Yeah, I think so. Perhaps, one day those two could find some sort of peace in their heart and make up. Who knows? Then, I just sigh deep and come sit other side of the table:"You are not that bad, Sirius.". I place one of the mugs that has coffee in it right in front of him as a peace offering. "Just a little crooked from the head." I add. Sirius lift his gaze up from his hands to look at me, little bit surprised I won't lecture him more or such. Maybe it's the Hufflepuffness in me, but I don't like to be in bad terms with anyone.

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