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My mind has gone full on blank. Eyes wide, I stare in pure shock as Remus - my friend, the man whose son's godmother I am, is actually kissing me?!?! This can't be real! I shut my eyes tight and try to push him away, but he's persistent to keep our lips attached for a moment longer. Got no time to try push him away the second time when people already rush behind the corner. Filch is the first one who ran in while holding his lantern. The look on his face drops immediately and he frozes to his place:"Oh, uh...". Guess he was waiting to caught a student red-handed instead of us. Same goes to Headmaster. As soon as he comes behind that corner and sees us, the look on his face changes from frown into shocked one. Alecto raise her eyebrows at first when she notices us, but soon chuckles mischievously:"What do we have here ~? Working overtime, I see.".

Remus quickly pulls away from the kiss and turns to them, acting surprised as he wipes his lower lip with a thumb:"Oh..-!". I'm too shocked to say or do anything, so I just keep staring the man in front of me, face all red. Did that really just happened? Remus continues the act of 'a married man just got caught making out with the co-worker in middle of the corridor late at night'. "Evening, Professors. Uh... May I help you somehow?" he runs fingers thru his hair and fixes the tie around his neck like we would have been up here quite sometime. Oh, please... Somebody, just kill me right here! As Filch starts to tell with slight awkward tone why they are here in the seventh floor, my eyes shifts from Remus to the wall behind him where the door to the Room of Requirement once was. It's not there anymore. A small relief washes over me when I see this, but soon get consumed by this great guilt.

Snape is not paying any attention on Remus or the people next to him and what they are talking about. He has his eyes narrowed on me the whole time. Almost like he is trying to read from my body language if I'm been harassed or am I doing this willingly. The look on his dark eyes are so cold and intense, there is no way I can look directly at him - or anyone in this matter, so I keep my gaze down. My heart... It's at the same time pounding so hard inside my chest, as well as it's breaking. My mind is just..- I'm screaming internally at this point! All of sudden, I feel how Remus gently wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him as he tells the others good luck for finding whatever they are looking for, and how him and I are going to leave now. "Goodnight, Mr. Filch. Miss Carrow. Headmaster." he gives each of them a polite nod and we start walking.

When we walk past them, they all turn to stare after us, and keep on staring as long as we were out of their sight. Both of us can just feel the burning sensation of Snape's dark eyes back of our heads. It's a miracle we are both still alive. Even Remus looks outside's perspective very calm and collected, in reality, he is stressing the hell out. Corner of my eye, I can see the look behind those eyes that are begging:'Please don't kill me, Severus. Please don't kill me.'. Without a word, we walk all the way to my chamber. As soon as we shut the door and Remus casts the spell people won't be able to hear us, I shove him quite hard, face burning red:"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!". Before he has the time to even give me the answer, I feel the shivers of creep go thru me and I run to the bathroom. After all, he really is like a brother to me, as well as I'm like a sister to him.

Remus sighs frustrated:"Had to get your mind somehow distracted and explain why we were in that corridor that time of the night.". I have now grabbed a toothbrush and began brush my mouth furiously:"There is a difference of getting someone distracted and getting someone traumatized!". "For goodness sake, (Y/N). For your information, I didn't enjoy it for one bit either!" he frowns as he walks to the bathroom's doorway to see me. My mouth starts foaming by all that extra toothpaste I put on. "Oh, come now. I didn't use any tongue! Quit being so dramatic." he scoffs. I spit into the sink:"I could have believed something like this from Sirius, but not from you, Remus.". "You were going to reveal our secret. If anything, you should be thanking me!" he argues back. Maybe he's right. We managed to keep the room as a secret. But with what cost? The look Snape gave me... It haunts me. I can still feel Remus's lips on mine. "Oh, Merlin..!" I whine and start brushing over my lips. For a moment Remus stares at me and sighs as he puts arms over his chest. I spit again into the sink and lean against it with both hands as I breath out couple times out of stress.

We both stay quiet for a minute before I raise my gaze from the sink with determined eyes:"I'm gonna tell him.". Both of Remus's eyebrows raise:"What?". Quickly, I wipe my lips on a towel and start storming towards the door:"I need to tell Severus that I..-", "No. (Y/N)..-" Remus quickly stops me by holding onto me by shoulders. I start fighting to get out of his grasp:"No, Remus..-!", once I break the touch between us, all I get to do is take couple steps before he wraps his arms around me from behind tight. I keep struggling:"Let me go!!", "We can't blow our cover, (Y/N)!! Think about the children and what would happen to them if you're gonna walk thru that door now and tell him everything!". I freeze. But... He needs to know. He needs to know that I..-

When Remus feels my body goes from tense into more relaxed one, he slowly looses the hold around me:"Look, I'm terribly sorry. Alright? Perhaps, there could have been better way to handle it, but what is done is done.". He's right. There is no going back from this. All I want to do is to just run up to Severus and tell him the truth. But... How could I? He must hate me. Tears began to raise on my (e/c) eyes. Remus feels how my body starts trembling:"...(Y/N)?". Shuddered breath escapes from my lips as the tears falls down my cheeks. Remus then hugs me from behind and whispers:"I'm sorry.". I try to say:'it's okay', but I can't. The words are not coming out of my mouth. All I can do now is hold onto his arms that are around me and just cry. Why..? Why is my heart breaking so bad?

The next day, I walk to the Great Hall for breakfast like every morning. There are lots of students, eating and chatting all around. When I get to the High Table, I fall down to my chair and let out a long sigh while rubbing my face. Hardly even slept last night. The look on Snape's face kept replaying like a broken record in my head. I tried to convince myself we did what we had to, to keep the Room of Requirement as a secret for sake for the students, but..- "Morning, (Y/N)!" Hagrid comes to sit next to me. "Hagrid..! G-good morning." I force a smile. "Awfully lot of snow has come down out there, eh?" he chuckles. As soon as he lets his weight down on the chair he lets out a long sigh and rustles the Daily Prophet in his hands. I nod:"Yes... I guess it is.". He always seem to be in a good mood. Even times like these.

We start talking while eating breakfast - well, mostly I let him speak. For some reason, I'm not feeling as chatty like I normally do. And I can see Hagrid senses it too, but doesn't wanna push it, so he keeps on telling me about how Buckbeak has been doing as he keeps flipping the pages of the news paper. While I'm shoving some food into my mouth, my eyes visits on the paper. Immediately when I see familiar face on it, I'm about to choke on the food. Hagrid notices this and puts down the paper to give couple pats on my back:"Ey, ey, easy there now.". To him they might be gentle pats, but to me they are quite strong ones. "I'm..- It's okay..! I got it. Thank you!" I cough few times. Quickly, I gulp down some juice from the cup to clear my throat. After that, I snatch the paper from his hand:"Show me that, will you?". He's a little bit confused, but lets me take a look at it. When he sees what page caught my attention, he sighs:"Ah, of course she's in there...". Umbridge.

There is a picture of her, looking so proud while standing next to some woman that most likely is part of the Ministry. 'Ministry seeks educational reform' "Hmph." I let out a scoff. Just when I'm about to read a little bit more what the article says, something caught my eye in that picture of her. No way..! "Is everything alright?" Hagrid asks. Blinking my eyes couple times faster to get my thoughts in order:"Y-yeah... I, uh...". She has the locket around her neck. The locket! The one Dumbledore gave me just before he died - which unfortunately turned out to be a fake one. So that must be... The real one then? Slytherin's Locket. "(Y/N)?" my friend calls me again. Quickly, I got up from the chair:"Sorry..- D-do you mind if I borrow this?". Hagrid has no time to even answer before I'm already on the move to rush out:"Okay, thanks!". I need to get this to Remus and the others! Just when I had run the Great Hall's long aisle and get to the big doors at the end of it, I push one of them open and almost bump into someone. "Oh! Sorry..-!!" I gasp surprised, eyes wide. But right away my heart misses a beat when I recognize the man in their dark clothing. Severus..!!

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