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Carrow twins. Should have guessed. My heart is beating heavily inside my chest as we stare each other. This is just like last summer - back in Cokeworth, when those two tried to ambush me on my way back to train station. Only this time, they got the furry guy here to help. This isn't good. Apparate sounds good right now for some reason. Amycus keeps on smiling:"Back in the alleys, I see. No wonder, that's where you whores belong.". Alecto lets out a witchy chuckle as in 'good one brother'. Looks like she's completely fine from last time I saw her. Her brother seems to be still salty about me turning him down back at the festival. Geez... Even I'm feeling somewhat anxious, I keep the stern glare:"If you learned anything from last time, Amycus... You don't wanna do this.". Amycus seems confident as he draws his wand:"Oh, I think I do.". I sigh slightly frustrated what's about to happen:"Didn't think you were that smart in the first place.".

Before any of them could react, I quickly cast a spell on the werewolf-man. He immediately flies further away and lands on his back unconscious. The twins won't waste their time and starts shooting spells at me. The sound of spells being casted and blocked starts echoing around the alley. As I fight, I keep taking steps away from them. I need to leave before they'll call more people to join them! "C'mon, (Y/N). Give us some challenge, would ya?" Amycus grins like a maniac. Quickly, I swing my wand at them after blocking one of their attacks:"Confringo!". A big ball of fire that fills the whole alleyway shoots towards them. That got them off guard, but Alecto managed to block it just in time. As soon as the fiery fog settles down, they realize I have started running away. Werewolf-man got up from the ground with slight headache. "Don't just stand there! Go after her!!" Amycus hisses and all three of them runs after me.

Thinking if I'll get back to the main alleyway, they wouldn't dare to come there and cause a scene. But I was wrong. After I get to the main street and start scampering thru the people, the Death Eaters rush in the main street and tries to spot me. Shit, shit, shit, shit! "There she goes!" Alecto sees me further away in middle of the sea of other witches and wizards. Without caring about the civies, they start casting spells towards my way, breaking couple of windows and owl cages on the way. Immediately it causes chaos. People are screaming and running. Most of the people recognize they are Death Eaters, so they step away or go hide. Only a few tries to fight back, but ends up go flying or got hurt. This is not how I wanted this to go!

Somewhere in the distance, I can hear how someone whistles into a whistle that let's everyone know that the Magical Law Enforcement Officers are now intervening. As I'm running among the others, I see how couple black smokes whooshes above the main alleyway. Fucking shi..- Suddenly, I trip and fall down on my stomach:"Ah..-!!". In panic, I turn myself around and try to spot the enemy thru all of these running people, wand ready. When I try to get up, someone's knee accidentally hits across my face and I get back to the ground. "Argh!" I groan from the pain, but try to stay alert. Now there is a higher change I'll get stepped to death rather than get killed by a Death Eater! Just then, a black smoke flies from the sky and lands only one meter away from me. My eyes widens. It's the same Death Eater that was in Burrow! The one who almost took their mask off. The one who I begged to save Sniffy from the burning house...

All of the witches and wizards keep their distance while running in terror, which gives us space in middle of this chaos. The Death Eater is just standing there, looking down on me behind the metal mask. It's really hard to tell what is going thru their mind now. Are they here to help..? But then, I notice how they calmly move their hand where they hold their wand in. It gives me the sense of alert and quickly raised my wand and cast a spell. Immediately they blocked it. Damn it! As fast as I can, I got up and continue to run. No matter if this person helped me, they are still a Death Eater and I can't let my guard down. While running away, the Death Eater stares at me where they stand for a moment longer before they turn into the black smoke and whooshes up in the sky.

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