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Soon enough, it was the end of the semester. Most of the students left the castle only two hours ago - back to their homes, to their loved ones. My Apparate spell skills are advanced, but my studies aren't over quite yet. I'm able to move myself from a room to another, but I haven't been able to test out any longer distances yet. There are still things to learn - such as doing the spell when having someone else with me. We have practiced it with a dummy, so if any of us fails there won't be lost of limbs laying around the classroom. So I'm always a bit nervous - even when it comes to practicing with the dummy, but I'm sure it'll be fine eventually. Since I don't have the license yet, I can only use the spell either at the Apparate class or inside Hogwarts's groundings. And now that the semester is over, I can practice on my own around the castle without scaring other students when I suddenly appear in a room with them. This is actually fun, even I feel little bit sick because all of that constant spinning.

As the Sun is slowly going down, I keep jumping from a room to another, excited how far I have become. When I appear to the Greenhouse's garden, the wind blows my hair and some of the flowers from the bushes snaps and goes up in the sky. My gaze follows the flying flower petals as they dance among the wind. Looks like there will be a storm soon. As the petals flies away, I notice the Astronomy Tower. Sneaky smile comes up to my lips. Okay, one more time..! Then, I close my eyes and fully focus on getting all the way up in the Tower. Soon, I vanish and appear in middle of the spiraling staircase that leads up the top of the Astronomy Tower. "Whoah! I did it..!" I gasp quietly with happy smile on my face. I've never done this big of a jump before. Severus would be so proud of me! Then, all of sudden, I hear some voices coming above me. Huh?

Immediately I recognize it's Severus's voice. What is he doing up there? Carefully, I walk couple more steps up to hear better. I can't see anyone, but I can sense there are two people up there. "Have you ever consider that you ask too much, that you take too much for granted? Have it ever cross your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?" Severus sounds slightly irritated, but still keeps the usual calm and cool manner. What..? The other person who's next to talk is Dumbledore. But I can't really hear his voice since he speaks more calmer and quieter tone. Thinking Severus's words. Does that mean... He doesn't wanna be working in Hogwarts anymore? ...Why? I thought he loved being a teacher - even though he doesn't like children as much. He has never expressed me any of his wishes to quit this job. What's going on? "Professor?" gentle voice calls behind me and I flinch. Quickly, I turn around to see familiar boy:"Ah, Harry.".

We haven't seen each other much after what happened in boys bathroom. But ever since Dumbledore told us he has talked with the student about it, none of us have pursued to talk to him. He looks at me slightly confused:"Is everything alright?". "Y... Yes. I was just, uh... About to continue my way, heh. What are you doing in here, if I may ask? Thought you already left with the others." I wonder. "Dumbledore wished to see me, so..." his voice goes small towards the end. Then I realize I'm standing on his way. "Oh, right. Well, good luck to you." I force a smile and let him go past me. After he took three steps to go up the stairs, he turns to me and we share a small, polite smile. Then, I head down the stairs, leaving him continue his own way.

With confused, yet heavy heart, I walk towards my chamber. Wonder if Severus is really considering leaving Hogwarts? And if so, why he hasn't told me anything about it? ...Or maybe I'm taking this all wrong. 'I don't want to do this anymore.' Maybe... He has enough of teaching Potions and finally demands to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Like he's always wanted! My eyes starts to sparkle by the idea he could finally reach his dream. But there is this one thing... Mad-eye Moody. If I'll play my cards right, wonder if he would be willing to teach Potions next semester? Therefor, Severus could take his place as the D.A.D.A. teacher! I'm getting exited by the idea and rushed down the Defence Against the Dark Arts. Bet he's still in there and hasn't gone off to his home - wherever that is.

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