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During her talk with the older, Spanish woman, Thalia had managed to calm down. The two ended the phone call on a good note, the younger girl promising the Spanish mother to keep her up to date and to have Alexia call her when she had the time to.

Now she was alone in the waiting room again.

All of the worries were already wearing her down but she had to stay strong. For Alexia. She called the only person in the world that may knew her better than she knew herself. She opened her phone again and rang the number.

It went over and right as she wanted to hang up, the face of her twin sister popped up into the screen. A feeling of relief washed over Thalia. It ran deeper than anything could. It was good to see her twin sister again, even if it was just through their screens.

Margot had a smile on her face when she picked up the phone, but that smile soon disappeared when she saw the state that her sister was in. Her make up was still slightly smudged, her hair, which was always perfect, now had tangles and the normal clear blue eyes were dark with worries.

"What's wrong?"

Those were the words that made Thali break all over again because what wasn't wrong?

"It's Alexia, Marge." Was all she could bring out before the tears escaped her eyes. It was rare for Margot to see her twin break down like she did. Through their childhood and hardships that they had faced together, Thalia had always been the one the one that Margot could count on. Her rock. Even if she was breaking on the inside too, she always made sure to be there for Margot, despite being the same age.

"Thal, you're not making any sense. What's going on with Alexia?" Thalia rubbed her hands over her face, trying to clear her mind. She took a deep breath and then looked back at her sister. "We were at Barca and she was at training. She fucked her knee up." Margot looked concerned as she knew how much football meant to Alexia. "Where are you now?" I ran my hand through my hair, stressed out and exhausted. "We're in the hospital. She's currently having an MRI to see what the damage is. I already spoke with her mom about this. She told me to stay strong and support her through this. I mean, I will. I definitely will. I just needed to rant." Margot's eyes softened as she looked at her twin. "Alright, is there anything that I can do for you?" Thalia shook her head. "No. You can't. Thank you for listening to me sis."

Margot nodded her head. "Alright, take care of Alexia but also of yourself, alright?" Thalia nodded her head and wiped the last strands of her tears away, using the small self camera in the corner of the screen to wipe her smudged make up away. "Thank you Marge. Love you." Margot nodded her head. "Love you too."

Thalia sent her sister one last appreciative smile and then closed the call.

It wasn't long until Alexia came out of the MRI room, now in a big brace around her knee, cruthes in her arms. Just one look at Thalia and the Australian woman knew that it was indeed the ACL.

"You can come with to the room." Was all that Alexia said as she hobbled away on her crutches. Thalia was back in professional mode and she followed the Spanish player to the other room. When they sat down, the doctor already had the results.

Thalia shook his hand. "Hi, I'm the club's physio." He nodded his head. "Alright, well, Miss Putellas, are you okay with her being here?" Alexia nodded her head. "Yeah." He nodded his head and got straight down into business. "Well, we have the results of the MRI here." He showed it on his screen and Thalia already saw it. "A clean cut." He nodded his head. "I- huh? Yeah. It is." Thalia moved slightly closer and narrowed her eyes at the screen. "No further damage. Just the ACL." The doctor nodded his head. "Yeah, that's right. We can operate tomorrow." Thalia looked at Alexia to see what she wanted. The midfielder shrugged her shoulders. "Don't have much of a choice, do I?" The doctor looked sympethically at the midfielder. "I guess not." Alexia shrugged her shoulders, not looking at the doc. "Then sure." The doctor nodded his head. "Alright. Is there anyone who will be there for you to pick you up and drop you off?" Alexia simply nodded her head.

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