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Doug had dropped Pola in the middle of a park and then immediately sped away, not daring to risk the chance to be caught or seen by anyone since it was 4 AM when he dropped her off.

Pola woke up 2 hours later in the hospital. When she slowly opened her eyes, all she saw was white. Wherever she was, it was better than that fucked up fake and soundproof basement that she had been in for a few hours. She looked around her and realized that she was in the hospital, hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor.

The moment that she woke up, a nurse entered the room and looked at her. "Oh good, you're awake. Don't worry. You're in the general hospital. Is there anyone who we can call?"

Pola slowly nodded her head, her voice sounding dry. "Yeah. Alexia Putellas. +34 672 856 037." Pola sat up slowly and cleared her throat. "Am I ging to be okay?"

The nurse nodded her head. "Yeah, we did find Diazepam in your system but not enough for a legal dose. You have some bruises but you suffered no broken bones. Do you have any recollection of what happened?"

Pola thought long and hard. "I remember being in some kind of basement with a man... I do not know what his name is... All I remember is being scared..."

The nurse nodded her head and smiled reassuring. "Well, you're safe now."

Pola nodded her head, barely able to thank the nurse and then fell back asleep.

In the meantime inside of Alexia and Thalia's beach house, Nala had woken up from her nap and was confused on why Mai and Ona were still there. She jumped off of the couch after begging for some pats from the three women who were all awake. She then walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. The small dog tilted her head, walking around while trying to sniff out her ma. When she didn't catch her scent, she whimpered and walked back to the living room and on to the gym. When Nala didn't smell her owner there either, she went out to the staircase, whimpering as her owner's smell wasn't very recent. She sniffed in the hallway and noticed that Thalia's smell was the most recent. She looked upstairs but couldn't sniff her owner out to upstairs. She started to bark nervously, being very nervous suddenly. She then went to stand in the doorway of the living room to the hallway and looked up at her mamí with sad eyes, barking again.

Alexia looked at the small dog and gasped. Thalia had never said goodbye to Nala. Alexia called the little, nervous dog to her, Nala refused, still standing in the hallway. It broke Alexia's heart to see Nala like that. Ona and Mapi woke up due to the barking and also looked at the small dog to see that she was whimpering, looking with big, sad eyes from Alexia to to the front door.

Alexia stood up and sat down besides the small dog as the tears started to stream out of her eyes again, hugging the small and fluffy dog. They had stayed awake all night, waiting for a phone call from the hospital, Thalia, Doug or Pola. It was all so stressful. The captain rubbed her face and then looked at Mapi and Ona. "Maybe we should involve the team and the cub in this. With both Thalia and Pola disappearing and you girls staying here, I don't think that we can play."

Ona and Mapi looked at each other and slowly nodded their heads. "Are you sure about this? You know how private Thalia is."

Alexia blinked a few times and looked at her friends. "I know but we cannot handle this alone. Ona and Mapi, the both of you are our stars. The team can't go without you. We also need our physio to work, especially on game day."

Mapi nodded her head. "I will call Jonatan."

Mapi grabbed her phone and started to call Jonatan, while Ona went into the kitchen to make all of them some food. Not long after, Alexia's phone started to ring. Alexia immediately stood up and ran to her phone, picking up. "Hola?... Yes.. That's me... What...? Yes... We are coming... Alright... Thank you."

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