Plan B -P15-

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Everyone stood there and stared at the dead medic who sat limply in the chair against the restraints. Everyone was trying to think who this person was, this person who hired this Makarov guy. So far I had a list of suspects, some random Russian General, A random Russian terriorist who's name begins with G, or some pyhco in Britian who wanted us dead.
Fianlly Meat announced, "This Makarov guy is real guys, he's on the top of the internation most wanted list, for terrorism. I'm just surprised we never heard of him before."
"We have to tell General Shepard about_" Soap started but was cut of by Shepard bursting in.
"What happened?" He question as he leaped in the room, he was about to add something else but noticed Soap, Ghost, Roach, Meat, Royce, and I stnding in the room with the dead medic. He looked at everyone and stuttered out, "Oh uh, good job I heard from someone that there was a lot of screaming going on here so I came to check it out." He then stared at me, his eyes only spoke of shock and disbelif, "And Scarab, it's good it see you've recovered." There was much disapointment masked in his voice. Well now I should just add his to my list of suspects.
'Likely story,' I thought. I sighed, "And you just ran in unarmed? I'm sorry but that's one of the stupidest things I seen anyone do."
"No I wasn't unarmed," Shepard disagreed as he pulled a gun out. "I stopped at the armory first."
"Why were you here in the first place, doesn't the U.S. have enough problems to keep you busy?"
"Well yah," He suspitiously grinned. "That's kind of why I came. Some Russian terrorists are holding up a building and_"
"Whoa whoa whoa!" I interupted. "Don't you have your own military you can use? How bout homeland security? Did you forget that number?"
"She's got you there," Meat agreed. "Why is it that we are the first people you call when something goes wrong?"
"Uh 'cause I want the job done right," He pointed out.
"Well have fate in your own troops," Royce told him. "They are trained to get problems resolved."
Shepard grumbled something nocould heard but myself, "And blows that chance of getting rid of you."
I stared wide eyed at him and was try to repeat the words in my head, making sure I hear what I did. My heart raced as I thought for a moment, "You-You're a traidor!"
Shepard raised his hands defencivly, "Okay now I'm not! What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I heard you!" I snapped. "You said 'and blows that chance of getting rid of you'!"
"It's been a long month," Shepard sighed shaking his head. "And sometimes all that stress can build up. If you need to take some time off then that's fine but_"
"But nothing!" I yelled. "I heard what I heard! And I know you said it!" I glared at him then looked at the faces of my squad members, they just stared in shock. Soap's face was the most agrivating, he didn't know who to believe.
He stepped up and lightly put a hand on my shoulder, "Scarab, it has been a tough time for everyone. And maybe it's best if you do just relax for a bit_"
"But I know I heard him say it!" I shouted furiously. "He's plotting against us all!"
"Get her out of here," Shepard told Meat and Royce soildly. "Make sure that she gets some help."
Both Meat and Royce grabs my arms and started to lead me out, I wanted to kill that man, I whipped around and jumped at him. But before I could do any damage Royce pried me off and he and Meat pulled me out.
I shouted and tried breaking free, but they didn't let up. They tossed me in a truck and told the driver to take me to a mental hospital, as direct orders of General Shepard. The drive was long and the door opened after an hour then I was dragged into a building. I was sething with anger as they threw me into a room and locked the door, I sat there on the floor staring a the door. Finally I punched the floor and screamed, "Shepard's a traidor!!! You have to believe me!" Then broke into tears.
Soon my crying turned into sobbing and I was laying on the ground on my side as I whimpered, "You have to believe me..." Then fell asleep.

MeanWhile (Soap)
Seeing Scarab get dragged out was just painful, I felt like I let her down. But I didn't think Shepard was going to betray us, and wondered how she got that idea in her head. I didn't want to do much of anything, and finally I choice to pay her a visit.
The drive was an hour long and when I reached the place I was told that I needed ID, so I did and went in as a visitor. I was lead down to a room and the person unlocked the door where Scarab was in. She laid on the floor in a puddle of fluid, it wasn't red but it wasn't a thick as drowl would be. I nudged her shoulder and she was instantly awake, and punched me in the face. Scarab just stared at me in shock for a long second and yelped, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I thought you were one of the theripists!"
I rubbed my jaw and sighed, "It's alright. I guess I kind of diserve it. I'm sorry you got dragged into here."
"Yah sure you are," She hissed before turning away with crossed arms. "If you were then you would have said something when Shepard told Meat and Royce to bring me here."
"What was I supost to say," I agrued. "'Oh Scarab must be telling the truth let's believe her'? You have to admit that it sounds stupid!"
"Then what do you know," Scarab yelled hysterically. "If you cared then you would have stopped Meat and Royce!"
"I do care," I snapped. "If I didn't then I wouldn't have come! I wouldn't have even tried to contact somehow! I guess I should have talked them out of it but I'm sorry!"
"Oh you don't do anything to prevent me from getting in here, don't believe me with actual facts, but atleast you're sorry!" Scarab screamed angerily.
"You know what," I told her fermly. "Forget it! I'm leaving! Call me when you've got some sense back!"
"Call me when you realize I was right!" Scarab shouted as I left the door and it closed behind me. I rubbed my temples and sighed, wondering now if being with her was worth this.
I drove back to the barracks and layed down face first in my bed screaming swears into the pillow, all I wanted was to get these questions answered. But now I wasn't sure if I wanted to know anymore.


A/N: Okay this is when Scarab first caught on to Shepard's plan. But sadly no one believes her, You can guess who pissed she is. Well if anyone pisses her off then then best to wish they return with their bodies intacted.

(Current Me Note: Fun fact, I used to post this on the scripts and screenplays section on DeviantART. I guess I really didn't really know what those were at the time.)

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