Plan B -P59-

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We were all told to either split the two guest rooms avalible or make do on the counch, so we took the guest rooms. I was still amazed at how friendly Nikolai's family was, and yet, I still had my suspitions. But this is what happens when you lead a hard life, you become paranoid.
It was near six in the evening when someone else came in. Jelena went to answer the door, and I in the mean time, got ready to attack Makarov if he came through. The door opened to show everyone that it was a teenage boy, tall but there was some muscule, kinda wirey actually. His hair the same brown as Irina's, but cropped shortish and under a navy beanie hat. He was wearing a large, bulky, black coat and a pair of jeans. Levis I think. THe all too similiar to Jelena and Irina eyes scanned the room, falling on us TF members.
He looked to Nikolai and asked something, now that I was hearing Russian everywhere I was picking up a little bit, but not enough to decode what he said. They had a small conversation before Nikolai pat the guy on the back.
"Guy's this is my nephew, Fador." Nikolai told us gesturing to the teen. I could see Fador's face light up with acnologment to his name said.
"They're your friends, Uncle Nik," Fador asked, and guess what, sweet English! He carried the same accent all English speaking Russians have, so I couldn't help but grin.
"Yes," Nikolai nodded, I was still thinking of ways to joke about 'Uncle Nik' maybe Roach would. Nikolai wouldn't hear the end of this for a while. "We were in a helicopter when someone shot it down. After we were stuck hiking until your father found us."
"So who are they," Fadorquestioned with a thumb pointed at everyone military.
"These are the people who were in the crash with me," Nikolai explained. ANd after that he listed us by first name, I couldn't help but be releavied because if these people get word a lot they would know SOap and Price were still wanted.
"So their in the military or something," Fador pointed to the union jacks on some of our sleeves and I grinned. "Do they have any nicknames or something?"
"One question at a time," Nikolai joked. "Yes they are from the military, British actually." I was gonna have to kil_ er I mean talk to him about secracy later. "And most of them do. You could ask them I guess I'd hate to be the mouth of this whole introduction."
"Brits," Fador was pondering for a moment. "I hear that one of the reagments they had got whipped out. Did you know them?"
"Well yes we did," Soap answered trying to be as calm as possible about being questioned. My only hope here was they are secretly armed, or telling Makarov our location or anything like that. "Some of us were good friends with them."
"What were they like," Fador went on. "Do you know what happened to them."
"It's a long story," I sighed.
Fador grew a mile wide smile and eagerly said, "I'd like to hear it."
Alek scratched his head for a moment and near chuckled, "And what happened to the I-don't did-two-craps-for-my-uncles-job teenager?" Oh he speaks English too? This makes my life SO much easier.
"What," Fador shrugged. "I heard about that regement getting whipped out and so I was doing research." A moment later after he thought he looked at all of us again and practically gasped, " You are them, aren't you?!"
Roach let his hand fly up and smack his face as he muttered swears. Soap looked away with Price, Heatstroke scooted away from Fador, Ghost pulled his sunglasses up his nose, and I bit my lip. Finally Nikolai told him, "Yes they are."
Wow, I was seriously gonna have a talk with him about 'personal imformation'. But Fador looked at at all of us and asked, "So what happened?"
"Yah I'd like to hear it," Alek agreed.
I let out a long sigh and we all sat down so that I, Soap, Price, and so on could tell the story. Soap started off, "This all started with one single mission. General Shepard, you may or may not know him, sent me and Scarab," He pointed to me. "To Azerbaijan to get rid of a new weapon the enemy made, and to copy the lans to know what we might have been dealing with. But on the second day of the mission everything flew south. I was captured after we were discovered."
"And if it weren't for me finding a way into the base he might be dead now," Nikolai reminded. "You see I disguised myself as an interrogator and made a small conversation with Soap as a cover up. It worked. And later I broke him out, Scarab broke into the base and distoried the weapon, and I get him the plans on the way out. We got on my helicopter and flew away. But that crashed."
"What's with you and crashing helos," Alek chuckled.
"We were shot down, and had to wait the night before another one came to get us. By the time we were picked up, Scarab had come down with something."
"Pnemonia," I corrected. "That was scary. And I was stuck in an imfermery for a week, not fun when most of that time is spent coughing your lungs out. But the moment I was seen sick he wanted to give up. But when I got better, it turned out he was simply a mercinary, when we tried to figure out who he died before he told us. But I had my suspitons. When Shepard came in and tried to get us to go and take care of matters in the U.S. we had to remind him that he still has American troops. Right there I heard him muttering about his attempt to get rid of us. I knew right there he was trying to kill us. But no one believed me."
"Scarab was dragged out and taken away to an asylum." Soap went on. "And I went to visit, and when I saw her, she might as well be half crazy. But she was right, Shepard was planning something and we didn't listen. After an agruement I left."
"And in the asylum I made a narrow excape before the guards caught up and used their creepy technecs to get me to think none of that whole Shepard being a traidor thing never happened. It worked, for all of about a couple of hours, Roach tried to remind me. But I really remembered when Soap told me. But this was short lived, because soon he reach me again, shot me, made me look even crazier. Hell the bullet wound was proof enough, but still no one would listen. He hid when ever I saw his prepare to assassinate someone, so my hands were tied.
"I had to find a way to tell them, but soon he made Ghost interrogate me. Sorta anyways, he found out I was telling the truth nd Shepard made sure we wouldn't remember a thing. After I was in a haze for a day or two, but it ended up in him sending me and Heatstroke on a mission to secure intel on Makarov." The family grew even more silent when the name was said. "We snuck in, got the intel and left, but we were chased by Makarov's men and soon it went to a car chase. Within minutes I tried to contact Soap, but he didn't listen then. And right there my closest friend was shot, she was dead, or so I thought."
"Meanwhile Shepard took me away from the Task Force, and used hiking as a cover up. He sliced me up with a knife and brought me back, said a bear did it. But worst of all he used a devise, a mind probe." Soap continued. I healed up fast and soon found out that me and Roach would have to go invade a base to secure an ACS module."
"While he was back at the barracks I was wounded and running. ANd Shepard finally caught up, he and I got in a fight. It ended in him shooting me in the chest, but it missed anything important." I finished off.
"And she managed to call me." Nikolai grinned. "I saved her from a bloody, sandy demise and we hid out for a bit while she healed. When she was up for it we headed to Brazil to aid in an extraction plan. Soap had figured America's hands would be tied, so he planed ahead. After a norrow excape, I dropped them off at a sub."
"We invaded some oilrigs where they were using the workers as human sheilds, we had to get past them to get a gulag in order to find someone." Ghost went on. "After taking them out and securing the hostages we wre at the gulag, where we found out that this Prisoner 627 was actually Price. After we were in a sub base, and had to get rid of it."
"And how's this have anything to do with anything?" Fador asked.
"It makes sense in teh end," Price told him. "Shepard didn't want me to launch one of the nukes it had. But I did so that I could start an EMP and blow the Russian invades in the U.S. outta the sky. But I wasn't gonna tell Ghost and the others that. I knew they'd refuse to help."
"Bloody right we would have," Ghost groaned.
"I was providing secret sniper support from the cliffs, best part was they didn't even know. I saw Price launch the nuke, and I knew something bad was coming."
"Shepard had us separate," Ghost came in. "Soap and Price took a junk yard for planes, while Roach adn I took a safehouse in the Cuascous Mountains. We got Makarovs intel after being hammered down. When we reached the LZ Roach was hit by a motar and I had to drag him the rest of the way. But when SHepard landed he shot us both and threw us in a ditch, had his men pour gasoline on us and we could only watch him throw a cigarette on us."
"The jerk," Roach grumbled.
"But we even survived that," Ghost went on. "I had called Nikolai. But it shocked me with the fact that Scarab was alive. We healed at the safehouse and we could only wait until the rest of what remeained of the Task Force showed."
"Me and Price we stuck being turned on," Soap explained. "I thought Ghost and ROach were dead. But that was as far as I knew. We hunted Shepard down. He got lucky and stabbed me, but Price ended challanging to a fist fight. I ended up pulling the knife out and throwing it at his when things went south. Went right in his eye and he was dead. But we were wanted. We arrived at the safehouse, got captured. Gonzalo saved us, we then went to Columbia to deal with a band of drug dealers, and we were on our way to get rid of Makarov. We met this girl I met in Brazil but she turned out to be a traidor, a mercinary working for Makarov. We were captured and we interrogated her, so we were on our way to Kabul when we were shot down and badly hurt. Later that was when Alek and Lev found us."
"Which all leads up to this," I finished up. How's that for explaining things.
Everyone nodded in understanding as they soaked all this in. I could tell Fador was fasinated by the fact that we were still hunting Makarov. And soon we were answering questions. If you wanna know then read the last million chapters!


A/N: Okay so this is where they meet Fador, Nikolai's nephew. He's alright. Very curious about them, I guess we all would if we met a group of people who were thought to be dead.

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