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We both stare at each other for a moment. This isn't Severus's house after all? A small panic hits and awkward smile jumps on my face:"A..-! Excuse me. Must've got the wrong house. My apologies!". As soon as I said that, familiar smooth voice calls further away:"Bellatrix?". Huh? When the woman looks behind her, she takes a step back to see the man behind her better. It's Severus. He's standing close the bottom of the stairs that'll lead up to the bedrooms. So I am in the right place. "Friends of yours?" the woman asks, sounding half bored. Severus's eyes shifts from her to me. Could have sworn for a split second when he realized it's me at the door, there was terror in his eyes. Not that I have ever seen him in terror before, but if I had to guess, it was at least very close to it. "A colleague." he finally answer with the usual cool manner. My heart sinks a bit. Feels like all of the possible plans I had to start a conversation with him got out of the window. Didn't take into my consideration that he would have company. Which again actually sounds very foolish from my part. It is Christmas Eve after all. Maybe they are a couple?

The memory flashes by how I was cutting vegetables in my aunt's house a year back, wondering if Severus spend the holidays alone... Guess I now got the answer to that. Before the silence gets too long between us, I push the bottle of wine into Bellatrix's hands:"...D-Dumbledore asked me to deliver this to you, Se..- Professor Snape. And he wished Merry Christmas to you.". Shifting my eyes between them two, so they both feel like when I say 'you' it means both of them. Severus comes to stand next to her, keeping his eyes on me:"Thank you, Professor (Y/L). You must've come long way just to bring a bottle of wi..-", "Oh! No, no, not at all. I'm actually just passing by. Got places to be. Yes. I-I actually should be going already. Hahah!" the words just babbles out of me with fast speed. Neither of them gets to say anything when I'm already walking away from them. Waving at them goodbye with big smile on my face. Even in actuality, I'm dying inside. I keep smiling even I turn my back on them, continuing the way back to the train station. They looked beautiful together, didn't they?

For a split second I tried to think if she was his sister, but Severus has told me he's the only child. By every step I take, it all starts to make sense now. The reason has been holding back... After all this time... Was because he was in a relationship with someone. The fake smile on my face slowly crumbles and turns into restraining one. Without my knowledge, they both watch me as I'm walking away from them. Bellatrix has an evil smirk corner of her mouth and raise her wonky looking wand:"What if I'd just..-", "Put it down, Bellatrix. Just a minute ago I made a vow to protect your nephew, so it'll be only reasonable not to try getting me in trouble by ending one of my colleague's life whenever you feel like it." the Potions Master tells in calm manner. Bellatrix scoffs and lowers the wand:"Whatever. I'm keeping this.". Then she pops the bottle open and leaves the house while gulping down the wine. Severus stays at the door way for a moment longer. After he sees that Bellatrix won't go the same direction as me, he goes back inside.

Later that day, I meet my favorite couple at the train station. So happy to see them! Feels like all the worries I carried melts away when I see them standing there. For my surprise, they have luggages of their own with them. "What's this?" I ask with confused smile. "There has been change of plans." Tonks smiles. Can see how her belly has grown even she is wearing a winter coat. "We have been invited to the Weasleys house. Thought that the owl won't reach you, so we decided to surprise you like this." Remus explains. Both of my eyebrows raise:"Weasleys? As in..-", "As in Ron, Fred, George, Ginny... And all the rest of the children Molly and Arthur has. Those Weasleys." he nods happily. "Ouh, didn't know you are that close with them." I admit. They both seems really happy to spend the Christmas there. But I don't mind this turn of the event. More the merrier, right?

Pretty much after that, all three of us got into another train. As soon as we sit down after putting our luggages to safety, I start to wonder:"Their house isn't far you said? Why don't we go there by the Apparate spell? Not that there is anything wrong with going there with the train..-", "They don't recommend using Apparate spell when pregnant." Tonks explains. "Right. Baby might not like to be stretched out and put back together. Makes sense." I nod. "But you could go there already, if you want. We don't mind if you do. Just go to the toilet so no one notice." she smiles. "Well, first of all, I already payed the ticket..." I joke and make them chuckle. "And second... I have never learned to do the spell." I reveal. Both of their eyebrows raise at the same time:"Oh?". Guess it has been something that most witches and wizards are expected to be able to do. Almost like some muggles has this expectation to own a driving license.

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