Plan B -P50-

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"Wake up," The heavily accented voice of Gonzalo near whispered as he nudged at my shoulder. I looked up at him, the lights were on and he had a vest on along with a tee shirt and jeans. His dark brown eyes stared down at me softly. "The mission will be put into effect in fifthteen minutes. Get a gun and get ready."
I got out of bed and he woke up Heatstroke, I slipped on the vest he gave me yesterday and pulled on my hat. Then I grabbed the first gun I would ever choice, my trusty vector. Which I completed with a red dot sight and a silencer. Where I got a vector? I had it as my prize from my first mission in Russia. Good times.
As soon as I was ready, I came out to the living room where everyone was ready. "Alright let's move." Gonzalo told everybody.
We headed outside in the dead of night, the light of the moon barely lit up the forest as we entered. But that was what night vision was for. After a bit of following Gonzalo we all heard the snap of a branch that none of us caused. We whipped around and did three sixties trying to find the source. "There! By the river!" I pointed to a group of boys who looked around seventeen, I mean come on! Now teens were in the drug buisness? Who next? Little old ladies and toddlers?
The group of boys all looked at us in horror and rushed into the treeline, "Shoot their legs or something!" Heatstroke innsisted. I took aim at ones ankle, one clear shot. My finger wrapped around the trigger and I let the bullet fly. Well instead of his ankle it went into his heel. Or his shoe anyways because there wasn't any blood.
I got ready to shoot them again when something shoved me to the side and into the river. "Scarab!" Soap and Gonzalo both exclaimed. There was more of the drug teens, one swinging a gun like it was a club, also known as the bastard who knocked me into teh water. But back on track here, the river was deep as hell. And if I could touch the ground it was just muck and I'd still sink.
The water was raising up my body quickly, infact I was barely able to keep my shoulders over the surface. "Guys a little help!" My lower legs were submerged in the muck, and still going down. I was tilting my head up to keep my face above the water.
"Hold on!" Soap told me as he turned to get me. But he was a little late, I was spitting out river water and fighting to get air. Then I was completely under, the water blurry and clouded I couldn't see jackshit. I looked up at the surface not extremely fall away, but it was excaping me fast. I could only flail my arms trying to reach it. No luck.
I was running out of time, I needed to breath. I held it in for a few more moments then I gasped out, taking in water. Everything faded and went black.
Suddenly I was on the bank coughing and yacking up the mucky water. I couldn't see anything, one it was dark, and two everything was blurry. "Scarab are you alright?" The voice, I could barely reconize it. I blinked trying to get a grip, and figures formed. Those figures gained detail, I could makeout Soap and Gonzalo looming over me. Both with looks of consern.
I coughed again and drew in a breath, "Yah, I'm fine. Where did the drug dealers go?"
"The rest of the squad went with Price," Soap explained. "We stayed back to get you out of the river."
"That was some freaking sticky muck." I sighed as I sat up.
"It was quick sand." Gonzalo told me. "And you were sinking like a rock."
"Thanks," I said shyly as Soap pulled me up.
"Come on we have to catch up with the others," Soap reminded. And we were on the move again.
Well it could have been worse, I could have died. I could have mouth cancer, or lung cancer. Well maybe not lung cancer because I don't smoke like some of the others. Mouth cancer, well I didn't know what the chances of that happening are.
"Price, what's you statious, over?" Soap asked as we ran through the forest.
"We're moving west!" Price's static filled voice crackled back. Maybe it was because of my little swim.
"Rogar that, and the dealers?" Soap questioned as he ducked under a branch.
"We're on them, but we can't get a clear shot," Price imformed.
"I see if I can cut them out in any way," Gonzalo cut in. Then he dissapeared into the trees. A few minutes later we heard the sound of mini ozis firing.
"Nice shot, mate." Ghost chuckled over the comms. And then me and Soap came in to a clearing. Price and everyone was there examining the fallen teenage boys as they clutched their shins and groaned. Roach was going through the duffel bags.
"Damn we've got every kind of weed under the sun here guys," Roach sighed. "So are we gonna report this all in as evidence?"
"Well isn't it obvious?" I responded. "Of course we're gonna hand that in. What did you think we were gonna do? Smoke the shite?"
"I never know with some of you," Roach yawned.
"Great," Gonazalo said. "Now we just have to hand them in." One of Gonzalo's men asked him something and he replied in Spainish. He turned back to us, "Well these buys were our biggest offenders, if you want I can come with you guys."
"That'd be great," Price told him. "We're going to Moscow next, we need to get imformation on Makarovs next assualt. And I think we can find something there."
"Great," Gonzalo near chirped. "When will we be leaving?'
"Tomorrow if the weather ccooperates." Nikolai explained.
So we went back to the headquarters after turning in the band of teen drug dealers. I laid on my bed but didn't fall asleep, just too many thoughts were swimming in my mind.


A/N: Okay we've got some action. Well sorta. I fail! 

Well at least we're getting somewhere.

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