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Couple days goes by. While the lesson is fully on going, there is a knock on the doorway. "Hm?" I turn around, so does the students. It's Umbridge, standing all smiling at the door. Once again, wearing all pink, head to toe. Some of the students gives glances at each other, as confused as I am. Got little bit off guard to see her here, if I'm honest. "P-Professor Umbridge! What a pleasant surprise. May I help you somehow?" I ask. We haven't got the time to get to know each other yet. This is the first time we are talking. "Mind if I stay here and watch your lesson?" she asks. She's holding a folder some sort. Guessing this has to do something about her being part of the Ministry. I smile brightly:"No, not at all. Welcome! Please, take a sea..-", "I'm fine standing. Thank you, dear." Umbridge is quick to answer.

The students starts whispering. I have heard Umbridge isn't their favorite professor already. Something about the way she teaches doesn't sit right with them. To be fair, we all have our own way and style in teaching, so I'm giving the benefit of the doubt. Then, she takes couple steps forward:"Please, go on. Pretend like I'm not in here.". "A-alright." I nod and continue where I was left off. Corner of my eye, I see how Umbridge keeps writing something down while I'm talking to the students. Wonder what's she writing? Only three minutes goes by, when she suddenly interrupts my teaching:"Professor Sprout, was it?". All of us turn to look at her, slightly confused. "Uhm, no. I'm (Y/L). (Y/N) (Y/L). I'm Professor Sprout's substitute." I answer, still keeping polite smile on my face. She lift her eyes from the folder to takes a look at me. Her eyes going up and down on me in judging way. "So, not an official teacher, I see..." she whispers and continues to write. What?

Rest of the lesson went awkwardly. Never have I ever been interrogated that intensively - talk about right in front of the students. At some point, I even saw Mr. Potter giving me the face of compassion when the questions kept coming. Embarrassing, really. Trying to understand here Umbridge is just doing her job, but... This is too much! Or am I wrong? Lunch time comes around. As I'm heading towards the Great Hall, I see Snape walking ten meters ahead. "Hey!" I fast my steps to get beside him. He slowers his natural pace, so I can keep up with him. "Heading for lunch?" I ask. "Naturally." he answer while keeping his stare forward. We walking silence a bit. Some students walks past us, talking about their own things and not paying any attention to us. "Did you get surprise visitor in your class as well this morning?" lift my face up to look at him. "...I don't wanna talk about it." he answer. A moment of silence. "Have you had the time to read the book I gave you?" I ask.

We arrive to the big doors that leads to the Great Hall. Snape pushes one of the doors open with one hand for me to go in first and glances down on me:"Lot of unnecessary questions once again, (Y/L).". Raise my (e/c) eyes on his black eyes, ready to tease him, but a high-pitched voice echoes in the hallway:"Pardon me, but what exactly are you insinuating?!". Both of our attention quickly goes to the stairs right next to the doors. It's Umbridge and Minerva, walking up the stairs together slowly. "I'm only requesting; when it comes to my students, you could inform your discipline practices." Minerva has stern tone in her voice. What's going on? A good handful of students comes closer to see what is happening, looking so confused. "So silly of me, but it sounds that you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minerva." Umbridge says and takes one step up the stairs. Wow, first name basis already? Minerva keeps the stern stare and takes also another step of the stairs:"Not at all. Dolores.".

Never seen Minerva this intense before. I need to do something. Just when I'm about to take a step to go up to them, the man next to me draws his arm out in front of me, preventing me to help the friend. Huh? My head snaps right at him with the 'why did you do that for?' - look. But Snape doesn't look at me back, he already has his eyes on the witches. "...I'm a tolerant woman. But one thing I won't stand for, is disloyalty." Umbridge stated end of her speech after telling how it seems Minerva is questioning the Ministry itself when she tries to stand up for the students. Minerva's face falls to disappointed and takes a step down:"Disloyalty?". As she's taking the step, my body brushes against Snape's arm when I rush beside her.

Minerva feels my gentle touch on side of her arm, but won't turn to look at me. Umbridge sees the students standing at the bottom of the stairs and turns to look at them:"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius would've want to take immediate action.". What does that mean? Just before Umbridge is about to leave, she and I share an eye contact which sends shivers down my spine. Her high heels clatters against the castle's marble floors when she walks away. We all stay quiet for a moment. Then students starts chattering confused what just happened and continue their way. Placing a hand on Minerva's back gently:"Are you alright?". That brings her back from anger she's feeling inside and turns to me, forcing a smile:"Yes, dear. I'm fine. Just can't stand priggish people.". My hand starts rubbing her back:"Maybe a butterbeer or two would help?". "A firewhisky would probably do the trick. Or two." she sighs. "Sounds great!" I laugh. When I glance over my shoulder, Snape is nowhere to be found.

Later that evening, me and Minerva went to Hogsmeade to get the firewhisky's I promised. Minerva gulps down the shot like a pro and slams the small glass on the table. "That Ministry's little... Pooch!" she bridles. Can't help, but chuckle:"I'm guessing you two aren't getting along?". We are in Hogs Head Inn. There aren't too many people in here, so we got to choose the perfect place to sit, right next to the fireplace. It's nice and warm after walking outside in the snow. "Did you see how condescendingly she spoke to me? In front of the children too!" Minerva shook her head. "Yeah, I sure did. Basically half of the school did." I keep nodding and take a sip of my white wine. "Unbelievable." she mutters and takes a drink of her red wine.

"Wonder why Dumbledore hired her?" I ask. "He had no choice. After what happened with Remus... The Ministry insisted to have someone from their field to come here." she explain. "They didn't have anyone else with the professor degree to come?" I smirk. It makes her smile and shook her head. We both let out a deep sigh and continue drinking our wines in peace. Then Minerva puts down the glass:"Even Umbridge and I don't get along, it's nice to see others does.". Lift my head from the glass to meet her eyes:"Me and Umbridge? Well, I wouldn't say we..-", "I meant you and Severus." she smiles. My heart skips a beat. She sees the confused look on my face:"Considering how you two went from avoiding each other in the hallways to basically walking around the school hand in hand..-", "We don't walk hand in hand!!" I exclaim, face going all red. Must be the firewhisky kicking in. There is a knowing smile on Minerva's face:"I might be old, but not blind.". Bringing the glass to my lips and mutter:"Drunk is what you are...".

We both take a sip of our drinks. Have Severus and I really become that close? Then I put mine down and lean forward:"So, what are your plans for Christmas?". Hoping she would drop the last conversation as soon as possible. Warm smile raises on her face:"Elphinstone and I are going to have our nieces and nephews coming over for the Christmas Eve.". She then starts telling me all about how they are going to buy all kinds of presents to them and how they are going to bake and cook together when they'll arrive. It all sounds so... Lovely. Wish I could have that. "How about you? Any plans?" she asks. "I'm going to stay at my aunt's place." I nod and force a smile. Minerva's face goes slightly more serious:"So, your pare..-", "Yes. They did." I quickly answer. A small moment of silence came.

Tiny snowflakes keeps falling down slowly outside. There are people walking, heading back to their homes and loved ones. The people in the pub are talking, drinking and laughing at their own stuff. Minerva sees the way I stare at the wine glass in front of me, looking all pensive. Then, she places her hand on top of mine and tilts her head:"I'm glad you came to Hogwarts, dear.". My eyes lifts to meet her green eyes. They sparkle against the light that is coming from the fireplace next to us. There is full of compassion on her face. She's so sweet and kind. Gentle smile comes up to my face while looking back to her:"I am too, Minerva.". Can feel how she gives a tiny, yet strong squeeze on my hand she's holding. Then she smirks:"Next round is on me.".

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