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Chapter 42 Mermaid Bloodline

"Who is it?" A small crack opened in the house, and the owner carefully explained, "Clarence has come to Qianwan Bay. We will not open the store today."

Clarence looked expressionless and stretched out his hand. A tentacle stuck in the crack of the door: "Clarence comes to your store, and you won't open the store?"

Suddenly there was no one to support the door, and it slowly opened, revealing two trembling mermaids, holding their heads in their hands. Squatting down, like a prisoner being arrested by the police, if he didn't have knees, he would have knelt down to beg for mercy: "...Yes, I'm sorry, Lord Clarence, we didn't mean it. What do you want to buy? We will definitely give it to you with both hands. !"

These two mermaids look strange. Their exoskeletons are covered with fish tails one by one, and their tails are tilted back like fish hooks. They are seahorse mermaids from the shallow sea. The female mermaid is tremblingly standing in front of the male mermaid. The male mermaid clutched his belly with a horrified look on his face, and the exoskeletons of both fishes were trembling with fear.

Seahorses are males who carry young and raise their offspring in a pouch. The same is true for seahorses and mermaids. Although they look strange, they are serious descendants of mermaids because their ancestors, seahorses, are fish.

However, due to the peculiar fish tail, most seahorse tribes do not live in the mermaid tribe, but live in shallow seas. They identify more with their fellow sea tribes in shallow bays.

Clarence frowned and saw through their fear at a glance: "I don't eat mermaids, let alone babies."

The seahorses and mermaids backed away tremblingly, obviously not believing what he said, and they hid behind the shelves in panic , put his hands on the shelf and looked busy: "K-Mr. Clarence, what do you need? I-we will help you find it." "I need

a pair of shoes, human shoes, brand new, to wear. Soft, comfortable and breathable, about this long shoe." Clarence ignored their anomaly and gestured to the approximate length, "No, I want more than one pair, I want three pairs, and I want to wear them interchangeably." The Haima shop owner and his wife searched frantically

. He went to the shelf and dug out ten pairs of shoes, letting Clarence choose. He trembled and flattered: "Sir, sir, you see, this pair is the most popular style in the human world, and many mermaids like this one."

" Sir, this black pair is also very good. It doesn’t look particularly beautiful, but it is very stain-resistant and comfortable. It is suitable for the feet of mermaids after they turn into humans. The mermaids who have used them all say they are good." "Sir, my lord

, There is also a pair of light blue ones, which the mermaids also like..."

Clarence frowned more and more as he listened. He noticed a strange point - none of the mermaids have feet. What are they buying shoes for? I have used all the models that mermaids like. Do you want to wear shoes for walking under the sea?

As soon as he frowned, the owner of the Seahorse Mermaid shop became so frightened that his voice became smaller and smaller, and he did not dare to speak. The poor couple thought they had said something wrong. They were so scared that they wanted to run away, but they didn't know where to run.

"K-Sir Clarence," the female seahorse mermaid who made the decision about the move gritted her teeth and pushed all the shoes in front of Clarence. "If you are satisfied, you can take them all away. We will give them all to you." You."

Clarence picked three pairs, and after touching them to make sure they were comfortable, soft and suitable human shoes and brand new, he paid for a bag of white shells, the common currency in the sea, and put the shoes into the storage ring.

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