Plan B -P95-

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  When Price came back in, he looked to everyone, "Guys, he might have a few leads on who is the other traidor. He has them lined up so that we can check. We need to get back to the base imidiantly."

Soap's expression saddened a little, "I'll see you soon Scarab. Hang in there."

I nodded quietly as I waited everyone leave, but Heatstroke. "I'm sorry Scarab."

"For what?" I asked.

Her face pained as she began, "I should have seen Dunn's betrayal before hand. I figured somethign was off, but I didn' take it seriously. If I only figured out earlier, then you might not be here."

"Heatstroke, I only jumped in to save you, and when he shot me it was completely_"

"I saw him shoot, and I should of stopped him, I should have jumped in when he was aiming at MacTavish. I don't know what I was thinking, I just couldn't. I couldn't do anything until it was too late."

"Don't beat yourself up," I told her. "Now go, you have one other arsehole to take care of."

She smiled lightly and left me, and I just laid my head back to rest.


We returned to the base and were ushered to a room that looked like a police line up. Six people were up against the wall and staring at us. Coronel Marchel asked, "You had somewhat of a discription on who he was, and these are the closest guesses on who he is. Any of them look like it?"

I glanced face to face, but no one looked of the man. I had to give the rangers credit for havign a ot of Rangers who looked like Dunn. But these guys weren't him, I knew they weren't.

"Sorry, they aren't the man." I shook my head in slight disappointment.

"That's a shame," Coronel Marchel sighed. "Maybe I should_" And right there the door opened.

"Sir, I got Dunn's junk, now what should I_?" His voice fell silent as he saw me, he was the bastard! He was the son of bitch who stabbed me! I knew the too calm expression of a stoner ANYWHERE!

"That's him! He's the hijo de puta who abducted me from the cafe! He's also on marajiana!" I shouted with a finger pointed at him.

"Get him." The Coronel's voice was low and stead, yet we could tell he was angry.

With that the guy dropped the box he was carrying and bolted as Ramirez and a different Ranger took off after him! The sound of two gun shots were heard and we all ran out to see Ramirez and the Ranger on the ground.

"Ramirez! Don't die!" Foley exclaimed.

Ramirez coughed harshly and moved his hand away from his chest, reveiling the burtal wound of a shotgun. With his last raspy breath, he told him, "Thanks for the consern asshole." Then he went limp, eyes rolled back and everything.

Foley blinked, "Am I really an asshole?"

"Well from how some of us saw you treat him, and his complaining about you, yes." A Ranger answered.

I kneeled down and closed the man's eyelids muttering, "Descanse en paz."

"He's much more dangerous than I expected. Captain MacTavish, could you go after him with your men? We don't have much time, go!"

"Yes we could, and we will," Soap answered and we all went after him.

We broke in a mad dash after him, only to see him jump the fence and hop in a jeep then hit the gas to excape, we were five steps ahead, as we were also getting in the jeeps and driving after him.

Roach hit the gas on the first car and we swirved on the road, having to weave through cars, mostly full of obnoctious drivers. The lisences plate on most said Massachutes.

Heatstroke looked back and shouted, "Hey get outta the state and get your asses back to Boston will yah?"

"I'll take it you hate the people from Massachutes," Roach retorted.

"They're suck ass drivers!" She answered. "I can make a list of all the actidents I've been or seen in which a Masshole CAUSED!"

"Masshole?" Hawk repeated.

"You know, it's a nickname of those who live in different states." Heatstroke explained. "Like people in Maine are Maniacs, people from Virginia are Virgins, Vermont people are Vermine, and Roade Island people are Rodents."

"Are we really discusing this?" Soap snapped in the comms. "Focus on the target! We can't afford to lose him!"

"Gonzalo, Hawk! See if you can get a clear shot!" Price barked.

So we both whipped out our guns, well my mini ozies and shot gun would prove impractical, so Lefty handed me a sniper rifle from the front seat. I was aiming down my sights when a huge truck came in front of us. "¡Mierda!" I snapped. "A truck blocked the view! I can't get a clear shot!"

"Bollocks! He's going off road!" Ghost shouted. I looked every which way trying to see him, and there he went, crashing into a tree and ditching the jeep to run.

"Let's move, we can't lose him!" Price said. "Everyone out of the cars! Let's move!"

I handed Lefty back the rifle and whipped out my shotgun, everyoen stopped the jeeps and we went after him. the thick tree line disguising him very well.

"Where the bloody hell are we?" Ghost asked as our pace slowed.

I grabbed my GPS out of my coat pocket and found we were near the town which I was kidnapped from and everything. "We're nearing the town! Are you ready?"

"Let's do this." Ghost replied.  


  Now we see the other traidor! WHOOT! And crap, Ramirez is dead.

Insert awesome chase scene here. This is turning epic. Sorry about the cliffhanger though.

Gonzalo translation.
Descanse en paz means "rest in peace" if I'm wrong then it's because this was goggle translate.
¡Mierda! means "shit". This one came from Ladnir.

(Current Me Note: So I meant to mention this after these last few chapters (or maybe I did and just forgot about it), but the location they're in is very heavily based on where I grew up. The world in the mind of a 13 y/o is a very small place.)  

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