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It was getting late. Around five pm we decided to head back home - and by 'home' we mean the Spinner's End. Since it would be way too late when arriving to Hogwarts by the train, and Severus's family home is on the way, why not spend the night there? That's why I took the luggage with me. It has everything I need for one night. But before leaving Remus's and Tonks's, I went upstairs to use the bathroom. Right after I thought everything that has happened today and use the toilet paper, I glance down and realize... My period has started. Ahw, shit... I sigh deep and start the cleaning operation. Luckily, the blood didn't manage to get on my underwear, but it's still annoying. Maybe there was this little hope in me that tonight was the night when Severus and I would... I shook my head and started to open some of the cabinets and drawers to see if Tonks got any pads stored in here.

Tonks had put Ted for his nap, so all four of them are waiting for me downstairs near the front door. Finally, I come down the stairs with usual smile on my face:"Alright then! Let's get going.". "You sure you got everything?" Tonks worries. "Yep, everything I need is right here." I smile and glance up to Severus who stands next to me. "Thank you again for coming to see Ted - and us. We'll see next time at the baptism." Remus smiles. "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world." I smile back. We then share our goodbye hugs while Severus patiently waits at the door. After giving my favorite couple the hugs, Sirius captures me in his arms and hugs me tight:"See you then, sweetheart.". Even I got my back facing the front door, I can feel how Severus sends daggers at Sirius with his glare. But Sirius just gives teasing smirk at him and hugs me longer on purpose. "O-okay... That's..- That's enough, Sirius. You had your fun, so just drop it." I kindly shove him off of me. "Can't help it, kid. You are just too darn cute." he laughs. Oh, dear Merlin.

We waved our goodbyes and left the house. For a moment Severus and I walk side by side, not saying a word. The air here outside is quite chilly. It actually might start raining soon. I finally break the silence:"It was nice seeing them.". No answer. I do feel somewhat bad the way Sirius managed to annoy Severus during the visit. I stop walking:"Hey.". He also stops after taking couple more steps and turns to look at me, ready to hear what I haveto say. "You do know you got nothing to worry about when it comes to Sirius - or anyone that matter. Right?" I ask with serious tone. "Yes. I'm not an insecure fool, (Y/N).". Before I can put a comment on that, he continues with calm manner:"But if I may add, I would appreciate it if you managed to put better boundaries towards people you don't feel comfortable sharing physical touch with.". He's right. Maybe I am being way too nice when it comes to breaking my own boundaries, there for... I'm kind of hurting Severus as well. "I'm sorry, Severus. I promise to work on that." I nod. "Apology accepted." he nods back and we start walking again. I'm glad we had this talk.

Severus keeps his gaze ahead:"But I can assure you, (Y/N)... When we get to Spinner's End, I will touch... Every single part of you wherever that fleabag touched. And more.". My face turns into red. The thought of his hands and lips all over me gives me the butterflies. But then the thought of what I realize in the bathroom stops the butterflies. "About that..." I start with timid voice. "Hm?" he shift his eyes on me. Looking up to him with apologetic way:"I got my period just before leaving the house. I..-", "(Y/N), I'm hurt if you think it got any affect whether or not I want to feel you close to me.". "Oh..." my voice goes small. Severus holds onto my hand, interlocking our fingers while maintaining the cool and calm manner:"Do we need to make a stop at the store? What you need?". Little bit surprised by this:"Ah, eh... N-no. No, I got everything I need in my luggage.". "Are you sure?" he ask. "Yes." I nod with shy smile. He's so sweet about this. "Well, then... Let's get in the house." he says and before I could react, he uses the Apparate spell and we vanish just before the rain started outside.

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now