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The smile on my face haven't faded away. Amycus and I have danced now two songs without stopping. The track of time has flew out of my mind at this point. When the second song dies down, a little more slower song starts playing. I look up to my dance partner as in if we should go back to Severus, but Amycus just smiles gently back at me and won't let go or do anything that gives the idea we should stop. So, like all the other people around us, we start to sway among the music. Not in a romantic way, more like two people who just likes to dance and are waiting something more cheerful to come up next. While we dance like that, I see over his shoulder there is a woman staring right at us. And she doesn't look too happy. "Your girlfriend seems to be worried about you." I point out.

Both of Amycus's eyebrows raise and he glances over the shoulder to see the direction I am looking. "Oh, that's actually my twin sister, Alecto." he tells and turns back to look at me with soft smile. "Twin sister? Wow, that's..- Must be nice." I smile back at him. Part of me has always wished to have a sibling, but then again... It's maybe a good thing I never had one. Wonder if she's also Severus's friend? Just then, Amycus's hold around me tightens a tiny bit. Not too much, but enough for me to notice even I am tipsy. He brings his face closer to mine and lowers his voice:"I am free as a bird in the sky, (Y/N).". Huh? We are now staring directly in each other's eyes. Weird feeling consumes me and I lean back away for him a bit:"Oh..-", "What about you?" he asks, keeping the tone smooth. There is some lust in his eyes, if I'm not mistaken. "Me? No, no, I'm not... Involved with anyone." I let out nervously, slightly surprised this sudden turn of event.

We haven't stopped dancing, but our pace slows down, moment by moment. Amycus's eyes visits down on my chest quickly before looking back to my eyes:"What'd you say if we'll leave this dull festival and go somewhere more... Private.". What? My whole body stiffens when he said that and we stop dancing. I don't like this, but I don't wanna be rude to Severus's friend. Feels like my mind got blank:"I'm... Sorry, I'm don't..-", "No need to be shy, (Y/N). I promise you a good time. As many times you wish..." the grip of his gets more tense. My eyes shifts from him to Severus, but for my surprise he isn't there anymore where he was standing. Only Amycus's twin sister is there, looking right at us. Where did he go? Some sort of discomfort raises inside of me when I can't spot him. Amycus sees how I keep turning my gaze as trying to see the Potions Master somewhere in the crowd. "What's the matter, love?" he asks, amused by my stress.

When all of sudden, a single rain drop falls down right on my nose which makes me blink and I look up to the sky. The dark clouds has come above us. Immediately I remember; Hagrid. Train. Hogwarts. "I haveto go." I let out. "Huh?" my dance partner raise one of his eyebrows. I take a step back, out of his reach and do a little bow:"Thank you for the dance. I need to leave now and catch the train.". With that, before he can say anything, I gather some of the hem in my fist and rush out of there. The cheerful sound of music and people's happy chatter fades away as I rush out from the festival. Little drops of rain falls down here and there. While walking, I can't stop thinking about how I ran into Severus and his friend. Didn't think Severus's friends would be that forward. To be honest, I didn't think he even had any friends outside of the castle, but guess I was wrong. That man is full of surprises.

Moment by moment, the rain starts coming down faster and more intense. I need to get to the train station and fast! I come to the place where there are the terraced houses with identical bricks. I look around, trying to figure out where to go. "What Hagrid said? First go left, then after two houses go right. ...Or was it the other way around?" I talk to myself as I keep walking the empty streets. Merlin, I can't remember! It's impossible to find the way out of here since every street looks the same! Considering I am little bit drunk too. But I try to keep my head straight and walk the direction I think we came from earlier today. The rain gets heavier by every minute. The flower petals in my hair starts to become all mushy and I feel how the weather gets more cold. Great.

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