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After our last Occlumency lesson, I head back to the chamber. While walking there, I can't help but keep thinking what Severus said about me and clothes. Why I'm so disappointed?! Have we gone too deep of a friendship that... That I have been friendzoned?! The thought of that makes me way more upset than I even realized. Is there anything I can do about it..? My thoughts gets cut off by a sniffing voice behind the corner. Huh? "It's going to be alright." a voice says to the person that is crying. "Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems." another one says with very similar voice than the first one. What's going on here? Coming around the corner to see what's happening, I see a Hufflepuff - Vivian Wallnut, crying on a stone bench. The Gryffindor's twins - Fred and George Weasley are sitting both side of her, comforting her.

They haven't seen me yet, so they continue talking to her. "It's fading already. You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while." Fred of the twins says. Vivian burst down sobbing while holding on to her left hand. Looks like she's somekind of pain. Fastening my steps, I walk up to them. "It's ok." George says softly and wraps his arm around her to comfort. Right when I become stand in front of them, all three of them lift their heads up to see me. "P-professor (Y/L)..!" Vivian gasps with teary eyes. Then I hunch down on her eye level with worrying look. "What happened?" I ask with caring tone. Both, Fred and George leans little bit away from her, giving us the space to interact. Words aren't coming out of her mouth, so she just glances down to her hands that are neatly folded on her lap. Clearly she's hiding something what's in her left hand.

My eyes shifts from her eyes to the hand couple of times. "Let me see..." I reach both of my hands to take her hand in mine. Hesitantly she lets me see what's underneath her right hand. My heart sinks for a quick second and eyes widens a bit. Her hand is bloody and scarred. Almost like someone has engraved into her skin with a knife. 'Girls must only date boys.' My eyes lifts up to hers quickly:"Who did this to you?". Vivian presses her lips together like she's afraid to tell. I frown, hoping she would answer me:"Vivian...". "She's not the only one she has done this to." Fred shows his hand to me. He also has some writing on his hand. But not with the same message like Vivian has. "Who?" I ask while looking at both of the Weasleys. They share a look, then turns to me. "Our D.A.D.A. teacher." they answer at the same time. Umbridge! I should have known.

Little Hufflepuff's jaw trembles:"...She..- she saw me holding hands with Olive.". At first, I nod few times while letting the information to sink in, then I shook my head eyes closed:"Please take Miss Wallnut to her Common Room. I need to talk to Mrs. Umbridge and the Headmaster.". Vivian panics:"N-no..! Please, Professor, I-I don't want my parents found about this.". Giving her reassuring smile:"Don't worry, Vivian. I got you.". Weak smile raises up on her face and the twins starts leading her to the Common Room. Can't even began to describe how I'm feeling now. Part of me wants to go up to Umbridge and freaking Bombarda her fancy ass. Bet Dumbledore has no idea about our D.A.D.A.'s discipline methods. I have to tell him! Before I'll head to talk either to them, I need to feed my niffler. Perhaps, that'll give me the time to calm down and think more rationality how am I going to approach this situation.

Right when I arrive to the Greenhouse, I get this feeling something's off. Don't know what it is, but something... Something isn't quite right. As I walk deeper, I see how the door to my chamber is wide open. Huh?! My eyes widens and heart drops. "What?!" quickly rushing in to see what the hell has happened in here. Some of the furnitures has been knocked down, like the chair beside the writing desk and the nightstand. Even some of my books, mugs and plates has been crashed around the room. What the hell?! Most importantly; Sniffy's gone! "Sniffy?!" I start searching around the Greenhouse in panic. "Sniffy!! I..- Come here, I got special treat for you!" I try to lure him, but... Nothing. Anxiety starts raising in me the longer I look for him. No, no, no, no, no..!!

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