Can't beat the Heat

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'Why is it always me that gets the bad luck?' Roach thought to himself. If you think being separated from your squad was bad then consider the fact that he was captured by a bunch of Russians. There were too many to kill, way too many. And Roach was running out of options, now his only hope was that the squad would catch on and go back to find him. They had already kicked him in a room and locked the door, but did they find it necessary to handcuff him to a pipe? He sighed putting a hand to his face.
Worse thing was that it was steaming in there; you'd think that these guys were use to the cold. But for Pete sake it was a sweat room! Meanwhile it was blistering cold, and the blizzard outside brought visibility to near zero! He was dressed for the freezing temperatures out there, but instead he was getting heatstroke in here! Roach pulled off his gloves and tossed them to the side, his hands a deep pink-red and so very warm. And by very warm, that means unnaturally warmer the typical body temperature!
Sweat poured down his face, soon he pulled off his hat and let his soaked dark brown hair fall down in front of his pink face. 'Where are they?' He thought his mouth too dry to speak. He started undo his coat, it was just way too hot for bulky winter wear. His shirt drenched, it stuck to his muscular cut body in an irritating way.
From the other side of the door he heard one of the Russians say something in a social tone, but he only understood that he was being talkative.
The Russian now was shouting in a startled and angered voice, and then the sound of bullets silenced him. Then a person shouted, "Roach? Where are you? Can you hear me?"
'Ghost?' Roach shook his head and shouted only realizing how raspy and weak his voice sounded, "In here! Get me out of this place before I sweat to death!"
Then meat's comical voice rung into Roaches eardrums, "Dude we all know the clothes are thick and all but let's be realistic!"
"Okay I found the key," Royce announced. Roach listened to the sound of the lock fiddling for a moment, and then the door came swinging open. Everyone who stood in front of the door felt a sudden and startling heat run up their spines, giving them surprised faces. When they saw Roach sitting up against a wall dripping his own puddle of sweat, they saw it as kind of weird. They were trudging through snow, and now they were staring at a trembling man. Royce slid down next to him so he could pick the handcuffs open, but Roach then told him in the same voice, "You know.... the key is over on that table over there."
Roach pointed a trembling finger to a metal table. Meat rushed over to get the keys and jogged over to hand them to Royce, "Here yah go any other requests?"
Soap showed little amusement in Meat's joke but watched as Royce unlocked the handcuffs and pulled Roach to his feet. But the second he stood up Roach stumbled only to be caught by Ghost and Royce. He looked at Roach through his burning orange sunglasses, "Ah mate, you're covered in sweat!"
"No shit, Sherlock!" Roach snapped in a raspy voice. Roach took a deep and shaky breath before he passed out...
"Roach? Roach!" Royce yelled, but it was no use Roach was out like a light. Meat was wandering around the room when he found the thermostat, so he turned it down dramatically. They all felt a chill run up their spines as they got the unconscious Roach back in his winter gear. Royce now grew even more worried about him, "Sir, I think he's going through heatstroke!"
"We have to go," Soap announced. "Move!"
So they all filed out, Royce and Ghost last who had Roaches arms over their shoulders. As the Task Force trudged through the snow outside, the blizzard began to die down. But it was still raging on. But soon they reached the woods and set up camp, Meat and Royce worked on getting some tents up while Ghost stuck around Roach keeping watch. After a half hour Royce got going on a fire, and Meat dragged Roach into one of the tents. After Royce finished his work he returned to Roach. Without hesitation he poured some water in Roaches parched, dry mouth. For a moment he laid still, and then he shut his wettened lips and flickered his eyes open.


A/N: Well I was just SO bored! And I typed this up, hope you like it! I might make a squile to this so look out!

I don't own the characters mentioned. Soap, Roach, Ghost, Meat, and Royce all are MW2.

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