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Thalia and Alexia woke up early in the morning, packing their last things to be ready to head out. They were about to leave when Thalia stopped them. "Wait. Ale. What if they see us?"

Alexia looked at Thalia with big eyes. "Girl. What?"

Thalia looked unsettled. "It's just- Ugh. Whatever."

Thalia was ready to walk away but Alexia grabbed her hand, turning her around. "Hey, look and listen to me. I know that you want to keep us as private as possible, but you need me now. Okay? I am coming with you. If any bad press comes from this, I will deal with it. You're my wife. 'I will lay with you until the day I die.' You remember what that means right?"

Thalia slowly nodded her head. "Whatever happens, we will go through it together and we will support each other no matter what."

Alexia nodded her head. "Exactly. And what you need right now is my support and that is exactly what I will give you. I am coming with you to Australia and there is no debating against it."

Thalia sighed and nodded her head, hugging her wife. "I guess that it's impossible to keep it a secret forever. I'm also kind of done with sneaking around."

Alexia hugged the blonde back. When they broke the hug, Thalia picked Nala up together with her essentials and they got in Alexia's cupra. Before they headed to the airport, they drove by Eli's house to drop Nala off. After Eli wished them luck, they drove away to the airport.

In the car Thalia called Jonatan. He picked up surprisingly fast. "Thalia, my favorite staff member, don't tell the others that I said that. How can I help you?" Thalia took a deep breath.

"Hey Jonatan. I'm so sorry for bothering you but I have to take a leave for an unknown time. My mother has fallen ill and I just need to get to Australia to be there for her. Pola already has all of the schedules of everyone. I am so sorry if this has consequences for my position at the club."

Jonatan was thinking on the other side. "Well, I definitely do not like you just packing your bags and leaving, but under these circumstances I can also see that you have no other option. Just keep us posted about your mom's condition, okay?"

Thalia nodded her head. "I will keep you updated. Oh, by the way, uuuhhhhhhhh..."

Jonatan sighed. "Alexia is with you, isn't she?"

Thalia rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I kinda tried to get her to stay in Spain, but she wouldn't listen."

Jonatan's voice sounded defeated. "Well, I guess that your mom is also her mom. It's still weird to think about that. You know what? Just take it easy, okay?"

Thalia nodded her head. "Will do. Thank you Jonatan."

She hung up on Jonatan and they arrived at the airport, Thalia and Alexia grabbed their suitcases and handbags, going into the airport. They got filmed and photographed, but for once in her life, Thalia didn't care about it, only worrying for her mother.

They soon got into the plane and were the only ones traveling in first class. Thalia was thankful for that. She laid down in the comfortable chair with Alexia besides her. They started to watch a movie on the screen on the back of the chair in front of them, Thalia snuggling up to Alexia.

They were up in the air and halfway through the movie when Thalia's breathing steadied out, snuggling further into Alexia.

She was forever thankful that Alexia came with her.

Alexia just calmly rubbed Thalia's back, letting the blonde sleep.

During the rest of the 21 hour flight, Alexia and Thalia kept taking naps, watched some movies and played some card games until they finally landed.

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