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The next Monday, all the fourth years gathered in History of Magic classroom. Since there isn't any other class available that has the big white screen and projector, I let them have the sex education in here. Which I don't mind at all. Don't need to walk all those stairs... The room is filled with light chatter and laughter as I enter the room. "Hi, Professor (Y/L)!" some of the girls greets me as soon as they see me. They immediately start asking why am I here, and am I the one who's going to give them the speech about intimacy. "Oh, no. I'm just here to observe." I smile at them and show the notepad that I have with me. My plans is to sit back of the class, not disturb anyone and just watch while writing things down. I glance at the clock on the wall to see the time. Two minutes before the class should start. Wonder where's..- Right after that, the wooden door slams close, making us all flinch. Huh?

The Potions Master walks with determined steps in front of the class, eyes on the head. As he's walking, he uses his wand to close the blinds, making the room darker. The whole room is dead silent. Only the sound of his steps and the blinds slamming close can be heard. All of the students are watching him as he go - and so am I. He really has the authority, does he? When he finally gets to the in front of the class, he pulls down the white screen and turns to us. "Turn page three hundred and ninety four." Professor Snape told the whole class with his smooth, yet cold tone. It actually gave me shivers. Woah... Amazed by his power, I sit down on the chair that I have placed back at the class and just watch.

Before anyone can say anything, or even take the next breath, Snape continues:"If anyone here lets a sound of... A giggle, a whisper, or any form of amusement, they will be thrown out of this class straight to the Headmaster's Office.". Every student here is dead silent, barely making any eye contact with him. Damn, he's not playing with these kinds. Hesitatingly, they all start searching the right page he had asked all of us to open. I already had the page ready wide open on my lap. The book we all have is regular health textbook that I believe even the Muggles use in their health class. In the end, we are all the same when it comes our organs. Without any further introductions, the Potions Master starts the lesson like it'll be any other lesson he needs to teach. Man, I could listen to his voice for hours...

Little by little, document after document, I began to realize... The way he talks about this matter, how intimacy works, what affects it might have, all the different protections ect. He makes it sound so... Mechanic. Cold. Too upstraight - so to speak. Taking all the warmth and fun out of it. "Conclusion; use protection, otherwise you'll either end up having a child that you do not wish for, or you'll get a disease and die. Any questions?" he ends the presentation while looking at the whole class. Once again - dead silent. These children are traumatized! Is this really the same man who gave me one of the most passionate kiss of my life just couple days ago? "No one? Then I guess my job here is done." his monotonic tone fills the room. With hint of hesitation, I end up raising my hand a little. Snape right away sees this:"Yes? Professor (Y/L).".

Immediately, they all turn their heads to look at me. It gives me a second of nervousness going thru my body, but I quickly brush it away. Clear my throat before speaking:"You talked about foreplay and the act itself, but... What about the aftercare?". The students turn their heads towards the teacher in front of the class, ready to see his reaction. "Pardon?" Snape ask. The students again turn their heads towards me, ready to hear what I have to say. Don't know if he asked that just to tease me and make me repeat myself, or did he really not understand what I just said. "...Aftercare? The act what happens after... The deed is done. Not to mention all of the feelings that might be going around before, during and after everything." I offer a polite smile at the end of my questioning. The kids turn their heads again.

As expected, Snape's face won't even flinch. He just keeps his eyes on me whole time:"Since Professor (Y/L) seems to have the knowledge of this matter, I suppose she could come in front of the class and elaborate.". Again, the kids turns to look at me. Both of my eyebrows raise:"Huh?". Didn't expect this turn of event. There is that small smirk corner of his mouth which makes my cheeks flush. For goodness sake, Severus..! He keeps staring at me:"Well?". This time, the students won't turn their heads, they are all staring at me. "Alright then..." I got up from my seat and walk towards him. As I'm walking, I can see corner of my eye how relieved the children are. Guess Severus really scared them with his presentation.

When I came to the front of the class, the Potions Master won't make a move of any kind to step away. He just stands there hands behind his back, like a tree. Alright... I try to ignore his presence as I position myself beside him and take a look at the class. With that, I start telling the young teens about the aftercare and feelings they might experience during everything when it comes to sex, closeness and being vulnerable. The longer I speak, students are starting to have smiles on their faces. Not because they are amused about the subject, but because I made it all sound more warm and fun, rather than something to be scared of. Whole this time, Severus stands there. His dark eyes following my every move as I keep moving my hands as I talk and walk. "...and you can always say 'no'. No matter you are already doing the deed or just about to begin." I end my 'lecture'.

Severus glances at the time, then back to me:"Thank you, Professor (Y/L). But I'm afraid our time is up, and we won't have the time for questions.". The Potions Master's voice makes my head quickly snap at his direction:"Oh?". Pretty much after that, all the fourth years got up from their seats and head out, leaving us two alone in the classroom. Severus starts sorting out the white screen and the projector:"I must say, I'm surprised how you jumped in, Miss (Y/L).". My head snaps right at him with a frown:"Miss?!". Thought we were past that! There is that smirk again. Trying so hard push down the blush and smile, so I keep frowning:"Well, I had to. You were scaring the shit out of those children...". "I think it's important to know the dangers of careless behavior." he simply answer. I shrug:"Sure, it is important. But I do think you don't need to scare them that bad as you did.". "Debatable." he shrugs back.

Then, I walk beside my desk to put away the notepad:"But don't worry, Sevy. I think you did great otherwise. It's not easy to talk young teens about things like these, specially if the subject itself is unfamiliar.". That made his brow do the twitch. Right after I had place the notepad on the surface of the desk, Severus's hand comes in sight as he leans against the desk. Hm? Then, I feel how his face comes closer to mine as he's standing right behind me, barely leaving any space between us. "I'll have you known, after I graduated and traveled seven years... I met a few witches along the way. Take that as you please." his deep voice calmly caress side of my ear. Both of my eyebrows raise and light blush raises up on my cheeks. Wasn't really expecting him actually say anything like that! His face is so close to mine. The feeling of his hot breath against the sensitive skin of the ear and neck gives me the chills and ears goes all red.

Slight panic hits and I glance over the shoulder:"W-what I meant was, because you are used to teach Potions and not a healthcare! Guess I got my wordings wrong. I didn't mean that you haven't ever don..-", "You keep waffling, (Y/N)." he point out with lower tone. I look back down to the desk:"Sorry...". Again, I see his hand leaning against the surface of the desk. His fingers are spread out which makes the hand look even bigger. My thoughts trails off as I stare at the hand - when all of sudden, Severus gives a small nibble on my ear. It makes me jump and I quickly turn around, eyes wide and face red from flush:"Hey..!!". The whole reaction and look on my face makes him chuckle:"Ticklish, are we?". Got both of my ears covered in case he tries to do it again. "What was that for?!" I ask. He tires to hold a laugh and composes himself:"For my defence, Professor (Y/L)... It is not my fault I couldn't resist. You are after all... Too adorable.". Oh, dear Merlin! With that, we start bantering while I try to maintain the blush, fists resting on his chest. Severus just keeps on smiling and continues to tease me while having his arms loosely around my waist.

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