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Chapter 29 Tragic Car Rollover

Alex gasped hard, holding the tentacles tightly with his fingers, trying to free himself a little gap, and said intermittently: "Philip, I have to do this. For humans, you are too powerful, If you don't sign a contract with me, they will regard you as a threat and kill you mercilessly."

Clarence looked at Alex solemnly. After the contract penetrated into his body, he clearly felt a thin layer of restraint attached to Philip's body, which was not at the same level as the previous master-servant contract.

If he had not borrowed Philip's name, the contract would have fallen on him, and he would have become Aris' servant.

Clarence's eyes were cold, and there was anger in his eyes.

This cunning young man has no integrity at all, and his mouth is full of sweet lies.

Clarence was angry and his tentacles slowly tightened.

Alex's face flushed in discomfort, but he gave up struggling with his hands. He closed his eyes in resignation and let out a hoarse breath: "If you don't trust me, just kill me." Clarence really wanted to use force

, His reason told him that he should never trust the young man and kill him.

However, his emotions were tilting uncontrollably, and a voice came out in his head: If he wants to control you, why not control you now? Why should I close my eyes and trust you with my life?

Clarence was shaken, and his tentacles became disobedient and escaped his control.

Constantine put away all his anger, carefully rubbed Alex's face, and stroked the red marks on the young man's neck.

Clarence slowly exhaled a breath and told himself: Alex had never actually hurt him, so what if he believed in him again?

But if Alex betrayed his trust, he would definitely...

Alex opened his eyes and saw that the man's expression had relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Philip, let's leave here and go somewhere else." Get out of the limelight."

Clarence paused and looked down at Alex.

Alex explained: "The Harvest Festival in Hamilton is coming soon. Let's go and have a look. When we come back in a few months, the king's uncle will also forget what happened before." Clarence was a little moved when he heard this

. After coming to the human continent, he stayed in the castle. The only place he went to was the royal palace, and he was imprisoned by the Fat King. He had a very bad impression of this place.

It would be nice to go to other cities and see more about human society.

"By the way," Alex suddenly clapped his hands, as if he had thought of something, "I heard that there will be a grand auction in Hamilton City, and there will be mermaids at the auction."

Clarence and Alex said to each other After watching, he remembered the purpose of going ashore - to find the mermaid. He almost forgot about it.

Alex observed the Octopus Mermaid's expression, guessed his heart, and said cautiously: "If there are poor mermaids who are trafficked by humans, we can rescue them." Clarence frowned and looked at the young man suspiciously

. Aris did not hesitate to go to sea to find the mermaid, just to present the mermaid to the king. How come he is now a kind-hearted human who wants to save mermaids? Don’t you want to buy a mermaid and give it to the Fat King?

Alex seemed to be stung by the suspicion in Clarence's eyes, and suddenly reached out and hugged him, buried his face in his arms, and said dullly: "We have all been deceived...Uncle doesn't really want the mermaid. , he just wants to train me... I don’t want other mermaids, you are enough for me."

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